The“First” Met

It was a momentous day for Tang Qing, a finance sophomore searching for the new job. Her tireless efforts had finally paid off - she had landed a coveted position at PEC, the world's leading financial powerhouse. As she stepped through the grand revolving doors of the towering PEC headquarters, a mix of excitement and nervousness swirled within her.

The company's legacy was steeped in tradition and innovation, passed down through the esteemed Yan family generations. Its founder, Yan Xicheng, was a visionary aristocrat born in the 1960s. He had paved the way for his son, Yanchu, to take the reins and propel PEC to unprecedented heights. Yanchu, hailed as the "Financial Genius" among his peers, possessed a Midas touch - anything that passed through his capable hands was destined for success.

However, the true legend of the Yan dynasty resided in its youngest heir, Yanyan. If his grandfather was a financial luminary, then Yanyan was the stuff of legends among legends. Some whispered that he was merely a university student, while others claimed he had orchestrated his meteoric rise from the beginning. Shrouded in mystery, Yanyan's exploits were the subject of hushed speculation, with little concrete information filtering through the secrecy surrounding him.

As Tang Qing approached the designated gathering room, her heart fluttered with excitement and trepidation. She was greeted by a warm smile from Li Xi, a poised and graceful young woman who seemed to exude confidence.

"Hello, I'm Tang Qing," she introduced herself, her voice tinged with a hint of sweet timidity.

"Are you nervous?" Li Xi asked, her eyes reflecting genuine concern. "It's your first day, after all."

Tang Qing's lips curved into a small, endearing smile, revealing the delicate dimples at the corners of her mouth.

"It's a little nerve-wracking, but I'm just going to let things unfold naturally."

A stern, commanding voice suddenly silenced the lively chatter in the room. Cici, the deputy manager of the finance department, strode into the room, her elegant black dress accentuating her striking presence.

"Okay, everyone, please listen up," Cici said, her gaze sweeping across the room.

"First, let's get familiar with the company map I've provided."

Cici's expression grew serious as the department members and interns studied the map.

"At PEC, we pride ourselves on being meticulous and rigorous. I hope you all will be extra careful and try your best to avoid mistakes. We allow one mistake, but the second time..." She paused dramatically, creating a palpable sense of unease.

"What will happen?" a bespectacled boy asked, his voice laced with trepidation.

Cici's gaze hardened. "You will not be spared." She emphasized, "And no one can go to the 32nd floor. That's an absolute must."

The group quickly introduced themselves, and it was Tang Qing's turn. Her voice was calm and composed, yet her smile hinted at endearing contradictions.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Tang Qing, a phd finance student at Qw University. I'm so glad to meet you all, and I look forward to your guidance and advice."

As the group made their way to the 30th floor, they passed by a striking young man, his fair skin and piercing blue eyes capturing the attention of everyone present. 

"Was that Yanyan?" one of the boys whispered, his eyes wide with awe.

"Shhh, don't even think about it," another cautioned, recalling Cici's strict warning.

Tang Qing, however, recognized the young man immediately. She knew better than to draw unwanted attention to herself on her first day. This was a person not to be trifled with, and she was determined to make a good impression and avoid any unnecessary complications.

A palpable sense of anticipation and trepidation filled the air as the elevator doors closed. Tang Qing's heart was also a little uneasy because she recognized that the person just now was Yan Yan.

The group reached the 30th floor and was greeted by a bustling open-plan office. Employees were engrossed in their work, the sound of fingers tapping on keyboards and the occasional murmur of conversation filling the air.

Cici led them to a designated area where a group of desks had been set up for the interns. "This is your workspace for the duration of your internship," she announced. "I expect you all to be diligent and efficient in your tasks. Mistakes are not tolerated, and the 32nd floor is strictly off-limits."

The interns nodded in understanding, their eyes wide with excitement and trepidation.

Tang Qing soon immersed herself in her work when she settled into her desk; she wanted to quickly prove her worth to the team as this experience was valuable to her and every intern. She learned to tackle complex financial analyses from her colleague Chen Qie. "For here, how can we get the solution?"Tang Qing asked. "We need to find the information from the customers first, then we try to sum up the value in this list; now you see, it is over there."Chen Qie patiently explained he felt the spirit of youth and passion from Tang Qing.

Tang Qing tried to work on the procedures taught by Chen Que and hoped that she could find the solution soon, but it did not seem that easy. "It is tough; oh no, I made a mistake here."Tang Qing said. "Hey, maybe you should take a break; you have worked for more than 3 hours nonstop," Cici said, and she led Tang Qing to the pantry; there was another manager, Lee, and He was standing in a secluded corner, engrossed in a conversation with a senior executive.

When Lee saw Tang Qing, he nodded, greeted her, and walked out with the senior executive. "Don't mind, he's just a workaholic." Cici joked. "I can see it," Tang Qing replied. The two looked at each other and smiled. After spending a long time together, Tang Qing felt that cici was humorous and not as severe as imagined.

"Let's have lunch together in the afternoon," Cici said. "Okay, manager." Tang Qing saluted with a severe face, making Cici smile. "You girl." Cici knocked Tang Qing on the forehead.



Tangqing walked into the employee cafeteria with Li Zhi Xi, and they scanned the room, quickly spotting Manager Cici in a corner.

"Manager Cici, there you are!" Tangqing and Li Xi greeted her with a bright smile.

"So glad guys could join me!" Cici replied warmly. "How's your first day going so far?"

"It's been wonderful!" Tangqing said enthusiastically as she sat down. "I've learned so much already, and the work is engaging."

"That's great to hear," Cici said, "How about you? Li Xi?"

"I have no idea how to analyze the ratio, but I think I will get it soon, haha."Li Xi said.

"Ok, you may ask me if you wish," Cici said. "Have you tried the roasted chicken? It's quite delicious."

"Maybe let's try it now!" Tangqing said.

Cici chuckled, "Great. I wish to have some, too."

Li Xi stayed silent, and Cici spoke up again. "So tell me, Tangqing, what are your goals for this internship? I'd love to hear more about your aspirations."

Tangqing's eyes lit up. "Well, I hope to gain as much hands-on experience as possible. I want to learn all the ins and outs of this industry and see how the business operates day-to-day."

Cici nodded approvingly. "That's a wonderful attitude. I'm sure you'll get that and more during your time here."

Li Xi didn't speak again until lunch was almost over. She felt that Tang Qing had stolen her limelight.