A couple days later the boys were walking home from school when suddenly Chen Xia stopped in front of the toy shop. 

"Gege look at all the toys! Do you wanna go inside and look?" Chen Xia's eyes sparkled with the desire to go inside.

"But your parents are waiting for you, they'll be worried if you aren't home soon." Yang Qiu did not want to worry Mr. and Mrs. Chen.

"Oh, come on! Just for a couple of minutes! It will be fun; you know it will." Chen Xia had an expectant look in his eyes. 

"Fine… but only for a few minutes."

Chen Xia happily skipped into the store, and Yang Qiu followed, also driven by an interest in the extensive collection of toys and contraptions inside. 

"Look at all the stuffed animals!" Chen Xia ran over to the shelves full of plushies. "Woah that bear is HUGE!!"

Yang Qiu walked over as well, marveling at the rows of fluffy and soft teddy bears that lined an entire shelf. Chen Xia picked up a bear and hugged it. Noticing Yang Qiu behind him, he turned and held it in front of Yang Qiu's face.

"Gege, it looks just like you!" Chen Xia giggled.

"What do you mean…" Yang Qiu was a bit confused and slightly flustered.

"Gege let's buy these teddy bears!"

"We don't really have an occasion though... we shouldn't waste our money."

"But your birthday is tomorrow!"

"Oh right…"

"Did you forget? How can you forget your own birthday?"

"I- I'm not really used to celebrating."

"What?! Well then, I'm buying you a present. Do you like this bear? You choose something you like! Mommy gave me extra allowance this month anyway so feel free to choose anything!" Chen Xia proudly puffed up his chest.

"You really don't have to…"

"Come on, Yang Qiu!" Chen Xia pouted.

"U-um... I guess the bear is fine…" Yang Qiu was unable to reject Chen Xia's pleading. He also saw that the price tag was not very high, and the bear was very cute and fluffy, and felt that maybe receiving this gift wouldn't be so bad. "Do you want something too? Your birthday is soon as well…"

"Let's get two bears then!" Chen Xia was delighted that he could both give and receive a birthday present. After all, being able to give and get gifts was a great feeling.

The two of them walked to the front of the store and were greeted by the cashier. 

"Good afternoon, boys! Let me get you two checked out." 

He took the bears and the boys' payment and had to stifle a laugh when he saw their expectant faces. 

After completing the transaction, the cashier took one bear and gave it to Chen Xia, then handed the other to Yang Qiu.

"Thank you!" The two skipped out of the store, causing the cashier to laugh again. Ah… to be young and energetic…

Once they were back on the street, Chen Xia suddenly stopped. 

Seeing this, Yang Qiu stopped too. 

Chen Xia turned around and held out his bear to Yang Qiu. Yang Qiu paused a moment before holding out his bear to Chen Xia as well. 

Letting go of his own and taking Yang Qiu's bear, Chen Xia began to grin brightly.

"Happy early birthday Gege!" 

"You too!" Yang Qiu smiled. 

As Chen Xia skipped along down the road, hugging his new gift, Yang Qiu couldn't help but laugh. He hugged the bear Chen Xia had given him as well and followed Chen Xia home. 


​Once the arrived at the doors of the restaurant, Yang Qiu stopped. Sensing something wrong, Chen Xia turned around.

"Why are you stopping again? You stopped yesterday too! Come inside Gege!"

"I don't want to bother your parents again; I stayed over for so long yesterday…"

"What do you mean?! Yesterday was awesome. And I know mommy and daddy would love to have you over. If you don't believe me, let's go ask daddy right now!"

"No, no, you don't have to! I'll just go home for today."

"No! Come with me!" Chen Xia resorted to dragging Yang Qiu inside yet again. And again, he pulled Yang Qiu all the way to the back of the restaurant's kitchen where Chen Xia's dad was working. 

"DADDY!" Chen Xia held on to Yang Qiu's hand.

"Oho! Xiaxia is back! Oh, and hello there Yang Qiu!"

"Hello Mr. Chen…"

"Daddy, can Yang Qiu stay and play with me again today?"

"Well of course! Just don't make a ruckus."

"Can he come over every day?"

"Everyday?! Well, I guess if he wants to, I don't really have a problem with it… I'm glad you two get along so well."These boys really do have a lot of energy!

"Hehe thanks dad!" Receiving a satisfactory answer, Chen Xia turned and smiled at Yang Qiu, who was rather embarrassed.

"SEE? I told you it's fine. As long as you want to stay, you're always welcome." Chen Xia was quite smug as the boys left the kitchen. 

Having finished speaking, Chen Xia proceeded to drag Yang Qiu upstairs to his room.


At night, Yang Qiu laid in his bed, thinking. Is it really okay to go to Chen Xia's house so often? His dad did say it was fine… But it still feels like I am intruding. Maybe this is normal, and I just need to get used to it. Plus, it really is fun to play with Chen Xia…

Feeling distressed, Yang Qiu looked over to the teddy bear he had received from Chen Xia. He reached over to grab it. 

Trying his best to stop the endless flow of thoughts, Yang Qiu hugged the bear and slowly drifted to sleep.