Unearthing Ancient Wisdom Part 2

With the resonance of our shared conviction still hanging in the air, I stood before my advisors, the weight of destiny pressing upon my shoulders. "To each of you," I began, my voice steady and infused with purpose, "I entrust a fragment of our future. Your expertise shall be the pillars upon which we build an empire not seen since the age of wonders."

My gaze fell first upon Sir Alaric, whose prowess in military strategy was matched only by his unyielding loyalty. "Alaric," I said, handing him a sheaf of parchment, whereupon were marked the formations and tactics described in the ancient tome. "You will adapt these strategies for our Crimson Army. Weave them into our doctrine, that we may confound our enemies and protect our kin."

"By your command, my God King," he responded, accepting the charge with a resolute nod.