Chapter 23 Shocked Li Xia, didn’t you just say what if?

Jiehong Ge ran wildly on the garden grass for a while, venting his inner excitement.

Then he entered the house, walked around, looked around, and explored this luxurious villa like a treasure hunt.

Slowly, he gradually accepted that these things were his.

Speaking of this villa, which room is Jiehong Ge's favorite?

Jiehong Ge thought it was the study room.

The window of the study room is next to the garden, and the view outside is excellent.

In the room, there is a large brown wooden desk with a computer in the middle.

It seems that old people also use computers to write.

One wall of the study room is covered with large brown solid wood bookshelves filled with books.

Jiehong Ge sat down at the desk, as if he felt like a writer.

After enjoying it for a moment, Jing Ling looked through the window and saw a middle-aged woman walking into the courtyard gate and walking towards the room.

Jiehong Ge knew who she was.

Lawyer Liu told Jiehong Ge that Gan Xiuqing had a nanny, Aunt Li. While Gan Xiuqing was hospitalized, she was responsible for feeding the two cats at home every day. He also told Aunt Li that Jiehong Ge was the successor.

In order to avoid misunderstanding, Jiehong Ge was also shown a photo of Aunt Li.

So Jiehong Ge recognized her at a glance.

Jiehong Ge walked out and was the first to say hello: "Hello, Aunt Li, I am Jiehong Ge."

Aunt Li's name is Li Caihua, a local, 40 years old, and has been working as a nanny here for more than four years.

Seeing Jiehong Ge, she was a little surprised and said with a slightly awkward smile: "You are Jiehong Ge. I didn't expect you to be so young.

I came here to feed the cat. Since you are here, I won't feed it this time." Come on, I'll give you the key in a moment."

Jiehong Ge felt that Aunt Li had been working here for several years, so she must have done a good job to be able to work for this long.

He thought he might as well leave her behind and experience life with a nanny. After all, this big house would be tiring to death just by cleaning it.

He didn't want her to lose her job, so she said, "Aunt Li, I also need a nanny. How about you stay here and continue working? The salary and benefits will be the same as before."

Unexpectedly, Aunt Li said a little nervously. : "I used to serve Mr. Gan, he is an old man. I have never been a nanny to you young people. I don't know the habits of you young people. I don't know if I can satisfy you."

Jiehong Ge looked at it . Aunt Li is an honest local woman who does her duty, she is like a typical example. Unlike nannies in big cities, who have too many minds.

When you find a nanny like that, you have to be careful at every step.

Jiehong Ge said: "It's okay, you just cook, clean the room, etc. I will tell you my habits slowly, and you will know it gradually."

Aunt Li was also reluctant to part with this job. After all, it costs 6,000 yuan a month. It's a fairly high salary for her. This is close to home, and I still take care of my family. If I leave, I don't know where to find such a job.

She smiled and agreed: "Okay, then I will continue to stay here. Feel free to mention what I did wrong, and I will definitely correct it."

Jiehong Ge also smiled, and if nothing else, Aunt Li This work attitude is very good.

"Aunt Li, you go feed the cat first, and I'll go to the company."

Aunt Li nodded: "Okay, will you be back at noon and evening? Do you want to prepare meals in advance?"

Jiehong Ge thought for a while, Said: "I'm not sure. I'll leave your phone number. If I need to prepare food, I will call you in advance."

Aunt Li agreed and gave Jiehong Ge his phone number. After Jiehong Ge wrote it down, he went into the house and got the car keys. , went to the garage and drove the Ghost out.

Don't tell me, this luxury car is different when you drive it.

I almost didn't know how to drive...

Jiehong Ge took the car and checked his cell phone before driving away.

Jiehong Ge was somewhat unaccustomed to being promoted from an electric tricycle to a Ghost.

This span is a little too big.

Jiehong Ge couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "Is this the power of the system? Who knew that a teacher-student relationship could be so useful! It's amazing!"

When he arrived at the company, Jiehong Ge walked into his office.

He didn't come here to work, but to see Li Xia.

As his assistant, Jiehong Ge is the only one available now. There are some things that Jiehong Ge wants to ask her opinion on.

Li Xia saw Jiehong Ge coming and said hello politely: "Hello, Mr. Jiehong."

Jiehong Ge was stunned for a moment before realizing that she was calling him, and nodded quickly.

It seems that I am still a little used to the new identity of this general manager.

Sitting in her seat, before he could speak, Li Xia came over and placed a resume in front of him.

"Mr. Jiehong, this is my resume, please take a look at it."

Jiehong Ge then remembered that he had said this yesterday, so he brought it to him today and opened his resume.

Good guy.

You don't know if you don't look at it, but one look at it makes Jiehong Ge feel a little ashamed.

She was admitted to the top universities in China when she was a teenager. After graduation, she obtained several degrees in different majors from famous foreign colleges. Moreover, she was only three years older than Jiehong Ge.

It's so irritating to compare people to each other, isn't this too genius?

She and Chen Beiye are on the same path emotionally, no wonder Chen Beiye values her so much.

However, Jiehong Ge felt that just because she was talented in this area, it did not necessarily mean that she was good at other areas. He would have to ask her questions later.

I continued to look around and found some achievements in the field of cosmetics.

This is more professional.

Jiehong Ge couldn't quite understand the specifics. It was mixed with some English names and professional terms. .Jiehong

Ge pretended to look through it, and nodded pretendingly: "Yes, you are excellent."

"Thank you." Li Xia replied calmly.

But she was thinking that she had never seen someone so calm after reading her resume.

Is this Jiehong always a secretive person?

Jiehong Ge returned the resume to her, and Li Xia took it and sat back in her seat.

Their positions are opposite.

After a while, Jiehong Ge suddenly asked: "Li Xia, can you do charity?"

Li Xia asked doubtfully: "Charity?"

Jiehong Ge said: "Yes, let's say I give you 50 million to benefit the local area. What would you do?"

Li Xia asked: "Does the local area refer to the city or the county?"

Jiehong Ge thought for a while and realized that Gan Xiuqing should mean county, so he said: "County."

Li Xia thought for a while and replied seriously: "If you want to benefit the whole people, there are many ways. For example, you can take part of it." Donate to the hospital to purchase some advanced equipment, so that local residents can receive better treatment for some diseases.

Donate to the school to provide free lunches to the students. It is the time when the students are growing up, so strengthen nutrition for them. There are many benefits.

Or investing in some physical projects, providing more job opportunities for local residents, etc.

Fifty million is a lot of money, or several ways can be done at the same time."

Jiehong Ge heard this and thought it was quite good. .

In any case, it can be regarded as fulfilling the last wish of Gan Xiuqing.

Since she understands, she doesn't have to worry about it anymore.

Jiehong Ge nodded and said: "Okay, then I'll leave this matter to you. I'll transfer 50 million to your card in a moment."

Li Xia was suddenly filled with question marks: "???? Didn't you just say what if? ? ?..."

"This Mr. Jiehong is three years younger than me, can he really spend 50 million for charity? ? " Isn't

this outrageous?

Calm down.

Jiehong Ge said casually: "What a good idea, it's only 50 million. I don't feel bad at all if you use it for charity."

Li Xia was even more shocked, and at the same time, she actually had a feeling of admiration for Jiehong Ge.

At this time, Jiehong Ge's cell phone suddenly rang.