Chapter 27 can also be used on animals?

At Wu Gang's request, Li Daming checked his phone over and over again, but could no longer find the missing photos.

After hanging up the phone, Wu Gang mechanically looked through his photo album and chat history over and over again, but like Li Daming, he could no longer find those photos.

And Jiehong Ge soon received a call from Mr. Ma.

"Jiehong Ge, I've taken care of the matter for you. You don't have to worry about the photos anymore."

It's done soon!

"Thank you, Uncle Ma!"

"You're welcome. If you need anything in the future, just come to me. Whenever you have time If you come to Shenzhen City to visit, you must tell me!"

"Okay, no problem, I'll tell you when I go there."

After chatting for a while, Jiehong Ge hung up the phone and listed several other Internet celebrities on his computer. All my photos are closed.

Later, Jiehong Ge thought about how to kill Wu Gang.

How can you kill someone and stay completely out of it?

Is it possible to directly bind a certain relationship with Wu Gang and lure him to death?

In other words, killing someone with a borrowed knife?

After thinking about it, there seems to be no good way.

Using the method of character relationship to cause Wu Gang's death will definitely be connected to himself in the end.

Moreover, Jiehong Ge didn't want to go through the system and kill Wu Gang with the help of others. Wouldn't he make others a murderer?

"Meow~meow~~...." The cat's meow came from outside the study.

Jiehong Ge stopped thinking for a moment, stood up and opened the door, and two cats walked in.

Jiehong Ge wanted to hug them, but the two cats were obviously not familiar with Jiehong Ge and avoided him.

As soon as Jiehong Ge comes near, they will run under the table.

"Why are you running? I will be your master from now on. Come over here and pet me."

Apparently the cat didn't understand Jiehong Ge's words and still avoided Jiehong Ge.

At this time, Jiehong Ge had a sudden idea.

He asked in his mind: "System, can this function of yours be used on animals?"

"Ding! You can try it."

Jiehong Ge straightened up, looked at the two cats under the table, and said silently in his mind : "Change the relationship between me and them to master and pet."

The system's naughty voice came from Jiehong Ge's mind: "Who is the master and who is the pet?"

Jiehong Ge was speechless for a while: "I am the master. ...."

"Ding! The relationship is modified successfully! The current relationship is: owner and pet."

"It can really be used on animals!" Jiehong Ge was a little surprised. It seems that the system has far more functions than he has used before. of those.

But...what's the use of this?

In the eyes of outsiders, the relationship between these two cats and Jiehong Ge is that of pets and owners.

Now that it is bound by the system, what will it do?

Under the table, two cats looked at him.

Jiehong Ge squatted down gently and stretched out his hand: "Come here."

At this time, a miracle happened!

Both cats ran over obediently and allowed Jiehong Ge to pet them.

"Haha, this is amazing!" Jiehong Ge happily touched the two cats and rubbed them vigorously for a while.

The two cats also enjoyed it very much and even snored. The lion cat would playfully hug Jiehong Ge's wrist and gently bite his fingers.

After rubbing it to his heart's content, Jiehong Ge stood up. Thinking that he had other things to do, he casually said to them: "Okay, you go out and play."

Jiehong Ge found that both cats were walking towards the door.

At this time Jiehong Ge suddenly realized something.

"Can they understand me?"

"Stop." Jiehong Ge gave the order to the backs of the two cats.

The two cats that were walking suddenly stopped and turned to look at Jiehong Ge.

Jiehong Ge tried to give the command again: "Turn left."

This time the two cats looked left and right, as if they didn't know what to do.

Jiehong Ge suddenly realized whether this command was a bit too complicated for a cat.

Cats don't know the concept of left or right unless you point it out to them.

Jiehong Ge found a notebook from the drawer, tore off a blank piece of paper, balled it up, and threw it behind the two cats.

The ball of paper fell behind the cat.

"Bring it back to me."

The two cats understood now and immediately turned around to look for the paper ball.

The lion cat took the lead in grabbing the paper ball and ran towards Jiehong Ge quickly.

Another cat followed close behind.

The lion cat jumped directly on the table and placed the paper ball in front of Jiehong Ge.

Jiehong Ge's eyes widened, shocked by the system's capabilities.

I thought: "Is this the real ability of the system? It can be used not only on humans, but also on animals!"

The system responded in its mind: "Congratulations on unlocking some of the functions of this system, and there are more There are many more powerful functions waiting for you to explore!"

"Is there more? More powerful?" Jiehong Ge couldn't think of it at the moment.

However, this function is enough for Jiehong Ge to carefully explore and develop it for a period of time.

Next, he did some experiments on two cats. He wanted to try to see how much he could control them.

The results of the experiment shocked him.

He discovered that the way he gave commands to his cat was not necessarily through words and actions.

You can even give orders to the cat and control it with just a thought!

You can even do this from a distance across the room with the door closed.

What is the specific limit distance? Jiehong Ge has not tried it out yet.

But he managed to control two cats to run out of the house and look for him outside the villa.

"What a powerful ability!" he thought.

At this time, he had already thought of a way to kill Wu Gang!

And he will never let himself be suspected in any way.

He drove away from the villa.

There is a garbage station on a street. Two groups of stray dogs often fight here and compete for territory.

These dogs bark very fiercely, especially at night when there are few people, and no one dares to pass by here.

Jiehong Ge's car stopped on the roadside.

There are several stray dogs now picking up garbage to eat. They seem to be the victors of the war and have taken over this garbage site.

Among them was a bald dog, all gray, with a bald patch on its head and several teeth marks on its face.

He is the leader of this group of stray dogs now.

One of the skinny yellow dogs found a plastic bag of leftover chicken bones. The bald dog found it and immediately rushed over, biting the yellow dog open and enjoying those delicious chicken bones himself. .In

the car, Jiehong Ge looked at the dogs and silently used the system's capabilities in his mind.

"Change the relationship between me and them, master and pet. I am the master..."

"Ding~ The relationship has been modified successfully! The current relationship is: master and pet."

Next, it is time for Jiehong Ge to give them orders. .

At Jiehong Ge's thought, all the stray dogs stopped their current actions and ran far ahead.

Jiehong Ge started the vehicle and followed slowly.

Wu Gang's store was in a shopping mall, and Jiehong Ge drove the car into the underground parking lot of the shopping mall.

Wait quietly.

Wu Gang's car appeared and stopped not far ahead.

Wu Gang got out of the car and closed the door.

The stray dogs were scattered at the entrance of the parking lot.

This is within the controllable range of Jiehong Ge's experiment.

As long as Jiehong Ge has a thought now, those stray dogs will immediately rush in and bite Wu Gang to death.

It's an absolutely miserable death, and it's definitely a relief!

But at this time, Jiehong Ge hesitated.

He thought: "Are we really going to kill Wu Gang?..."