
The day of Graduation

​Yang Qiu got up at the sound of his alarm and went to go wash up.

​He took extra care to clean up and brush his hair nicely.

​He put on his uniform, got his bag, and walked out the door.


​Chen Xia also awoke to the sound of his alarm. After a moment of confusion, he suddenly sprang up with excitement.

​He jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom, slowingdown only to fix up his hair.

​He threw on his uniform and adjusted it carefully, picked up his bag, and ran out the door.

​"See you later, Xiaxia!" Mrs. Chen called out after him, shaking her head at her son's rushed behavior.


​Chen Xia hurriedly retrieved his bike from the side of the building and ran, pushing it towards the street just in time to see Yang Qiu walk by.

​"Good morning, Gege!" Chen Xia smiled a bright smile.

​Yang Qiu smiled and waved, quickening his steps to reach Chen Xia.

​"Come on, let's go graduate!" Chen Xia excitedly helped Yang Qiu onto the back of his bike.

This is the last time we are going to school like this… Yang Qiu felt a vague melancholy feeling.

​Yang Qiu wrapped his arms around Chen Xia's waist, and they set off.


​At school the students sat at their desks one final time. The teacher walked up to the front of the classroom, and the class fell silent. 

​"Good morning students! I know you all can't wait to graduate, which is an achievement all of you couldn't deserve more. No matter what you choose to do next, what is important are the lessons you have learned here at school, and the friends and experiences you have gained along the way. With that said, please put on your robes and caps, and head to the auditorium! Congrats on graduating everyone!"

​The class cheered. 


After everyone put on their robes and caps, they lined up in front of the auditorium doors. 

"Alright students, when you hear your name called, walk up onto the stage and receive your diploma." The teacher spoke from the front of the line. "Thank you all for a great year, and I hope you guys find success and happiness in the future."

"Thank you, teacher!" the class said in unison. 


One by one, the names were called, and one by one, each student walked across the stage, received their diploma and a handshake from the principal, smiled for the camera, and walked off the stage with a renewed energy in their steps. 

After all the students had been called, they lined up for a class photo.

Yang Qiu and Chen Xia stood next to each other. Yang Qiu beside him at Chen Xia, who was looking at the camera with a dazzling smile on his face. We really are graduating… I'm graduating with Chen Xia… Yang Qiu blushed and turned his eyes back towards the camera.

"Three, two, one…!" The cameraman said,

"CHEESE!" The class hollered. 

After that, one by one, caps flew into the air and fell back down in a joyous shower of achievement. 


​Yang Qiu and Chen Xia walked out together into the afternoon sun. In the courtyard groups of students and their friends and family chattered joyfully. 

​Immediately they saw Mr. and Mrs. Chen waving at them from a distance, smiles wide across their faces.

​Yang Qiu looked at Chen Xia, and Chen Xia looked at Yang Qiu. They grinned at each other and ran towards Chen Xia's parents. Mr. Chen gathered the boys and his wife into a big group hug. 

"Congrats boys!" Mr. Chen said with a grin.

"I'm so, so proud of you guys," Mrs. Chen said on the verge of tears.

"Oh, Mrs. Chen, please don't cry! I'm going to cry too..." Yang Qiu said, laughing as his eyes began to burn.

"I'm just so happy for you boys," Mrs. Chen said, wanting to cry even more. 

"Thank you for everything." Yang Qiu gave Mrs. Chen a warm hug. 

Chen Xia and Mr. Chen watched amusedly as the two became increasingly emotional. 

"Wait, we still have to take pictures of you guys!" Mrs. Chen said excitedly, brushing away her quickly forgotten tears. "Come here, boys," she said as she pushed them towards each other.

Chen Xia wrapped his arm around Yang Qiu's shouldersand Yang Qiu put his hand on Chen Xia's back.

"Alright. One, two, three..."


Mrs. Chen's phone sounded, and she lowered her hands to look at the photo.

"Yay! This picture came out so nice," Mrs. Chen said with satisfaction.

All of a sudden, Mr. Chen gestured behind the boys.

"Hey boys, look behind you," Mr. Chen suddenly said.

The two turn around, and Yang Qiu fell silent. 


Behind them stood Yang Qiu's father.

"D-dad?" Yang Qiu sputtered in disbelief

"Uh, hey, son!" Mr. Yang said awkwardly. "Congratulations."

"Oh, thanks," Yang Qiu replied awkwardly. "You didn't tell me you would be here…" Yang Qiu didn't know how to react, but somewhere inside he was glad that his father came to see him on his graduation day. 

"You graduated today. I knew I couldn't miss this..." Mr. Yang lowered his eyes.

"I've missed out on so much of your life. I- the time you spent with me really opened my eyes. I realized how little I knew about you, and how different you had become. I also came to realize how much you loved the life you lead here... truthfully, I felt very guilty. But I see that you have people here that care for you and do so much for you... they have done and can do more for you than I ever will. Though I am your dad, I really don't feel like I deserve to be. I... I want to thank you Mr. and Mrs. Chen, for taking care of my son. He has grown to be such an amazing young man... and it is all thanks to you. I am forever in your debt." Mr. Yang's eyes began to burn

"Sir... your son has done more than you know for us as well... it is our honor to be able to have come across Yang Qiu.," Mrs. Chen replied wholeheartedly, feeling the tears rise up again.


"Well, I've said to much. Today is a day for celebration. Let us not dwell on these negative thoughts. Here, let me take some pictures of you!" Mr. Yang smiled and picked up his phone and wiped his eyes.

And so they took pictures. Many of them. Some would be well-loved, framed, and placed in visible places at home. Some would be kept as memories. Others would be forgotten. But the day was special, and the pictures were a reminder of that. 


​As the festivities died down, families began to leave. Escaping the crowd, Chen Xia pulled Yang Qiu after him and ran.

​They stopped in front of the bike rack, panting. 

​"Wanna go for a ride?" Chen Xia grinned and gestured towards his bike.

​"Of, course," Yang Qiu replied, accepting Chen Xia's invitation.

​They mounted the bike and Yang Qiu wrapped his arms around Chen Xia's waist, a motion that had become second nature to him over the course of their senior year.

This was their final bike ride of high school, and it was trulybittersweet. But even so, as they rode away into the sunset, it was undeniable that this was one of the most memorable rides of their lives.