Chapter 20 I Need an Assistant

After thinking for a while, I still couldn't figure out why.

But Jiehong Ge feels that the meaning of the book will be apparent after reading it a hundred times, and the same is true for the system. If you use it, you might suddenly discover the true power of the system.

Some things, the more you think about them, the less likely you are to come up with a result. Just let nature take its course.

When he returned to the company, his colleagues asked curiously when they saw him coming back.

"Jiehong Ge, what big thing are you going to do? I see that Mr. Liu has come to pick you up twice in person. I asked you yesterday and you said today, now it's time to tell us."

Jiehong Ge shared with everyone with a smile: "What else can be done? We are salesmen, so of course we are here to discuss business."

"Mr. Liu is here to pick you up personally. What kind of big business are you talking about?"

"Let me tell you, tens of millions "Big project."

"Fuck, tens of millions..." The colleagues were shocked.

"Is the negotiation done?"

"Yes. I went over today and just signed the contract directly. Why don't I come back after signing the contract?"

Colleagues exclaimed: "Oh my God! How much commission will that be? " ...."

In the afternoon, the email from the headquarters was sent out, and the whole company received it.

From now on, Jiehong Ge will be officially promoted to the general manager of the branch.

Jiehong Ge was stunned when he saw the news. Didn't he say he would be promoted to business department manager at first? How did you get promoted directly to the branch general manager?

Then wouldn't he become the boss of this branch?

You must know that the branch company also has several departments, and each department has a manager. Now the entire branch company is under his control.

Colleagues received the news and sent congratulations one after another.

"Congratulations! Congratulations to Mr. Jiehong on your promotion!"

Zhang Yiwen also came over to congratulate him personally: "Jiehong Ge, congratulations to you. You were promoted to general manager in your twenties. Your future is limitless!"

Jiehong Ge could feel that, Zhang Yiwen was really happy for him.

But there was also a hint of loneliness hidden in his smile.

When Jiehong Ge first entered the company, he was considered his apprentice.

Now Jiehong Ge's position has been promoted like a rocket, but at the age of thirty-four, he is still the lowest salesman. As the breadwinner of the family, with a large family to support, what is his future?

Jiehong Ge noticed his loneliness, but didn't say anything at the time.

After responding to everyone with a smile, Jiehong Ge walked out of the office.

There is no one in Wang Caili's office now, and it will be his office from now on.

Several managers from other departments are leading people to clean Jiehong Ge and rearrange some things. The headquarters will make arrangements then.

When Jiehong Ge saw them, the managers all smiled and greeted Jiehong Ge. Saying words like "congratulations" and "take care of me", Jiehong Ge just smiled and nodded in response.

In fact, Jiehong Ge's thoughts were not all focused on the company.

As a man with a system, Jiehong Ge does not want the company to constrain him.

Now that he has the title of general manager, it is enough for him. He has to find a way to find an assistant. From now on, he will handle the company's affairs. Wouldn't it be nice for him to be the hands-off shopkeeper?

From now on, all I need to do is receive a monthly salary and receive dividends.

But he doesn't have a suitable candidate now. The person he trusts the most in the company now is Zhang Yiwen.

But Zhang Yiwen is a bit too honest and may not be able to hold such a position all of a sudden.

He walked to the corridor window, took out his cell phone and dialed Chen Beiye's cell phone.

After the call was connected, Chen Beiye's friendly voice came from the mobile phone: "Brother, are you satisfied with the position that your sister has arranged for you? Now you are the largest branch, and no one can bully you anymore."

Regarding this Sister, Jiehong Ge is still a little grateful. She is really kind to him and makes him feel the care of having a sister.

As an only child, he had wanted to have a biological sister for a long time, and now his dream has come true.

"Thank you, sister. I'm very satisfied. But sister, I have a small request."

"What request? Tell me, I will definitely satisfy you."

"I'm afraid that I won't be able to manage your company all of a sudden. I want a helper." I am now the general manager. Is it not too much to arrange a deputy general manager under me?"

Chen Beiye replied with a smile: "Okay, you have the final say in the branch. You can arrange whoever you want."

"No. , I don't have a suitable candidate, sister, please arrange one for me, I can rest assured about the person you arrange."

Chen Beiye thought for a while, nodded and said: "Okay, sister will arrange a helper for you, I will let you know this afternoon. She went over."

"Okay, thank you, sister."



After hanging up the phone, Jiehong Ge returned to the business department and called Zhang Yiwen out.

"Jiehong Ge, I have to call you Mr. Jiehong from now on."

Jiehong Ge still called him by his previous title: "Brother Zhang, you can just call me Jiehong Ge in private. You were the one who took care of me when I first entered the company. Okay, I remember it all. You were afraid that I would be punished when I got angry, so you worked overtime for me."

Zhang Yiwen smiled sheepishly: "That's all over now, why are you mentioning him? You just joined the company at that time, and it was not easy for you. "

"Brother Zhang, I recognize your character and your ability. From now on, I will leave you to be the manager of the business department. It won't be easy for you when the whole family relies on you. It will be easier if you become a manager and earn more money."

When Zhang Yiwen heard this, he immediately showed an expression of joy on his face, and then he was a little moved, and his eyes were a little red.

"Jiehong Ge, thank you! I don't even know what to say..."

Zhang Yiwen took off his glasses, lowered his head and rubbed his eyes.

Jiehong Ge patted him on the shoulder: "Just work hard from now on. Don't worry, no matter what problems you encounter in the future, I will help you."

After saying that, seeing Zhang Yiwen looking like he couldn't hold back his tears, he turned around left.

Behind him, Zhang Yiwen wiped his eyes with his sleeves and walked happily towards the bathroom.

Less than two hours later, a woman came to the company.

The woman has an oval-shaped face and distinctive facial features. She has short, sleek hair. She wears a white shirt and a black women's suit. She also has a very graceful figure.

He looked young, only in his twenties, and his face was expressionless.

The woman entered the company and knocked on Jiehong Ge's office door.

At that time, Jiehong Ge was lying on a chair and playing mobile games comfortably.

The office window can see the park outside. The scenery is very beautiful, and the chairs are made of leather and have reclining seats.

When Jiehong Ge first came in, he was scolding Wang Caili, that bastard, for really enjoying himself.

Then he lay on the chair, looked at the beautiful scenery outside the window, and played with his mobile phone.

I had just become the general manager, and I was a little nervous when I heard someone knocking on the door.

Jiehong Ge quickly returned his chair to an upright position, straightened his back, turned off his phone, and said in a deep voice: "Come in." .

The woman opened the door and walked in.

"Hello, Mr. Jiehong, I am Chen Beiye, your assistant sent by Mr. Chen. My name is Li Xia."

Jiehong Ge was a little surprised.

I thought to myself: "I am looking for a helper who can make me feel at ease as a hands-off shopkeeper. How can I send such a young person? But he is quite good-looking... No, what is the use of being good-looking? I can handle it." When it comes to a good company, it's better not to worry about it!"

Looking at the expressionless Li Xia, she felt capable from the inside out.

Jiehong Ge asked tentatively: "Before Mr. Chen asked you to come, did he tell you what you were doing?"