
Everyone was stunned. This was Eddu, a powerful individual who had been specially admitted to Yutang and was recognized as the strongest among them, capable of going head-to-head with Zhang Dingtian. And yet, he had been defeated with a single palm strike.

Zhang Dingtian was equally shocked. This person had become much stronger than he was some time ago. He doubted he could have withstood that palm strike.

Lu Yin glanced at his right palm. The third star had emerged, unexpectedly powerful.

The Celestial Palm was not merely about the explosion of stars; each star's explosion compounded the damage. A Celestial Palm with three stars far exceeded that with two stars.

Lu Yin had once guessed that when the third star emerged, he could rival Zhang Dingtian. But now, he knew he had not just matched him—he had surpassed him.

In the distance, a student stared at his personal terminal in shock. "Three, three thousand seven hundred combat power, cross-realm combat power."

All the students felt a chill down their spines. A cross-realm powerhouse was a rare talent, typically only found among those with extraordinary gifts in the universe. And now, on this marginal planet, two cross-realm powerhouses had appeared. It was unbelievable. Moreover, there was a gifted cultivator among them. Was this really an ordinary planet?

Granny was stunned. That bastard had become so powerful.

Lu Yin clenched his fist, scanning all the students with a grin before suddenly charging at one of them.

This student was also among the academy's strongest. Seeing Lu Yin rush toward him, he was terrified and immediately fled without thinking of resisting. Unfortunately, Lu Yin grabbed his shoulder, crushing his battle armor with his grip. "Stay put," Lu Yin growled, knocking the student out with a punch to the forehead before moving on to the next student.

The scene was bizarre. Lu Yin was like a lion charging into a flock of sheep. The Celestial Palm made him invincible, and the students' attacks were useless against him. His battle armor protected him completely, leaving the students helpless.

After knocking out eight students, everyone scattered in panic. They couldn't fight or defend, so there was no point in staying.

Hedian was the first to run, but Bai Xue, who had been watching him, intercepted him.

"Get out of my way, woman!" Hedian roared. He didn't want to be knocked out. He could guess that bastard had a purpose for knocking out the students. Remembering the fate of Bai Lie and Will, Hedian shivered. That bastard might be planning to kidnap all the trial students!

With a swish, just as Hedian broke through the ice and was about to escape, a terrifying slash stopped him in his tracks. Zhang Dingtian stood in front of him, long blade in hand, staring coldly at him. "Did I say you could leave?"

Hedian froze, then felt a sharp pain at the back of his head and lost consciousness.

Bai Xue withdrew her hand, a slight excitement in her eyes. Apparently, this was quite satisfying.

Zhang Dingtian stared dumbfounded at Bai Xue. It was the first time he had seen her knock someone out. He had to admit, Lu Yin's method was quite persuasive.

In the distance, Grace and Balro were dumbfounded, watching the capital. "Am I seeing things? Is that shameless bastard capturing students?"

Balro smiled wryly. "You're not seeing things. He is indeed capturing students. Trial students, the elites of the starry sky academies, being caught like rabbits. This must be a first in the history of trials."

In any trial, the students were like gods, looking down on all others. Their opponents were only themselves. But now, all the trial students, including the strongest ones, were being captured one by one, fleeing like frightened rabbits. In the end, fewer than five managed to escape.

When the capital finally calmed down, aside from the ruins, nineteen unconscious students lay scattered on the ground.

Lu Yin wiped the sweat off his brow, exhausted. "Finally done. Those who escaped were too fast, their footwork techniques were too slick. Couldn't catch them. Oh well."

"That's nineteen here, plus Bai Lie and Will, makes twenty-one. Oh, Zhou Shan brought those two from Blue Mountain Academy? So that's twenty-three students. Not bad." Lu Yin counted and quickly began searching each one.

Zhang Dingtian and Bai Xue watched in disbelief. His actions were too practiced.

Eddu wasn't unconscious, just seriously injured. Seeing this, he widened his eyes. "You're that star thief."

Lu Yin glanced at him. "Don't talk nonsense. These are spoils of war. Can't fight for nothing."

Eddu fumed.

Granny came out then, helping Lu Yin sort the spoils.

Lu Yin didn't blame her. She was a trial student too. It was good enough she didn't help attack the capital.

This battle had been exhausting. Even with the battle armor deflecting many attacks, Lu Yin's internal organs were still shaken. He needed to rest. Zhang Dingtian and Bai Xue were even worse off, not wanting to move at all. Zhou Shan and Wu Sheng were seriously injured. Lu Yin had Granny treat them before they were taken back to the capital by Hua Camp for emergency treatment.

All the evolvers of Hua Camp mobilized to clear the ruins.

Two hours later, the unconscious students began to wake up, finding themselves tied together, glaring angrily at Lu Yin.

Especially after discovering they had been robbed, they were furious to the point of spitting blood.

"You're the star thief who robbed Ian!" someone shouted.

Ian, beside him, said, "Hey, don't use me as an example. It's embarrassing."

"He's definitely the one who robbed Ian. Now he dares to rob us too. You thief, bandit!" another shouted.

Ian was speechless.

Lu Yin sneered, walking up to the students and raising his palm. The students flinched and quickly shut up.

Lu Yin withdrew his hand, about to say something to Zhang Dingtian and the others, when his eyes suddenly narrowed. He looked up at the sky. At the same time, countless people across Earth did the same. Meteors streaked across the sky.

One after another, meteors crossed the horizon.

Lu Yin was shocked. This was the second wave of trial takers arriving.

"Why so soon?" Lu Yin wondered, looking at Granny.

Granny said, "Second waves of trials are rare. I don't know."

"It should be calculated from the moment they received the notification," Bai Xue said, approaching with a solemn expression.

Zhang Dingtian looked up, his gaze narrowing as he saw three meteors heading their way.

Lu Yin immediately shouted, "Take everyone back to the capital, quickly!"

Soon, distant rumbles echoed. Survivors in the capital were terrified. Today's despair rivaled that of doomsday. Not only did dozens of top-tier fighters battle, but now meteors were falling. Was humanity truly at the brink?

The iron city walls turned to ruins. Lu Yin and the others stood on the debris, watching as a meteor landed a few kilometers from the capital's gathering place. They could even see the alien spaceship engulfed in flames.


The ground shook again, giant cracks spreading towards the capital. Zhang Dingtian waved his hand, tearing the ground apart to block the fissures.

The next moment, a scorching wave of heat swept over them, carrying endless dust, pressing down on the capital. Everyone felt the pressure descending.

Soon, when the dust settled, a three-meter diameter, round spaceship appeared before everyone. It was small, identical to Astor's from before—a personal spaceship for one person.

A huge conical crater marked the impact site.

Distant rumbles continued.

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes. Three meteors had landed. This was the second wave of trial takers, aiming for the Tenth Institute of the Starry Sky, seeking to achieve results in the trial.

Eddu, tied up nearby, stared excitedly at the spaceship. Come, let these natives witness what true power looks like, what true strength is.

With a click, the round spaceship's hatch opened, hot air billowing out to form white steam. A hand reached out, gripping the edge of the ship, and then a figure emerged, stepping into the sunlight and raising his head.

Appearing before everyone was a handsome man with a faint smile in his eyes.

The man stepped out of the ship, slowly floated, and landed on the ground. He didn't look at Lu Yin and the others but scanned the surroundings, his gaze carrying a hint of curiosity.

Seeing the man, Lu Yin's eyes narrowed. Danger. Extreme danger. This person gave him a very dangerous feeling. Checking his personal terminal, he saw a combat power of three thousand, peak Explorer Realm. Despite having the same combat power, why did this person feel so dangerous?

Not just Lu Yin, but Zhang Dingtian, Bai Xue, Granny, and even Eddu felt an extreme sense of danger upon seeing the man. This seemingly gentle man exuded a suffocating pressure.

"Who is he?" Lu Yin asked, smacking Eddu's head.

Eddu stared blankly at the man, shaking his head in confusion. "I don't know him."

Lu Yin squinted. The man hadn't even looked at them yet, completely ignoring them. Was this an inherent arrogance, ingrained in his bones.