Four Talented Aspects

Granny shook her head, "No, our original trial planet is quite far from Earth."

Lu Yin didn't expect such information. Earth's evolution wasn't brought about by the Grand Universe Empire but occurred internally. A fugitive? Neptune? Could it be that corpse?

"What is the identity of the fugitive?" Lu Yin asked.

Granny coughed a few times, "I-I don't know. His identity is top secret. No one knows his appearance or name."

"Then how are you supposed to find him?" Lu Yin questioned.

Granny replied, "That's the task. Trial missions can't be simple."

"Even if you find the fugitive, do you students have the strength to capture him?" Lu Yin asked curiously.

"He fled from the Inner Universe to the Outer Universe, already severely injured. It's impossible for him to retain strength beyond the Melting Realm, and all his belongings were destroyed, losing any life-saving means," Granny explained.

Ten minutes later, Granny was released. Lu Yin had her taken to clean up and receive treatment.

Granny didn't appear before Lu Yin the entire day. It wasn't until the next afternoon that they met again.

Though the past half-month had been painful for Granny, her injuries had healed, except for her right shoulder. Such was the power of universal healing drugs.

When they met again, Lu Yin brought Granny to an open grassy area on Mount Zhong. "Except for your shoulder, you've recovered. How about trying to defeat me and let me taste the pain of imprisonment?"

Granny glared at Lu Yin with hatred, her hands and feet still shackled with iron chains.

Lu Yin smiled, "Stop pretending. With your strength, these things can't bind you."

With a loud clang, Granny broke free from the chains. A sharp pain shot through her right arm, her face turned pale, and she exhaled, "I said I'd help you."

Lu Yin took out the energy gun belonging to Tress from his waist and threw it to the ground, "Without this energy gun, you shouldn't have any fear, right?"

Granny looked in surprise at the energy gun thrown by Lu Yin. This gun was Tress's life-saving tool, capable of threatening Explorer-level experts, and it was why Granny feared Lu Yin. Now, Lu Yin had voluntarily abandoned it?

"Come on, you can try to defeat me. If you win, Nanjing is yours, and you can have your revenge. How great is that?" Lu Yin taunted.

Granny's eyes shone brightly. She tossed her hair back and charged at Lu Yin. Even with only one hand, she was confident that she could at least fight to a draw with this person. She wasn't a novice at the Explorer level.

As she closed in on Lu Yin, Granny's feet scraped the ground, creating sparks. Her left palm swept across, concentrating the sparks, "Blazing Fire Palm."

Lu Yin watched Granny's Blazing Fire Palm coming at him, easily dodging with his Agile Step, casually tossing a flame crystal, "That little fire isn't enough. Try again."

Granny was surprised but didn't hesitate. If she was going to attack, she would go all out. The flame crystal shattered, producing a towering flame. Granny passed through the flame, her left palm rotating, gathering the flames as if they had a life of their own. Then, a deeper flame emerged in her palm, striking towards Lu Yin.

Lu Yin's eyes narrowed. He retreated half a step, raising his right palm. As his palm moved, stars appeared, meeting Granny's Blazing Fire Palm.


The airwave cracked the ground, heat waves surged, flames swept into the sky, and then exploded, countless sparks blossoming.

The powerful airwave erupted between the two. Granny spat a mouthful of blood, her body flew back, slamming hard into the ground, and she spat out blood again.

Lu Yin stood still, his expression unchanged.

When he was at the Perceptive Realm, he could heavily injure Tress with his Heavenly Star Palm. Now, both he and Granny were at the Explorer level, with not much difference in combat power. The Heavenly Star Palm's power had further increased. It was only because he held back that he didn't kill Granny with one strike.

Granny lay limp on the ground, staring at Lu Yin in shock, "How is this possible?"

She knew how powerful this person's combat technique was, having been defeated by it when she was injured. But now, she had fully exerted her Blazing Fire Palm, yet she didn't even have the qualification to make him take a step back.

The surrounding camp soldiers quickly arrived but were driven away by Lu Yin.

Lu Yin walked step by step to Granny, "Still want to resist?"

Granny, with blood at the corners of her mouth and her beautiful face pale, asked, "What combat technique was that?"

Lu Yin sneered, "Triple--Wave Palm."

"Impossible! That's not Wave Palm," Granny said weakly.

Lu Yin laughed as he picked up the energy gun, "Haven't you heard a legend? A strong person once shattered stars with a hundredfold Wave Palm. Defeating you with a triple Wave Palm is easy."

Granny was still immersed in shock and disbelief. Someone she could easily suppress had now turned the tables and easily defeated her, which was hard to accept.

"Go heal yourself. From now on, you are my personal bodyguard," Lu Yin said, looking at Granny with a smile before turning to leave.

Granny felt bitter, spitting blood again. No wonder this bastard let her attack; he wanted to subdue her.

Returning to his quarters, Lu Yin felt excited. Though his combat power was only 1500, with the Heavenly Star Palm, even if Tress went all out, he wouldn't be his opponent. He finally had the means to protect himself.

Lu Yin had Xu San guard outside and announced he was entering closed training.

In the sealed training room within Mount Zhong, he took out a star energy crystal, crushing it. He didn't absorb it but took out the die.

Since its last use, the die had been dim. After observing it several times, Lu Yin noticed its light gradually recovering but at a very slow pace, leading him to suspect it might need star energy.

As soon as the die was taken out, the star energy permeating the training room was absorbed by it. Its dim light gradually recovered. Lu Yin continuously took out star energy crystals, and the light on the die kept recovering. Finally, when the last star energy crystal was left, it had returned to its initial state, enveloped in a hazy starlight.

Lu Yin wiped his forehead. This thing required too much star energy. He calculated the star energy crystals stored by Granny and Tress, plus the energy absorbed by the die over these days. If converted into star energy crystals, it would be nearly half a cubic meter. If he included the explosive energy from his breakthrough to the Explorer level, it might need a full cubic meter of star energy crystals.

It was important to note that the star energy crystals Tress brought for the trial were already his limit. A wealthy student couldn't obtain a cubic meter of star energy crystals, indicating their value. This thing required a cubic meter of star energy crystals for each use.

Lu Yin felt he might be very poor in the future. He had to find a way to get rich, or he couldn't afford to use it.

He would never give up the die. The first use brought him the heaven-defying Heavenly Star Technique. Who knows what it would bring in the future? The key point was that there were no side effects, and no one knew he took it. To many people, this thing was a cheat.

Even if it cost a cubic meter of star energy crystals, he would use it. At worst, he would rob others.

Lu Yin looked at the die floating in midair, swallowing, rubbing his hands, "Come on, it's time to test my luck. Hopefully, it brings something good this time." With that, he lightly touched the die as if in worship. Immediately, it spun rapidly, and in the end, the dots on five sides disappeared, leaving only one side showing a four.

"Four?" Lu Yin was puzzled. Before he could think more, the surrounding environment changed. The training room was gone, Mount Zhong was gone. What he saw was an endless gray and white space with no end. Looking up, there was infinite darkness. Beneath his feet was a seemingly sturdy unknown material. Behind him, a set of numbers slowly changed: 259200, 259199, 259198...

Mysteriously, the purpose of this space appeared in Lu Yin's mind. This was - Time Freeze Space.

Lu Yin was shocked. This was like seeing a ghost. Time freeze? He had only heard of this in legends. His die actually had this function? At four points, he could stay in Time Freeze Space for three days. The numbers behind him were the seconds. That meant he could stay here until the last second without time passing in the outside world.

Looking at the slowly changing numbers, Lu Yin exhaled. Wasn't his talent a bit too terrifying?

Shaking his head to clear the thoughts, he raised his hand, and the die appeared again. This time, it was dim once more.

Lu Yin now understood why using this thing required so much star energy. He felt that the amount of star energy consumed might be too little compared to the value of this space.

Lu Yin took out the last star energy crystal, throwing it towards the numbers. Instantly, the crystal turned into a stream of light and disappeared, adding five seconds to the count. Lu Yin's face twitched. Five seconds? That's too little. He felt rather speechless.