Chapter 29 Investment, a call from the stock god

After visiting the mall, Jiehong Ge went back to the villa by himself.

After finishing the meal cooked by Aunt Li in the evening, Jiehong Ge expressed that he was very satisfied. It was healthy, delicious, and clean. It was a hundred times better than ordering takeout.

After finishing the meal, Aunt Li cleaned up the dishes and said to Jiehong Ge: "I have replaced the sheets and quilts in the bedroom with new ones. After all, they were slept by the deceased. I'm afraid you will dislike it. If you don't want to sleep in this room, There's another bedroom over there that I've already packed up."

Jiehong Ge nodded: "It's okay, I'll just sleep in this bedroom." Isn't it Gan Xiuqing's previous bedroom? Jiehong Ge doesn't care at all, as long as the quilt is there. Just change it. If you stay in a hotel, you don't know who has stayed there.

"By the way, Aunt Li, which room do you sleep in? Is it far from mine? I'm a little afraid of the dark at night. This villa is too big, I'm really not used to it."

Aunt Li pointed to a room on the side: "I In that room, if you are scared at night, I will plug in a night light for you. You can call me anytime if you need anything. "


the bedroom, Jiehong Ge was lying on the bed alone, with the night light emitting a warm light.

The curtains were not drawn, and the garden light came in from the window. The room was not dark and felt very warm.

Recalling what happened during the day, and recalling the scene where Wu Gang was bitten to death by a stray dog, Jiehong Ge felt no guilt and actually felt a little bit excited.

This made Jiehong Ge wonder if he had the potential to be a perverted murderer.

He thought again: "Wu Gang will turn into a ghost and come to me, right?"

Then Jiehong Ge shook his head: "I'm not afraid of becoming a ghost. Maybe my system can be used on ghosts."

With this idea , Jiehong Ge began to wonder if there were really ghosts in the world, or something supernatural.

If I really have a certain relationship with this kind of thing through the system, wouldn't I be even more invincible?

In other words, is this the real power of the system?

He asked the system in his mind, but the system didn't tell him, it just said he could figure it out on his own.

After thinking about it, Jiehong Ge fell asleep.

When she came to the company the next day, Li Xia was already at work.

Jiehong Ge sat in his seat, thinking that he should get more money to spend. Now it feels like the money is not earned by himself, and he is not spending it in a practical way.

As the saying goes, money makes money the fastest. If I have 30 million on hand, it is best to invest it.

Speaking of investing, Jiehong Ge thought of buying stocks. He heard that this thing can make money quickly and lose money quickly. It is very exciting and suits him very well.

He just loves to play this kind of exciting things.

Jiehong Ge turned on his computer and started looking at stocks.

He first registered an account, but he didn't know anything about which stock to buy.

After looking at it for a long time, Jiehong Ge felt that he couldn't buy blindly. If he bought blindly, he would become a leek.

It's best to ask someone, someone who is good at playing stocks.

Who is the best at playing stocks?

Jiehong Ge asked Li Xia: "Li Xia, do you understand stocks?"

Li Xia shook her head: "Sorry, Mr. Jiehong, I don't know much."

"Do you know who is the best at playing stocks?"

"Who is the best? Mr. Jiehong, this I can't tell who is the most powerful, if you want to be famous, Barfield?"


Jiehong Ge nodded and opened the web page to search for Barfield's photo.

He muttered in his mind: "System, change the relationship between me and him to friends."

"Ding~ The character relationship has been modified successfully! The current relationship is: friends."

A moment later, Jiehong Ge's phone rang.

Jiehong Ge looked at the number and saw an incoming call from abroad...

After answering, a string of English words came from the phone.

"Uh..." Jiehong Ge didn't understand.

"Li Xia, can you speak English? Come help me answer the phone and translate."

Li Xia took the phone and said hello, her eyes suddenly widened, and she said to Jiehong Ge in surprise: "He Said he was Barfield! ..."

Jiehong Ge said calmly, "Yes, Dad, we are good friends."

Li Xia was shocked: "You and Barfield are good friends? "

Bafield's voice came over the phone, and Li Xia translated it: "Jiehong Ge, my old friend, how have you been recently?"

Jiehong Ge said to Li Xia, "Did you tell him to stop talking? Yes, international long-distance calls are quite expensive. Tell him that I want to buy stocks now, which will double several times a day. Ask him which one to buy?"

Li Xia was stunned and didn't know whether to translate the previous sentence. sentence, and at the same time I was shocked by the sentence that followed.

"What are you doing standing still, please translate."

"Oh..." Li Xia said a string of English into the phone, and Buffyd's helpless laughter and a string of English came from the phone.

Li Xia translated: "He said, my friend, as my best friend, I can tell you stocks that definitely have a high probability of appreciation in the next five years, but I cannot predict which stock will rise or fall today.

" He also said he wanted to double the price a day. You are gambling..."

Jiehong Ge was speechless for a while: "Forget it, hang up the phone."

Li Xia asked doubtfully: "Hang up now? It's Feide's phone number, and he called it on his own initiative!"

"Hang up, hang up." Jiehong Ge waved his hand. What's the use of this call? It's better not to make it.

On the other end of the phone, Barfield seemed to understand that Jiehong Ge was about to hang up, and he quickly said a lot.

Li Xia translated: "He said, don't hang up the phone. He is willing to help you try."

Jiehong Ge nodded: "Okay, ask him how to do it."

A few minutes later, Barfield chose a stock for Jiehong Ge .

Li Xia was listening to the phone and translated to Jiehong Ge: "It's best to use part of the funds to try it first and buy it at a price of 120.0 yuan."

Jiehong Ge bought it all directly and bought all the money at once.

"Tell him I bought it all."

After Li Xia said this, Barfield's helpless roar came over the phone again.

Li Xia: "He said, Jiehong Ge, you're a lunatic..."

Jiehong Ge spent the whole morning playing stocks, buying and selling under Barfield's advice. By noon, Jiehong Ge's account The money has grown to more than 40 million.

Barfield said something on the phone, and Li Xia translated to Jiehong Ge: "He said that's it for today. His 90-year-old heart can't bear the fact that you buy all the money every time. If not, Lucky for you, you've already lost money. He also warned you not to buy stocks alone. He called you a nightmare in the stock market.

"Well... you only made 10 million in one morning, and you gave me a commission. " It's a nightmare..." Jiehong Ge said three grams of oil into the phone, and after greeting each other, he hung up the phone.

He only earned 10 million, which was far from what Jiehong Ge expected.

But ten million is not a lot for one morning, okay, it's not in vain.

However, Jiehong Ge always feels that there is a better way to make money, but he hasn't found it yet.

He always feels that with the capabilities of his system, he can make 10 million in one second and 100 million in ten seconds.

You can make money in minutes that you will never spend in a lifetime.

But don't rush, take your time.

Thinking of this, Jiehong Ge couldn't help but sigh: "It's so hard to make money." {}

When Li Xia heard this, she wanted to punch Jiehong Ge twice.

You made 10 million in one morning, but you still lament that it is difficult to make money?

It was time to get off work at noon. Jiehong Ge thought that Li Xia had been working as a translator for him all morning, so how could he treat her to a box lunch or something like fast food?

"Li Xia, let's go have lunch together. I invite you. Thank you for being my translator."

Li Xia looked at Jiehong Ge and nodded: "Okay, let's go. What are you going to treat me to, Mr. Jiehong?"

"Spicy hotpot or beef noodles? You choose whatever you want." Jiehong Ge's tone was very arrogant.

Li Xia thought for a while and said cheerfully: "Let's have spicy hot pot!"


Jiehong Ge just opened the door and before he walked out,

he saw several police officers walking towards him.

"Mr. Jiehong, we have something to ask you to help us investigate."