White Snow

Teris' physique technique had already been obtained, so there was no need to worry about breaking through the Fusion Realm. He could stay for now, but as soon as there was news about that body, he would leave immediately. Nothing was more important than that body.

The land of Jinling was filled with smoke and flames, the fighting never stopping for a moment. Every few days, a wave of beasts would attack from the west, coming inexplicably.

In the sky, flying mutant beasts swarmed toward the gathering place.

Glenny soared into the sky, a sea of fire condensing into a flame palm, shaking the heavens. Sparks flew, drawing countless praises and reverence.

Lu Yin stood on the city wall, looking west. The beast tides had been coming too frequently these days. Could it be that a powerful mutant beast had appeared?

"Glenny, support the southwest!" Lu Yin shouted.

In the sky, Glenny felt frustrated. She was a favored child of the starry sky, yet she was being ordered like this. She wanted to refuse, but seeing Lu Yin's cold eyes, she wisely followed the order, a scene from a few days ago flashing in her mind.

It was the day after visiting Zhou Shan that Lu Yin suddenly proposed a spar, promising not to use the Wave Palm. Only then did Glenny agree. To her surprise, the bastard used the Split Air Palm, almost crippling her with one strike. Furious, Glenny swore never to spar with him again.

Of course, she was also shocked by Lu Yin's strength. If the Wave Palm wasn't too surprising, then the Split Air Palm was entirely different. Among her peers, only one person could use the Split Air Palm: Willow, the strongest at the Empire's First Military Academy. Lu Yin was the second.


The flame palm struck the ground hard, shattering several powerful mutant beasts. Glenny took a breath.

She also found it strange. Although there were many mutant beasts after the apocalypse, not all of them would attack humans. Beasts had their own nature; as long as their territory wasn't invaded, they rarely came out. This was a key reason why so many survivors could live. But now, the beast tides were becoming more frequent.


A huge roar echoed. In front, two mutant beasts charged at Glenny. She used the flame palm again, killing both beasts with one strike.

On the city wall, Lu Yin frowned. This woman relied too much on her combat skills, which limited her development. Once she couldn't use the flame palm, her combat strength would drop by half. In the academy, she was probably only considered above average, far behind Teris, only a bit stronger than Orton.

Suddenly, Lu Yin's eyes widened, and he shouted, "Stop!" Raising his palm, he pressed down, the air rippling and forming a shockwave that blasted towards Glenny.

Surprised, Glenny turned around, seeing Lu Yin's Split Air Palm coming at her. Her expression changed. This bastard was attacking her! Suddenly, she felt a chill on her back. Someone was ambushing her. Glenny instinctively bent down, the Split Air Palm passing over her and hitting her assailant behind her. With a bang, the air shook. Glenny was swept aside by the huge force, while a man behind her spat blood and was sent flying, crashing into the ground.

Lu Yin leaped into the air, quickly flying towards Glenny, his eyes angrily fixed on the man lying on the ground. He landed in front of Glenny.

Glenny breathed a sigh of relief, grateful to Lu Yin. If it weren't for him, she would have been ambushed. The attacker was also at the Scouting Realm. If the ambush had succeeded, she didn't know how badly she would have been injured, maybe even killed.

The ground cracked open with a huge fissure. The man clutched his chest, staring at Lu Yin in shock. "S-Split Air Palm? How is that possible?"

Lu Yin coldly stared at the man, his eyes scanning the surroundings. Then his gaze sharpened, and he dashed into the beast tide. The man shouted, "Run!" But it was too late. From the belly of a mutant beast, a young man looked at Lu Yin in surprise as he reached out with one hand, drawing a long knife and slashing. With a clang, the long knife broke. Lu Yin's palm shattered the knife and struck the man, causing the ground to shatter within dozens of meters. The shockwave tore through countless mutant beasts.

Lu Yin defeated two Scouting Realm fighters in just two moves, leaving Glenny stunned.

She confirmed they were students, although not from the Empire's First Military Academy. Being able to participate in the trial meant they weren't weak, yet they were so easily defeated. This was Lu Yin's current strength, his real combat power far exceeding his combat value.

With the two defeated, the beast tide strangely retreated.

Lu Yin immediately understood that these recent beast tides were caused by these two.

"Who are you?" Glenny shouted angrily, almost having been ambushed.

The two men looked at Lu Yin with fear, not answering.

Lu Yin waved to dismiss the soldiers, coldly staring at the two. "Speak, or I'll chop you up and feed you to the mutant beasts."

"We're students! You can't be so cruel," one man said in fear, his face pale.

Lu Yin shrugged. "Sorry, I'm not a student. I'm from Earth."

"Impossible!" the two shouted, looking at Glenny.

Glenny remained silent.

The two were shocked. "How could a mere native so easily defeat us? And use the Split Air Palm?"

"Enough nonsense. Speak or die," Lu Yin said coldly.

Ten minutes later, Lu Yin had them imprisoned, deep in thought. They were from Blue Mountain Academy of the Great Yu Empire. Blue Mountain Academy was located on a beast-filled planet, so they knew some beast-taming techniques but could only control weak mutant beasts. As for attacking Jinling, they, like Glenny, wanted to take over Jinling.

But unlike Glenny, these two had backing and were based not far from Jinling, in Anhui.

Glenny angrily said, "Why not kill them? They want to take over Jinling."

Lu Yin looked at Glenny. "You go kill them."

Glenny was startled, turning her head away. "I can't do it."

Lu Yin coldly said, "The trial doesn't prohibit killing, but too much killing isn't good either. Don't play tricks in front of me again. This is the first and last time." With that, he turned and left.

Glenny pouted as she watched him leave, thinking it was a pity. She had wanted to make Lu Yin the target of everyone's hostility so she could escape his control, but it didn't work. This bastard was smarter than she thought.

"Boss, the beast tide has retreated," Xu San excitedly told Lu Yin, his small eyes gleaming.

Lu Yin glanced at him and knew what he was thinking. "Have you used up your energy crystals?"

Xu San said embarrassedly, "Yes, but I've gotten much stronger."

Lu Yin said, "Don't rush to break through to the Sky level. You don't have the capability yet. Focus on refining the energy within you."

"Yes, boss," Xu San felt Lu Yin's concern.

As for Lu Yin, he didn't want this person to diminish their potential by absorbing too many impurities. That would make them worthless. Many major forces had ways to disperse a person's energy and have them cultivate again. Xu San was worth that now, but the higher his strength, the greater the cost, and the lower the price Lu Yin could get. So Sky level was just right, enough for self-preservation.

Zhou Shan's injuries had improved a lot. Lu Yin had used Glenny's healing medicine on him.

"What do you plan to do with those two aliens?" Zhou Shan asked.

Lu Yin said, "Keep them for now. They could be useful. You can interrogate them too. It's good to know more about the alien situation."

Zhou Shan nodded. "I heard they're from Anhui?"

Lu Yin said, "They're in our path, so we might as well take them out."

"Our path? I've always been curious, why are you so intent on heading west?" Zhou Shan asked, puzzled.

Lu Yin looked at Zhou Shan. "Want to hear the truth?"

"No kidding."

"I'm going to Hubei to see someone," Lu Yin said calmly.

"Hubei? A relative?" Zhou Shan asked, puzzled.

Lu Yin smiled. "You could say that."

Zhou Shan nodded. "Alright, Jinling was saved by you. If you say go west, we go west. By the way, if we reach Hubei, it wouldn't be bad. We could connect with Liu Shaoge's Wu City and join forces against the aliens."

Lu Yin's eyes flickered. "Liu Shaoge? The Light Saint? How is he?"

Zhou Shan asked, "You mean his strength or personality?"

"I'm curious about both," Lu Yin smiled.

Zhou Shan said, "Actually, I don't know him well. Although we worked together before, we didn't have much contact. The person who knows Liu Shaoge best should be Luo Sheng Bai Xue. From what I've heard, they seem to be involved."

Lu Yin frowned, then relaxed. "Involved? Are they married?"

"No, they just seem to have mutual feelings," Zhou Shan said uncertainly. Then he looked at Lu Yin with a grin. "Have you met Bai Xue?"

Lu Yin shook his head.

Zhou Shan looked up at the sky, pointing at the clouds. "Bai Xue is like that."

Lu Yin looked up, puzzled, following Zhou Shan's gaze.

"Bai Xue, as pure as lotus emerging from clean water, naturally unadorned, the goddess of Luo River, exquisitely beautiful like a painting," Zhou Shan remarked with emotion.

Lu Yin stared at Zhou Shan as if struck by lightning. "You even know how to use idioms?"