rebuild the body

Lu Yin bent down to dodge, escaping tens of meters in a rather embarrassed state. The factory turned into ruins in his original spot.

The young man soared into the sky, looking coldly at Lu Yin with an arrogant gaze. "Are you a native of this planet?"

Lu Yin's expression was serious. A heavenly-level powerhouse!

"I asked you a question, didn't you understand?" the young man shouted, slashing casually. A visible slash cut through the ground, kicking up dust.

Lu Yin asked seriously, "Are you an alien?"

The young man sneered, landing on the ground and looking at his wristwatch. "A combat power of only eight? Trash. Wait, it's impossible for someone with a combat power of eight to dodge my slash," he said, looking at Lu Yin in surprise. "Do you specialize in body cultivation?"

Lu Yin was puzzled. "You are an alien, right?"

The young man frowned. "To you natives, yes, but we prefer you call us 'Shangren.'"

"Shangren?" Lu Yin frowned.

The young man looked down at him. "Your planet has long been under the surveillance of our Great Yu Empire. To us, you're just domesticated natives. Of course, we're Shangren. Now, tell me, do you specialize in body cultivation, and have you cultivated your body to the Observing Realm, perhaps even approaching the Probing Realm?"

"I don't understand what you mean," Lu Yin replied.

The young man's eyes narrowed. He thought for a moment, realizing it was unlikely for natives to know about realm classifications.

A cold light flashed in his eyes as he stared at Lu Yin. "Attack me. Let me see your strength."

Lu Yin clenched his fist. "Are you sure?"

The young man sneered. "I'm not afraid of being injured by a native like you. Even if you can hide your combat power, it's impossible for you to reach the Probing Realm. And even if you did, you couldn't compare to me. I'll show you what a gap of despair looks like."

Lu Yin pulled out an iron rod. "Then I'll make my move."

The young man arrogantly beckoned with his finger.

The next moment, Lu Yin charged at the young man, the blade of his iron rod cutting through the air towards the young man's neck.

The young man dodged easily, his hands casually in his pockets. He mocked, "The evolution of the planet indeed produces a bunch of savages. Your attacks are sharp and decisive, aiming to kill. That's good. Only with such traits can one become a true warrior."

Lu Yin's iron rod sealed off all the young man's routes, each strike faster than the last, creating fierce gusts that cut the ground.

The young man maneuvered effortlessly. As he saw Lu Yin's slash coming, he lifted his leg, his combat boots blocking the blade, his hands still in his pockets. "A combat power of 302, impressive. Reaching the Observing Realm through sheer body cultivation is difficult. Even in our academy, it's not easy for students in the Probing Realm to achieve that. I admire you. I'll give you a chance. Follow me, become my slave, and I'll take you off this planet to see a different universe."

Lu Yin pressed the iron rod against the young man's combat boots, his eyes curious. "A different universe?"

The young man boasted, "Of course. I'm an elite from the Great Yu Empire's top military academy. It's a great honor for you to follow me. Of course, this also depends on whether there are more suitable candidates on this planet. Pray you're not too disappointing." With that, he kicked the iron rod out of Lu Yin's hand.

Watching the young man bask in his arrogance, Lu Yin's eyes turned cold. His right palm began to shake rapidly, visible waves forming in the air as if grasped by his palm.

The young man initially didn't care but was shocked when he saw it. "Wave Palm? How do you know this?" The next moment, Lu Yin's palm struck the young man's chest. The shockwave spread out, shattering the young man's white light armor. He spat out blood and flew backward, trying to twist his body mid-air and slashing at Lu Yin with a short knife. Lu Yin rushed at the knife, his right palm shaking again.

The young man roared angrily, "You're not a native. You're from the universe."

Lu Yin's eyes were cold as he struck with his palm.

The young man howled, thrusting his short knife, but hit only an afterimage. "Footwork technique?" Blood sprayed as his ring melted, forming armor that covered his body. With a bang, he was hit in the same spot again, hearing a faint cracking sound.

A second after being hit, the armor fully covered him, but it was too late. His heart was completely shattered, and his body fell next to the spaceship, blood flowing along its hull.

Lu Yin knelt on one knee, panting heavily, his right hand's blood vessels bursting, his face in pain.

Wave Palm wasn't something he could currently use. If not for the need to kill the young man, he wouldn't have risked disabling his arm. Fortunately, the ambush succeeded. He had waited a long time for this moment.

In that instant, he used Wave Palm twice and one Shadow Step. His body trembled violently, already overstrained.

Slowly walking to the young man's corpse, he watched the disappearing armor turn back into a ring.

Lu Yin took the ring and pocketed it. This was a ring armor, a common protective device among cosmic cultivators. This ring armor was the lowest grade but could defend against attacks from a heavenly-level powerhouse.

Besides the ring armor, the young man's wrist device, which tested combat power, was a personal terminal containing all his information, including location data.

Lu Yin removed the personal terminal, deftly disabling the tracking device, and stored it in his spatial ring. Finally, his eyes scanned the young man's body, focusing on his right index finger. He cut it off, and a chip fell out of the blood.

"Here it is," Lu Yin said joyfully, picking up the chip. He had been waiting for this, refraining from using energy crystals to evolve to get this.

This was a Body Molding Chip, condensed by super powerhouses with their own energy. Anyone who integrates it can stimulate their cells, refining their body to directly absorb cosmic energy, the universally recognized most effective training method.

Absorbing energy crystals was a lower method, unable to directly absorb cosmic energy, making it hard to break through.

Such cultivators were known as roaming soldiers in the universe, often called battle slaves.

The directly absorbable energy in the universe was called star energy. The energy crystals in mutated beasts were a form of star energy but too mixed to be beneficial.

Lu Yin came from the cosmos and, to legitimize his identity, hadn't trained using the Body Molding Chip, placing himself wholly as an ordinary person. Now, on this planet, he didn't need to worry. In the universe, anyone training with the Body Molding Chip had to register, or it was illegal. But on a planetary evolution trial, what one obtained was theirs. This was the rule set by the Great Yu Empire's Youth Council, unbreakable by anyone.

"This person was in the Probing Realm, meaning this Body Molding Chip was used twice, with one use left. Unfortunately, more searching is needed," Lu Yin muttered, throwing the body into the spaceship and preparing to leave.

Suddenly, a shadow blocked the sunlight, and someone attacked from behind.

Lu Yin dodged, turning and kicking. A clash ensued, and Lu Yin recognized the attacker as a female ground-level powerhouse, immediately retreating.

The attacker also stepped back, revealing a pretty face.

"Why did you attack me?" Lu Yin's tone was cold. Though he sensed no killing intent, an attack was still an attack, especially a sneak attack.

The woman glanced at the spaceship and then at Lu Yin. "I saw you throw the alien's body into the ship. Who are you? Why did you kill the alien? What do you know?"

Lu Yin sneered. "Why should I tell you?"

The woman coldly replied, "I'll make you talk," drawing a dagger and lunging at Lu Yin, the blade slicing through the air with a cold gleam.

Lu Yin dodged easily. The woman's speed wasn't slow, and her dagger strikes were sharp, aimed at his vital points.

Lu Yin saw an opening and grabbed her wrist, his other hand reaching for her abdomen. The woman frowned, stomping the ground and releasing the dagger to meet Lu Yin's palm with her own. The air suddenly chilled, ice forming on Lu Yin's hand. "A battle technique?"

"You're not my match. Speak," the woman demanded, the temperature dropping further.