
Here is the translation of the excerpt you provided:


"I'm going to catch a zombie and experiment with it," Zhang Dingtian said and immediately left after speaking.

Before long, Zhang Dingtian threw a zombie to the ground and casually shoved an energy crystal into its mouth.

Several people stared at the zombie.

After a while, the zombie showed no reaction.

Zhang Dingtian and Bai Xue secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Yin calmly said, "One zombie doesn't prove anything. Catch some more and try again."

Zhang Dingtian nodded and ordered people to capture zombies.

Half an hour later, more than fifty zombies were tied up and brought over. Zhang Dingtian individually inserted energy crystals into the mouths of more than fifty zombies.


Suddenly, one zombie growled softly, its face contorted in pain, its crimson eyes staring dead at Zhang Dingtian. Supernatural energy devoid of mercy tore through its skin, followed by a loud bang as the entire body exploded.

Except for this one zombie, the others showed no change.

Even the Dean was shocked witnessing this scene. "The energy crystal has a reaction with individual zombies. The appearance of a reaction proves that this path of evolution is feasible."

Lu Yin stared at the ground where the flesh had scattered, suddenly reminded of silver, and that crimson vertical eye. Just recalling it made his scalp tingle; he couldn't possibly take it out now.

"This matter must be kept strictly confidential. It must not be known to certain people," Bai Xue said coldly, looking at Lu Yin after speaking.

Lu Yin calmly said, "It seems that the evolution of the planet is not as simple as imagined. Even zombies are members of evolution. Could they also be qualified to participate in trials?"

"Zombies have no intelligence," Bai Xue said.

Lu Yin chuckled, "No intelligence? Not necessarily."

Zhang Dingtian immediately ordered everyone outside the city to return to the city. He decided to bomb the zombies with the remaining thermal weapons. The zombies couldn't turn back into humans. Now that they knew they could evolve, they couldn't be left alive, especially with the possibility of gaining powerful strength by ingesting supernatural energy crystals.

Even the Dean agreed. With such a large number of zombies, even if one successful evolution occurred among tens of thousands of zombies, it would be terrifying. Such supernatural power was not something ordinary people could contend with. Just looking at Bai Xue made this clear. In fact, if it weren't for her ice talent, she might not be Parley's opponent. It was precisely because of her ice talent that she easily killed Parley and controlled Graney. This was the terror of talent.

That night, a deafening roar came from outside Beijing.

Lu Yin looked up and saw figures flying towards his residence from the sky. Lu Yin looked surprised to find that it was Bai Xue.

This woman who was as beautiful as a goddess had never liked him. Why was she coming to him so late at night?

Lu Yin looked at the enchanting figure approaching under the moonlight and didn't mind putting a green hat on Liu Shaoge.

Bai Xue landed where Lu Yin lived and visibly relaxed upon seeing Lu Yin.

Lu Yin was puzzled. "Is something the matter?"

Graney walked out of the room and looked at Bai Xue strangely.

Bai Xue said lightly, "Nothing, just passing by."

Lu Yin was speechless. "Are you sure?"

Bai Xue hesitated, then said lightly, "All the personnel in charge of launching thermal weapons died, and all thermal weapons were destroyed and cannot be used."

Lu Yin was shocked. "Who did this?"

Bai Xue stared at Lu Yin without saying a word.

Lu Yin smiled wryly. "So you rushed over to establish my alibi."

"I hope it wasn't you, otherwise, we won't let you off," Bai Xue said coldly.

Lu Yin was puzzled. "It seems like you're very wary of me. Why?"

Bai Xue didn't answer and turned to leave.

"Wait a minute. You came just to leave? It's not that easy," Lu Yin said lightly, appearing next to Bai Xue with a light step, reaching out to grab her hair. Bai Xue's eyes turned cold, emitting freezing cold air on her body surface, sweeping towards Lu Yin. Lu Yin's right palm vibrated and shook away the cold air, continuing to grab Bai Xue.

Under the moonlight, a layer of ice suddenly appeared in front of Bai Xue, reflecting light.

Lu Yin slapped the ice with his palm, cracking it, and at this moment, Bai Xue retreated several meters away, guarded against him.

Lu Yin shrugged. "Just kidding."

"Not funny," Bai Xue said coldly.

"You broke into my house late at night and threatened me. That's not funny either," Lu Yin said coldly.

Bai Xue's eyes flickered. "I'm sorry." After speaking, she flew away, leaving a lingering fragrance.

Lu Yin looked up at the sky. Who destroyed the thermal weapons? Didn't they want to bombard the tide of corpses?

Graney sighed and looked at Bai Xue's departing figure in amazement, admiringly saying, "Every time I see her, I feel amazed. This woman truly deserves to be described as the goddess of Luoshui by Zhou Shan. In terms of appearance alone, she can rival Cai Xingnv."

"Cai Xingnv?" Lu Yin was puzzled.

Graney looked up at the sky with yearning. "Cai Xingnv is one of the most beautiful women in the starry sky. It is rumored that she can stroll through the stars and often appears in trial grounds, just to find a destined person. There are also legends that she can predict the future and look into the past. She is the dream of countless people in the starry sky."

Lu Yin was speechless. "You're a woman. Is she also your dream?"

Graney rolled her eyes at Lu Yin. "She's my idol. I heard that she comes from an extremely powerful and mysterious sect in the inner universe. Any disciple from that sect can easily sweep through the younger generation of the Great Universe Empire. Cai Xingnv even ascended to the Starry Sky Battle List. She..." At this point, Graney stopped, pursed her lips, "You won't understand if I tell you. Forget it, I'm going to sleep."

Lu Yin didn't pay attention to Graney's words. The universe is vast, and even trivial matters can be exaggerated. Predicting the future and looking into the past? Where can such a person exist? Thinking about it, Lu Yin looked up at the night sky, and two stars appeared in his right palm, rotating. Faintly, a third star appeared.

The bombing of the zombie tide with thermal weapons temporarily stopped. Lu Yin didn't know how Zhang Dingtian and the others were dealing with it, and he didn't care. He looked at his personal terminal. There were about forty days left until the arrival of the second batch of trial participants. It was coming soon.

The hundred thousand Huaying evolutionists were dispatched in batches from the steel city walls, under Zhang Dingtian's orders. They didn't need to face mutant beasts, only to kill zombies.

This task was not difficult. For evolutionists, zombies were much easier to kill than mutant beasts.

On the steel city walls, Zhang Dingtian and Bai Xue stood.

"Even clearing out the zombies around Beijing is just a drop in the ocean," Bai Xue said helplessly, looking at the vast army of Huaying troops marching out.

Zhang Dingtian said solemnly, "It's better than doing nothing. I've already sent people to Jinling, Hubei, and other places to inform them of the situation and have them go all out to wipe out the zombies to prevent uncontrollable factors."

Mentioning Hubei, Bai Xue's gaze flickered. "Is he okay?"

Zhang Dingtian looked at Bai Xue and said lightly, "I don't know."

Bai Xue fell silent.

The cleaning of the zombies went relatively smoothly. The hundred thousand Huaying evolutionists could kill nearly two million zombies every day. In just a few days, the area outside Beijing had become much emptier, with countless zombies slaughtered and burned, causing thick smoke and a pungent smell to emanate from the surroundings of Beijing.

To the west of Beijing, at the thermal weapons launch site, Zhang Dingtian came here again. He had been investigating the murderer for the past few days, but had not found anything. The murderer killed cleanly and quickly, ending lives with a single blow. More than five hundred people in the launch camp died in less than a minute, indicating an extremely fast killing speed.

"Do you think it's Lu Yin who did it?" Bai Xue asked from a distance.

"Didn't you confirm it with your own eyes?" Zhang Dingtian said in a deep voice, scanning the ground with his gaze.

Bai Xue pursed her lips. "It's best to get in touch with Jinling as soon as possible. This Lu Yin has a mysterious identity. I always feel like he's an alien student."

Zhang Dingtian looked at Bai Xue. "And if he is? In this world, we can distinguish between friend and foe without distinguishing between races. Earth no longer has the qualifications to distinguish between races."

Bai Xue's gaze dimmed, not saying a word.

Zhang Dingtian turned and walked towards the interior. Just as he opened the gate, a flash of white light dazzled, streaking towards Zhang Dingtian's neck at an extremely fast speed. Zhang Dingtian's gaze contracted, and at the critical moment, he turned to avoid it, despite this, a cut opened on his neck, drawing blood.

In the glare, a silver-haired man smirked with a devilish curve on his lips. He wielded a butterfly knife, aiming once more at Zhang Dingtian. Zhang Dingtian drew his long sword, holding it defensively in front of him. The butterfly knife dodged the long sword with an eerie arc, nearing Zhang Dingtian's eyes. This strike aimed to blind Zhang Dingtian.

Just as the butterfly knife approached, Zhang Dingtian not only kept his eyes open but also faced it head-on. His body erupted with energy, causing the butterfly knife to momentarily slow down. With a sweeping horizontal slash, a tremendous force visibly cleaved the camp in two, even splitting the earth.


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