Five o'clock

Suddenly, a green figure streaked across the sky, leaping over Zhou Shan and diving into the midst of the dozen students. With a single punch per opponent, it took merely ten seconds for the green-clad woman to knock them all unconscious and leave them sprawled on the ground.

This scene was profoundly shocking, especially to Zhou Shan. These students were from the second batch of trial participants, all among the strongest in their respective academies, yet they couldn't even put up a fight against the green-clad woman. How could this be possible? And her speed was astonishingly fast!

From afar in the sky, Lu Yin and the others had just taken off, and they happened to witness this scene, their eyes similarly filled with shock.

When they were initially fighting over the stone, the green-clad woman wasn't nearly this fast. Otherwise, Lu Yin wouldn't have been able to hold her off. It seemed she had indeed gained something from the stone's legacy.

Outside the capital, the green-clad woman frowned. "So this is White Flash. Still a bit slow. It should be fastest during the daytime. I'll try again tomorrow."

The dozen students were immediately captured by the evolutionists and brought back into the city, along with Jenny Onar. At this point, the capital had captured a total of forty-two students.

Lu Yin didn't hesitate to search them thoroughly. Originally, after looting the first batch of captured students, he had around twenty cubic crystals. Jenny Onar alone contributed nearly fifteen cubic crystals, surpassing Lars and making her the one with the most crystals among all the captured students. Adding the dozen new students, Lu Yin's total number of star energy crystals reached forty-two cubic crystals, matching the number of captured students.

This was quite a significant fortune. Jenny Onar, as the heir of the Onar family, had only fifteen cubic crystals, whereas Lu Yin's total was three times that amount.

Indeed, robbery was the quickest way to wealth. Lu Yin was excited—he could roll the dice again.

After informing Zhang Ting, Lu Yin entered seclusion. He had to use up some star energy crystals; otherwise, there wouldn't be enough space in his Condensed Empty Ring.

After burying the flame crystals around him, Lu Yin raised his hand, and the dice appeared, its surface now somewhat restored and glowing faintly.

Lu Yin didn't want to wait for it to recover slowly. Boldly, he crushed one cubic crystal, and the dice quickly absorbed the energy, its surface restoring and enveloped in a faint starlight.

This was the moment when Lu Yin felt both excited and nervous. He gently extended his finger, reverently touching the dice. It spun rapidly, eventually stopping to reveal—one dot.

Another one dot. Lu Yin watched expectantly. What would he steal this time?

Soon, a fist-sized star energy crystal fell from the void, hitting the ground with a clattering sound.

Lu Yin was speechless. One cubic crystal exchanged for this thing—a thousand times difference. Gambling could indeed ruin a person. One dot was truly terrifying. He collected himself, thinking, no worries, there's more money to spend.

He crushed another cubic crystal, and the dice restored itself once more.

He tapped it lightly.

Another one dot. Lu Yin was speechless again. Such bad luck. The chances of getting something good from one dot were extremely low.

Indeed, this time he got—Lu Yin's eyes widened—a roll of toilet paper? Furious, Lu Yin cursed inwardly. Who puts toilet paper in a Condensed Empty Ring? What a beast. Enraged, he wanted to cross a black hole to beat that jerk. Who would put this in a Condensed Empty Ring? Damn it.

After venting his frustration, Lu Yin calmed down. It was reckless to spend money like this. Two cubic crystals wasted for a fist-sized star energy crystal and a roll of toilet paper. If Granny knew, she would probably cry. Her entire fortune was only a few dozen star energy crystals, and here he lost two thousand times that amount.

Only now did Lu Yin realize how lucky he had been the first time he obtained the Starburst Technique. That day, it seemed like all the luck in the universe had converged on him.

Should he wait? Today seemed like a bad luck day. As he crushed another star energy crystal for the third time, Lu Yin thought briefly but shook his head. He had money to burn.

With trepidation, he tapped the dice. When it stopped, he saw—four dots.

Lu Yin exhaled in relief. Four dots meant the Time Freeze Space. This round wasn't a loss.

In the next moment, Lu Yin found himself in the grey and white Time Freeze Space, with numbers ticking down behind him.

The initial time in the Time Freeze Space was three days. Lu Yin needed to decide how to use these three days. Three days wasn't long enough to practice the Starburst Palm or the Seven Beast Claws, so there was only one path left—the punch he saw in the legacy stone. That punch had knocked him out of the legacy stone, but when he activated the Starburst Technique for a moment, he grasped the essence of that punch. The green-clad woman gained incredible speed; he, on the other hand, received that punch.

He focused, visualizing the black and white glowing punch in his mind—White Night Punch.

Three days later, when the last second ticked away, Lu Yin emerged from the Time Freeze Space, exhausted.

Although time was frozen in that space, the physical fatigue remained. He ate something, rested for a night, and woke up the next morning.

"Let's continue," Lu Yin muttered, crushing another star energy crystal to restore the dice.

This was his fourth roll. As he tapped the dice, he felt a dizzy spell, but he ignored it. The dice stopped spinning, revealing two dots. Two dots meant item decomposition.

Perfect timing. He had looted many items recently. He decomposed a batch, getting some strange metal materials he didn't recognize. After the decomposition vortex disappeared, he crushed another star energy crystal and tapped the dice.

The dizziness intensified, and Lu Yin's vision blurred. He realized that his talent couldn't be used indefinitely, much like star energy. Overusing his talent would put his brain into a comatose state.

Stumbling, Lu Yin nearly fell. He had reached his limit—five rolls. Five rolls were his maximum.

Shaking his head vigorously, he looked at the dice. This fifth roll revealed something he had never seen before—five dots.

The dice had a total of six dots. Lu Yin had rolled one dot, two dots, four dots, and now, five dots.

As he looked at the five dots, a mysterious knowledge appeared in his mind—the use of this point—Talent Borrowing.

Talent Borrowing allowed him to touch someone and borrow their talent for use with the dice. He could use it once, and it would disappear. The condition was that he had to touch the talent user within ten seconds. Otherwise, the function would vanish.

Seeing that two seconds had already passed, Lu Yin rushed out of his room. In the capital, the only talent user was Bai Xue. Without hesitation, he sprinted towards the steel city ruins where Bai Xue was.

Mid-air, Lu Yin's body swayed. Five rolls had exhausted his spirit to the limit. Bai Xue was still a hundred meters away.

With one second left, Lu Yin managed to place a hand on Bai Xue's shoulder, exhaling heavily.

At the steel city ruins, Granny, Gureis, Balaro, and Zhou Shan stared in confusion. What was happening?

Bai Xue was also stunned, looking at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin quickly withdrew his hand, noticing the odd stares. "Sorry, wrong person," he muttered and left immediately.

A stunned silence fell over the ruins.

Granny was speechless. That excuse was terrible. Why had he reached out suddenly? To take advantage? In broad daylight? With no warning? Was he crazy?

Not only Granny, but everyone else thought the same, especially Gureis. "Was Lu Yin trying to confess? Did we interrupt him?"

Balaro nodded seriously, "Seems like it."

Bai Xue's face flushed, her stunning beauty captivating even Granny. This woman's beauty outshone the stars.

Back in the capital, Lu Yin collapsed into his place, instantly falling asleep. He had reached his limit.

Shortly after he fell asleep, rumors spread throughout the capital.

"Did you hear? Yin Saint confessed to Luo Saint and got rejected, then drank himself into a stupor and now doesn't dare to show up."

"That's not right. I heard Yin Saint was so entranced by Luo Saint he couldn't speak and just left."

"You're both wrong. My cousin's aunt's brother's neighbor saw Yin Saint kiss Luo Saint and propose, with the wedding ring ready."

"Get out of here. Where would he get a wedding ring?"

That afternoon, Zhang Ting found Bai Xue. "I heard—" 

"No such thing. He mistook me for someone else," Bai Xue quickly interrupted, knowing what Zhang Ting was about to say.

Zhang Ting paused, "Good." Then he left.