"A Turtle That Can Fly

Soon, Lu Yin arrived.

Yan Gang had grown impatient while waiting, and without Lulu Mebius present, his attitude had become arrogant once again.

Lu Yin noticed Yan Gang but ignored him, instead glancing at Bai Xue. He vaguely remembered doing something before he fell asleep.

Bai Xue didn't look well, both because of Yan Gang and Lu Yin. Rumors were spreading through the city, and she couldn't stop them, which made her secretly furious.

"Where's Lulu Mebius?" Lu Yin asked Granney.

"She went back to the city," Granney replied.

Lu Yin nodded and looked at Zhang Dingtian. "Are you injured?"

Zhang Dingtian said solemnly, "This guy is very strong, from Lianyan Star."

Lu Yin raised an eyebrow. Lianyan Star? He hadn't heard of it. Since arriving in the Canglan Territory, he had come straight to Earth and wasn't well-versed in the region's details.

Not far away, Yan Gang's eyes grew cold. "Who's in charge here? Come out and speak."

Lu Yin turned to Yan Gang. "What do you want?"

Yan Gang laughed angrily, "Are you ignoring me?"

Lu Yin smirked, "What if I am?"

Yan Gang's eyes widened, his body temperature rising and distorting the air around him. But remembering something, he glanced cautiously at the city and exhaled, saying calmly, "Enough talk. Hand over Qing Yu's belongings."

"Why should I?" Lu Yin retorted, his tone unfriendly, as is common for someone freshly woken up.

Murder flashed in Yan Gang's eyes. "Audacious! Do you know who I am?"

"I don't know, and I don't need to know," Lu Yin replied indifferently.

Yan Gang, enraged, restrained himself from attacking only because of Lulu Mebius. He barked, "Name your conditions. I must take Qing Yu's belongings."

Lu Yin had never intended to keep the stone, even without Charlotte's warning. That stone had an unimaginable origin, beyond his ability to possess. But if he was to give it away, he would ensure he gained sufficient benefits in return. "Are you representing Qing Yu or the trial students?"

"Qing Yu," Yan Gang said coldly.

Lu Yin replied nonchalantly, "I'll give it to him, but only if he hands over all the captured students to me."

Everyone was surprised by Lu Yin's condition. Recalling that Lu Yin had once said he would use these students to negotiate with the Daoyu Empire, Zhang Dingtian and others felt more resolute.

In reality, Lu Yin was after the students' star energy crystals; negotiations were secondary.

Yan Gang frowned. "What do you need the students for? Oh right, you seem to have captured quite a few yourself. Is Jennie Ona among them?"

Many students had removed their personal terminals, making their information unavailable online, and Lu Yin's terminal had no name, so some battle reports couldn't be published.

"I think there is such a person," Lu Yin replied.

"Release her," Yan Gang demanded.

Lu Yin sneered, "Who do you think you are?"

Yan Gang's eyes bulged with anger. "Outrageous!" He clapped his hands, generating flames, and leapt towards Lu Yin. People from Lianyan Star were naturally hot-tempered; it was remarkable he had restrained himself this long. Now, he attacked due to Lu Yin's provocation.

Everyone was on high alert.

Lu Yin clenched his right fist, distorting the light around it. Standing firmly, he punched forward. As Yan Gang charged, his eyes widened in shock. Though it was daylight, this punch made him see night, the transition from day to night, and feel inexplicable pain as if experiencing a paradox. He roared, turning the flames into a spear and thrusting it forward. The impact shattered the ground with a tremendous bang, sending Yan Gang flying backward. The flame spear dissipated, and Yan Gang retreated several steps in mid-air.

Lu Yin also took a step back, looking at Yan Gang with gravity. This man was indeed strong, surpassing Mono and undoubtedly a sealed master of the Fusion Realm.

Lu Yin's White Night Punch, a powerful inherited technique of the White Night Clan, surpassed both the Heavenly Star Palm and the Seven-Star Beast Claw. Yet, Yan Gang had blocked it and remained unscathed. His strength was formidable.

Lu Yin was surprised, but Yan Gang was even more so. This mere native had made him feel a sense of danger. He had to exert his full strength at the last moment. If this man's attack had been slightly stronger, Yan Gang might have broken his seal. This native was truly powerful.

Zhang Dingtian squinted. He had fought Yan Gang and knew his terror. That Lu Yin could repel him meant Lu Yin's strength had grown significantly since they first met. He was progressing rapidly.

Recognizing Lu Yin's strength, Yan Gang descended a bit and said solemnly, "Jennie Ona is a descendant of the Ona family from the Daoyu Empire. Capturing her will bring you enormous trouble. This planet belongs to the Daoyu Empire. The Ona family has countless ways to annihilate the humans here. Think carefully."

Lu Yin responded calmly, "I'm very clear. No need to say more. If you want the item, have Qing Yu hand over the captured students. Otherwise, no deal."

Yan Gang reluctantly nodded, "Fine, I'll contact Qing Yu." He activated his terminal.

As Yan Gang contacted Qing Yu, Lulu Mebius suddenly appeared, startling everyone.

"I knew you had inherited something. That punch was impressive. Let's have a spar," she said excitedly, eyeing Lu Yin.

Lu Yin smiled faintly, "I refuse."

Lulu Mebius blinked, "Refuse? Why? Strong people should spar more to improve."

"I'm not strong," Lu Yin replied indifferently.

Lulu Mebius shook her head, "In the Exploration Realm, you're quite good. You're qualified to fight me. No more excuses, let's go."

Watching a young girl challenge a man like this, Zhou Shan and the others found it bizarre. This woman was quite unusual.

Lu Yin was troubled. He didn't want to fight her. She was too strong, and taking a punch from her would be painful. Given the speed he gained from the stone, he knew he'd be on the defensive and wouldn't enjoy it.

"Hey, are you a man or not? Come on, let's fight," Lulu Mebius shouted.

Lu Yin remained unmoved, focusing on Yan Gang.

Lulu Mebius grew anxious but couldn't force him. She couldn't sneak attack him, after all; she was a lady who only ambushed bad guys, not good ones.

Suddenly, an idea struck Lu Yin. He thought of the Heavenly Star Technique, which could decipher the Seven-Star Beast Claw's movements for learning. Could he use it to learn from Lulu Mebius's speed? It seemed possible. His eyes flickered. Should he spar with her?

Just then, Bai Xue exclaimed. Everyone turned to see her talking to someone on her personal terminal.

A moment later, Bai Xue looked up, her face grim. "The Blue Camp has been destroyed."

Zhang Dingtian's eyes turned cold. "Who did it?"

Lu Yin also looked at Bai Xue. The Blue Camp in the northeast was created by Losant. He remembered Zhao Yu was one of its three Snow Maidens.

Bai Xue said gravely, "It wasn't a person but a mutant beast. A huge flying one—a sea turtle."

"A sea turtle?" They were surprised and puzzled.

Bai Xue nodded. "According to the Blue Camp's terminal detection, the sea turtle's power level exceeds ten thousand. It's beyond precise measurement."

Everyone was shocked. Over ten thousand? A power level over ten thousand meant the ability to wander the stars.

The limit for the Exploration Realm was three thousand. Above that was the Fusion Realm, with a limit of six thousand. Beyond that was the Extreme Realm, with a limit of ten thousand. Anyone exceeding ten thousand was an explorer, a term for those capable of space travel, unbound by the universe.

Qing Yu had such power, allowing him to survive on Neptune.

There was a mutant beast with over ten thousand power on Earth? Where did it come from?

Just then, Yan Gang seemed to have reached Qing Yu. He shouted, "Qing Yu has agreed," but before he could finish, an overwhelming pressure from the east swept across the land. Yan Gang was slammed to the ground by the pressure, swallowing dust mid-sentence. The eastern sky was blocked out.

Lu Yin and the others stared in shock at the east. A massive sea turtle, larger than the entire capital, appeared before them. This sight stunned the millions of survivors. Such a gigantic turtle, exuding an aura of dread, was beyond belief. It had the strength to wander the stars.

Yan Gang, furious and about to curse, froze upon looking up. Where did this monstrous turtle come from?

The turtle moved quickly, casting a shadow over the capital for only a second before disappearing westward. Its enormous eyes didn't even glance down. To it, Lu Yin and the others were mere ants, easily crushed.