Zombie Horde

Did the translation serve as a deliberate lure? Lu Yin squinted his eyes, hoping he was just being paranoid.

After the incident with Kang Dafei, everyone's nerves were on edge.

A day later, the convoy stopped by an abandoned toll booth. Their mission began; the road needed repairs.

"Report, a battle five miles away. Five evolved humans are under attack by mutant beasts," a soldier reported.

Lu Yin ordered a rescue.

Half an hour later, the five evolved humans were brought in, all men, looking wretched, ragged, and starving.

Lu Yin did not give them food. If they dared to hunt mutant beasts alone in the wild, they had to be prepared to die. Lu Yin wasn't a saint, and the food in the army wasn't free. If necessary, they could always eat the mutant rats all around.

The five evolved humans were isolated outside the toll booth, eyeing the army cooking food with envy. Soon, one of them asked to see Lu Yin.

Lu Yin stood on the toll booth roof, surveying the surroundings.

Below, the evolved human with a pale face pleaded, "Sir, could you please give us some food? We can exchange information for it."

Lu Yin looked at him, "Speak."

"You'll give us food if we tell you?" the evolved human asked hopefully.

Lu Yin's voice turned cold, "Are you bargaining with me?"

The evolved human's face changed, fearfully saying, "No, I wouldn't dare." He continued, "We actually had enough food, but it was stolen yesterday by a Heavenly level expert in silver-white armor."

Lu Yin's eyes flashed, "Go on."

The evolved human swallowed, his throat dry, but he continued, "The only Heavenly level expert around Nanjing is Lord Xing Sheng Zhoushan, but that person could fly. I think it was because of the armor. After stealing our food, he wanted to kill us to silence us, but he started talking to himself excitedly and flew east."

Lu Yin realized they had encountered Orton. Talking to himself? He was using a personal terminal to communicate, likely with other students who had landed. This wasn't good. Zhoushan barely repelled Orton; if other students joined in, Zhoushan might not hold out.

"Give them some food," Lu Yin ordered, sitting down and gazing at the starless sky.

What was he worried about? Nanjing? The survivors? He was always an outsider, not a native Earthling. Frankly, he was like those from Astal, but his time on Earth had made him gradually accept this new identity.

He had only two and a half years of memories, with the rest blank. Most of his memories were from Earth, making Earth his home.

Lu Yin took a deep breath. Unfortunately, he wasn't strong enough to save Earth, but he could save some people within his ability.

He contacted Zhoushan, sharing his thoughts about Orton.

Zhoushan gravely replied, "I understand. Fix the lines quickly. I need to know about the others. These students are formidable."

Lu Yin ended the call, thinking about the others—the Six Saints.

"Hope Liu Shaoge isn't dead. Otherwise, who will I get revenge on?" Lu Yin muttered coldly.

That night, the sky was covered with clouds, no stars in sight.

Lu Yin was disappointed and slept in an armored vehicle.

In the middle of the night, a shout woke everyone.

"Boss, a zombie horde!" Xu San shouted urgently.

Lu Yin stepped out of the armored vehicle, leaping onto the toll booth roof. In the dark, countless zombies were approaching from all directions.

"Everyone, activate defenses and throw out the flames," Luo Yun shouted.

Soon, the zombie horde attacked the toll booth. The ground burned as flaming objects were thrown, fire spreading, and heatwaves rolling in.

"Be careful not to let the flames get close to the toll booth, or you'll all be burned," Luo Yun shouted.

Machine guns fired in all directions, the originally silent night now deafening.

Nearly ten thousand soldiers slaughtered zombies on the outskirts, using machine guns until only steel knives remained. Occasionally, soldiers were scratched or dragged into the zombie horde, disappearing instantly. The five rescued evolved humans watched in horror. This was army combat, far more brutal than they had imagined.

Luo Yun wielded a steel knife. As a Earth-level expert, she was far beyond ordinary evolved humans. One slash, and her powerful aura could tear apart a dozen zombies. Though timid, she fought bravely.

Lu Yin also wielded an iron rod, sweeping through zombies with each swing.

The best way to deal with a zombie horde was with hot weapons, but Nanjing had too few remaining. If the armories hadn't been destroyed, missiles could have wiped out the zombies.

Amid the slaughter, Lu Yin's walkie-talkie crackled with panic, "Boss, the southwest is collapsing."

Startled, Lu Yin leaped, stepping on zombie heads towards the southwest. There, soldiers were being massacred. What was happening?

"Boss, there's a strange zombie. Even the Human-level captains can't stop it," Xu San reported from a high vantage point.

Lu Yin landed, aiming his iron rod at the intersection of soldiers and zombies. His slash cut through air and earth, killing dozens of zombies and creating a clear dividing line.

Inside the line, soldiers retreated, staring in fear. They had lost over fifty men just now.

With a clang, Lu Yin's iron rod broke in half.

As Lu Yin's strength grew, the rod couldn't withstand his strikes.

"Watch out, Captain!" someone shouted.

All around, zombies surged, tens of thousands of them, covering the mountains and plains.

Lu Yin's body emitted a wave of star energy, clearing a ten-meter radius. All zombies were pushed back except one, a long-haired zombie that withstood the energy shock, staring at Lu Yin.

"Boss, that's the one. It killed many soldiers," Xu San's voice crackled over the walkie-talkie.

Lu Yin stared at the zombie in surprise. This wasn't an ordinary zombie; it was intelligent.

A thinking zombie seemed impossible, but there it was.

Staring at the zombie just two meters away, Lu Yin saw not dullness but thought in its red eyes.

Before Lu Yin could react, the long-haired zombie lunged, claws extended.

Lu Yin dodged, the claw wind ripping apart zombies ten meters away.

This zombie had Earth-level strength, surpassing Kang Dafei and Luo Yun, comparable to Zhao Yu.

Lu Yin focused on the zombie's attack patterns. Despite their chaos, there was a method, airtight and strategic. If he hadn't seen it himself, he wouldn't believe a zombie was attacking him.

After several failed attacks, the long-haired zombie growled, turning to flee.

Lu Yin noticed white threads on its back—webs? He suddenly realized this zombie lured Kang Dafei to that building. This zombie was definitely intelligent.

Without hesitation, Lu Yin threw the broken rod, piercing the zombie's abdomen. It roared, glaring at Lu Yin before fleeing south.

The surrounding zombies roared, as if provoked, blocking Lu Yin.

Lu Yin shouted, "Xu San, where's that zombie?"

Xu San's voice crackled, "Boss, it turned west, towards our original route."

Lu Yin's legs tensed, his figure disappearing, leaving only a shadow that was soon engulfed by zombies.

Xu San watched in awe. Was that a battle technique? It was incredible.

Lu Yin burst out of the zombie horde, following the original route, but the long-haired zombie was gone.

"Boss, I can't see it," Xu San said.

Lu Yin stopped, facing away from the toll booth, taking out his personal terminal to test the combat power. The terminal flashed, showing numerous nearby signals, mostly mutant beasts, but one strong signal at 990, a peak Earth-level, undoubtedly the long-haired zombie.

Lu Yin followed the terminal's direction. As long as he eliminated the long-haired zombie, the horde should disperse. If he was right, that zombie was the corpse king, commanding the horde. It wanted to destroy his army, starting with Kang Dafei.