Chapter 6 Stay away from my boyfriend

"You dare to hit me!" Wu Gang covered his nose and pointed at Jiehong Ge angrily, "Believe it or not, I'm going to find someone to kill you!"

At this time, Li Xuan ran out, "What are you doing!"

Li Xuan said with two hands He pulled away and asked Wu Gang to wait outside. He pulled Jiehong Ge into the house and closed the door.

She did this just to separate the two and prevent them from fighting again.

Li Xuan was holding a shopping bag in her hand, loading it with the clothes she had just taken out of the closet. While packing, she asked casually.

"Why are we still fighting? Jiehong Ge, are you doing it for me?"

"It has nothing to do with you!" Jiehong Ge said with a hint of disgust. Then he asked: "Did you sleep with him?"

Li Xuan smiled, "Didn't you just say that it has nothing to do with me? .... What I do with him really has nothing to do with you. As long as you know, he can give me Yes, you can't give it." As she said that, she raised her hand and showed the lady's watch in her hand. "Look, I just bought it yesterday. It cost more than 20,000 yuan."

Jiehong Ge turned away and didn't look at her. , "You go, I don't want to see you again."

Li Xuan picked up the shopping bag, turned and walked towards the door. Just after opening the door halfway, she stopped again.

Her eyes fell on a pair of creamy white women's high heels in the corner of the room.

Lin Yun had taken them off when she was dancing. The heels were too high and it was inconvenient. She danced barefoot.

"Whose high heels are those?" Li Xuan asked curiously.

"My girlfriend's."

"Your girlfriend?" Li Xuan showed an expression of disbelief, "That's the latest model for spring and summer this year. It's more expensive than my watch! And it just appeared at the new product launch conference. Money may not buy it!"

"You didn't buy it for me, right?"

"Can you stop being so sentimental and just let me run away with the guy and not get a new girlfriend?"

"Is it just you? Can you afford a girl like this? Who is your girlfriend? "

Jiehong Ge doesn't want to get involved with her, let alone expose Lin Yun. She said perfunctorily: "She's not here!"

Li Xuan looked at Jiehong Ge with disdain, "I knew you were bragging!"

At the door, Wu Gang covered his bloody nose and spat out unconvinced: "Look at how good he is at being a dick. I'm not a girlfriend! I'm in the clothing business and I know a lot about shoes. These shoes look genuine. I wonder where he stole them!" When

Jiehong Ge saw him like that, he really wanted to punch him twice.

But at this time, the bathroom door opened.

Lin Yun walked out, wearing Jiehong Ge's house slippers. This did not affect her temperament at all, and even made her more approachable.

"That's enough! I won't let you insult Jiehong Ge anymore!"

Lin Yun looked very serious and said angrily to Li Xuan and Wu Gang: "These shoes are my shoes! I am Jiehong Ge's girlfriend!"

Li Xuan and Wu Gang stood on the spot in shock.

"It's Lin Yun!!!"

Is Lin Yun his girlfriend? ? ? ! ! !

The beautiful woman who is known as the national goddess and a popular movie star on the screen... is actually Jiehong Ge's girlfriend! ! In the eyes of the two of them, this was more shocking than the sky falling. It was simply unbelievable!

Lin Yun continued: "I wore these shoes only after the brand asked me to do so. I don't need to buy them myself. Unlike some people, I can't even buy them with money! I want a good man like Jiehong Ge." Thank you for giving him to me."

"Please stay away from my boyfriend from now on!" Lin Yun said and hugged Jiehong Ge's arm, as if she was afraid that others would take him away.

Li Xuan and Wu Gang were both shocked and speechless, and at the same time they were also deeply suffocated by Lin Yun's aura.

She was very angry when she lost her temper.

"Please leave my and my boyfriend's home! Immediately!" Lin Yun issued an eviction order to the two of them.

Li Xuan walked out, her steps a little sluggish, and she had not yet recovered from the shock.

She was wondering, could Jiehong Ge hide his identity in some shocking way? I missed a treasure! {}

She suddenly felt extremely regretful, the kind of regret that she wished she could strangle herself to death.

Jiehong Ge opened the door, it should have been! The door closed with a bang, but the door was blocked by a hand, Wu Gang's hand.

He blocked the door with one hand and took out his mobile phone with the other hand, actually wanting to take a picture of Lin Yun in the room.

Jiehong Ge snatched his phone away and saw that he hadn't taken the photo yet. He had just turned on the camera and hadn't pressed the shutter button yet.

Jiehong Ge turned off the camera and threw the phone on the ground outside the door! The door closed with a bang.

"Hey! My cell phone!..." Wu Gang's roar came from outside the door.

"You kid, stay with me on the phone!..."

"Okay, let's go!" It was the voice of Li Xuan pulling Wu Gang away.

"Wait for me! This matter is not over!..." Wu Gang's voice became farther and farther away, and after the last shout, there was no movement outside.

Jiehong Ge opened the door and took a look. There was no one in the corridor.

"Annoying guy! Finally left." Jiehong Ge closed the door and returned to the house.

Then he sat on the bed without saying a word.

Seeing this, Lin Yun came over and comforted her gently: "What's the matter? Are you still angry?"

"No, I'm just a little annoyed by them."

"Okay, don't be annoyed, they've all left, right? " "

To be honest, I was scared when that man tried to take a picture

of me. Fortunately, you protected me!" "You were so brave when you protected me just now! And the way you threw his phone at the end was really cool. " It's so refreshing!"

Lin Yun described the scene just now happily, and Jiehong Ge felt much better after being coaxed by her.

With this girlfriend who can comfort you when you are angry, Jiehong Ge's depression will not last at all.

"Haha... I just punched him! I have practiced Muay Thai before, and this punch was very strong. I think that idiot's nose was crooked."

"You are so violent! But... .I like it~" Lin Yun sat next to Jiehong Ge, raised her hands on her chin, tilted her head and looked at Jiehong Ge with a look of admiration on her face, as if Jiehong Ge was his hero.

Jiehong Ge smiled and rubbed her head, "You were very scary when you were angry just now. You were so menacing."

Lin Yun raised her head and said with an arrogant look on her face: "Humph! I'm not someone to be trifled with either . , I will let him know what it means to be a man if he offends me! As for the momentum... I actually learned it from some senior actors when I was filming. That's how powerful they are when they act. Here! I'll take you to experience it up close if you have the chance."

Jiehong Ge nodded: "Yes."

He stood up and looked out the window, as if he thought of something,

"I think that man will definitely look for trouble. I guess after he looks at his nose, he will definitely come back to look for opportunities to steal." If he takes photos of you secretly, he will make big news again."

"It's okay, I'm not afraid anyway!" Lin Yun looked unconcerned.

"No...I'm still not ready for that kind of famous day." Jiehong Ge said helplessly.

Lin Yun asked: "What should we do?"

At this time, Jiehong Ge's cell phone rang.