Chapter 14 The 500,000 bounty arrives

The person on the other side of the phone hesitated for a moment and said: "Son, if you think about it this way, dad really didn't support you in vain. I'm wanted now and can't go out, so just come to me. Let me tell you, it's a good idea for dad to hide in this position!" They will never find it in ten lifetimes."

This made Jiehong Ge very curious: "Where are you?"

Zhang Mousan said proudly on the phone: "I'm digging at your grandfather's grave. The pit is covered with stones so that no one can see it. This is a cemetery, and occasionally people come to visit the graves and bring some offerings. Not to mention that the meat and wine I have here are better than what I eat at home. Come here quickly. Bring some paper money when you come. If someone asks you what you are doing, just say it is for your grandfather's grave."


hanging up the phone, Jiehong Ge felt excited.

"Finally I know where you are!!"

Although Jiehong Ge didn't know where the graveyard he was talking about was, the police definitely knew it. They could find it out with just one search!

Jiehong Ge directly dialed the police report phone number.

"Hey, I want to report a crime. I saw the wanted notice you posted. I know the specific location of Zhang Mousan! It's at his father's gravesite!"

This call immediately attracted attention, and the operator immediately notified the relevant personnel. Four police cars immediately set off for the cemetery.

The call is still being answered.

"Can you tell me more specific information? Did you personally see Zhang Mousan at his father's graveyard?"

As for the rest, Jiehong Ge couldn't say much because it's hard to explain.

But Jiehong Ge is not afraid of investigation. No matter how he investigates, Jiehong Ge has nothing to do with criminals.

Jiehong Ge said: "A friend of mine told me. My friend was too timid to report the crime, so I reported the crime. I don't know the specific situation, but I will tell you anyway."

"Then please provide me with your information. " Do you have my friend's contact information? I want to contact him here. Don't worry, I just want to ask a few questions. "

"My friend is timid, he won't let me talk, and he doesn't want to get involved in anything."

"Oh, okay. , we understand and respect the choice of you and your friends. The police have been sent to the place you mentioned. Please leave a contact information. If the clues you provide are true and valid, we will give you the amount on the wanted order. Bonus."

"Just this mobile phone number."

"Okay, what is your name? Don't worry, we will keep all your information confidential." After leaving his name, Jiehong


hung up. Telephone.

The next day, Jiehong Ge received a call from 110. It was the voice of the sister operator yesterday, saying that the suspect Zhang Mousan had been caught.

Jiehong Ge was also very happy when he heard this. This is a good thing!

Then the other party asked for Jiehong Ge's bank card number and hung up the phone. After a while, Jiehong Ge received the transfer information.

Your account with the last number 2108 occurred (inter-bank real-time remittance transaction) RMB 500,000.00 at 09:12, and the account available balance is RMB 500,209.01.

"Ten thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand...five hundred thousand!!!"

The 500,000 was directly received! ! !

"Good guy!!!" Jiehong Ge was greatly shocked by this efficiency.

"This is too fast!!"

All of a sudden, there are 500,000, which is not much at all for some wealthy people.

But for Jiehong Ge, this is a huge sum of money! ! !

Calculated at four to five thousand a month, it would take him more than ten years of work to earn this much money! !

And according to the actual situation, after excluding living expenses, there is nothing left in January, basically just moonshine. It is really difficult for him to save this amount of money.

But now, just by making a few phone calls, I have made money!

And it's completely legal!

Not only is it legal, it's also a meaningful thing to do!

Jiehong Ge turned on his phone, and a local news message came over. The criminal suspect Zhang Mousan has been arrested and brought to justice!

Jiehong Ge opened it and took a look at it. As he looked around, he felt like he had hidden merit and fame. He was so happy!

After watching it for a while, I still felt that I still had something to say.

Save the news and read it every day.

"500,000 yuan, what should I do?"

Jiehong Ge thought, his mobile phone has been used for two years, and he has never been willing to replace it. When he bought it, it was a relatively cheap thousand yuan phone. Now the configuration has completely lagged behind. Now he can Just buy the top one, the top version, the flagship model!

"Let's buy a new mobile phone for my parents."

My parents are from rural areas and have never used good mobile phones. Now I can buy a good mobile phone for each of them. How happy they are.

Then Jiehong Ge thought again, if he reported a few more people with bounties, wouldn't it be easy to earn a million a month?

Millions are possible!

But Jiehong Ge thought again and gave up the idea.

After all, reporting once or twice is okay, but if you report more, it will definitely arouse suspicion.

In fact, there are many ways to make money. There is no need to use this one all the time. Safety is the most important.

Now that he has 500,000 yuan in hand, he feels that he is not short of money. He will talk about it later.

After thinking about it, Jiehong Ge decided to go to the company.

When he had no money, Jiehong Ge hated going to work.

Now that I have money, the feeling of going to work is different.

As a salesperson at the lowest level, I used to always consider performance, commissions, promotions... I was under a lot of pressure.

Now, don't think about that at all.

client? Damn, who are the customers? Whether you like to buy or not, I don't care.

Supervisor, manager, what are they? If you dare to scold me, I can criticize you ten times.

No pressure at all!

Speaking of the company, there is one person who makes Jiehong Ge very angry when he thinks about it!

It is their current supervisor - Wang Jianli.

At first glance, the name looks good, it is tenacious and has a very beautiful meaning.

But colleagues often call him a homophonic name - bitch.

Wang Jianli was once an ordinary salesman like them.

But he had an uncle who was a department manager, Wang Caili, who promoted him to become a supervisor.

As for some work matters, it's okay if he doesn't take care of them too much.

The most important thing is that there is one thing that Jiehong Ge cannot forgive.

Jiehong Ge had a big client who had been with him for half a year, but was directly intercepted by the manager Wang Caili, and then distributed to his nephew, Wang Jianli.

This allowed Wang Jianlian not only to receive a commission of up to 50,000 yuan, but also to be promoted to supervisor in a legitimate manner.

The commission of 50,000 yuan made Jiehong Ge so heartbroken at that time!

He works hard for a year to earn 50,000 yuan! !

And it's also related to the opportunity to be promoted to supervisor! ! !

Everyone in their department knew what was going on, and they all secretly complained about Jiehong Ge.

However, no one dared to come forward and say this.

Everyone knows that Wang Jianli is the manager's nephew, and no one wants to offend the manager for this matter.

Jiehong Ge was really angry at the time. After quarreling for a while, he personally went to find Wang Caili, trying to find the general manager, president, etc. However, in the end, due to various reasons, he was unable to do so, and the matter ended up being nothing. .

There was no way, Jiehong Ge needed a job at that time.

There are not as many job opportunities in this small place as in big cities.

In addition, it was close to the end of the year and it was difficult to find a job. In the end, Jiehong Ge endured it.

But now, Jiehong Ge decided not to endure it anymore.

This tone must come out!

Otherwise, when he gets old, even if he is in a wheelchair, he will slap his thigh angrily when he thinks about it.

When I came to the company, I happened to catch up with Wang Jianli to hold a meeting with everyone.

Seeing Jiehong Ge who was belatedly arriving, Wang Jianli immediately started to train him.

"Jiehong Ge, do you know what time you go to work? Do you know how long you were late? According to regulations, one day's salary will be deducted from you as a punishment. Be careful not to be late in the future.

You all should take this as a warning. Don't be like some people. If you are not punctual, you will still be late for work. In today's society, if you are not punctual, you will not be able to do anything. To put it mildly, you will be a useless person in society, a waste!

Also, today is the founder and president of our head office. Chen Beiye, Mr. Chen, personally came to inspect our place and clean it up."