fight again

Zhang Dingtian and Bai Xue looked on in disbelief, "Liu Shaoge, you're not dead?"

Liu Shaoge smiled slightly and respectfully bowed to Qing Yu, "Young Master, I have control of all the captured students, seventy-two in total. It's enough."

Qing Yu nodded, arrogantly looking up at the sky, "Your trial is over. If you want the lives of these seventy-two students, release me."

"Liu Shaoge, why?" Bai Xue shouted, glaring at Liu Shaoge in anger.

Liu Shaoge smiled faintly, "Xiaoxue, the Earth is too small. I yearn for the stars."

"You betrayed us. Where are Wang You and Tong Zhan?" Bai Xue shouted.

Liu Shaoge shrugged, "They're truly dead. Those who don't know their place don't deserve sympathy," he said, looking at Bai Xue warmly. "With your talent, you should also head to the stars. Give up, with your ice talent, your future shouldn't be limited to Earth."

Zhang Dingtian widened his eyes, biting his lip.

Lu Yin's gaze turned icy. The wounds Qing Yu inflicted and the pain brought to Earth were nothing compared to what Liu Shaoge had caused him. At the beginning of the apocalypse, an entire city of survivors was ordered by Liu Shaoge to be burned, leaving Lu Yin with burn scars and intense pain, an experience he could never forget. He had thought it would be difficult to get revenge, but now Liu Shaoge, not only alive, was right in front of him.

Qing Yu waited for a response from the stars, while Liu Shaoge faced Bai Xue.

Lu Yin closed his eyes. In his right palm, a die appeared. He crushed a star energy crystal, and the die absorbed it frantically. This was his only chance; he hoped for a good roll.

Outside Earth, in a massive spaceship, West Kermaldo sighed, "It's over. The trial mission is a complete failure."

No one argued. Facing Qing Yu's unbeatable strength among his peers, no one could defeat him.

Tollona regretted, "If only the girl from the Mebius family had come. With the terror of the Mebius family, she might have been a match for Qing Yu."

Saroshu sneered, "Mebius is Mebius, and the Great Yu Empire is the Great Yu Empire. Even if the Mebius family defeated Qing Yu, so what? Would that girl become part of the Great Yu Empire?"

Tollona didn't argue; it was a fact.

West Kermaldo turned to Mira, "Miss Mira, I'm sorry you had to witness a failed trial."

Mira smiled, her eyes faintly red as she looked at the screen, "Failure? Is it really over?"

West Kermaldo nodded helplessly, "Sorry."

Mira smiled, "Wait a bit longer. There might be a turnaround. Trials are meant to find hope in despair, aren't they?"

Tollona said bitterly, "Qing Yu is from the White Night Clan. His strength far surpasses his peers, let alone facing some trial students. On Earth, he's nearly invincible, even with only trial-level strength."

At the mention of the White Night Clan, even Mira's expression grew serious, "How do you plan to deal with him?"

"The White Night Clan wants him captured alive if possible. If he dies, his body must be sent back. Their ancient heritage stone must be returned," West Kermaldo said.

Mira nodded, "So, dead or alive, right?"

They were silent. They were indeed considering killing Qing Yu. Qing Yu's attempt to exchange the lives of seventy-two students for his escape was impossible. The pressure from the White Night Clan far outweighed the lives of seventy-two students.

"Let's wait a bit longer. The Youth Council's rule is that as long as there are trial participants still capable of fighting, the trial isn't over. Look, someone's still trying," Mira said, pointing at the screen. On the screen, Lu Yin had just crushed his second star energy crystal.

"Liu Shaoge!" Zhang Dingtian roared, blood staining his clothes. He spat blood and swung his blade.

Liu Shaoge was surprised, "You're not dead?" He slowly raised his hand, and a beam of light shone, then blasted towards Zhang Dingtian. Along the way, Zhang Dingtian's slash was easily shattered. Bai Xue appeared in front of Zhang Dingtian, erecting layers of ice to block Liu Shaoge's attack. However, facing Liu Shaoge's terrifying power, the light beam crushed the ice, knocking both Bai Xue and Zhang Dingtian back.

Gules and Baloro, having awakened, intended to attack but immediately stopped. This Earth native seemed unusually strong.

"Don't damage that woman," Qing Yu glanced over, speaking coldly.

Liu Shaoge bowed slightly in response, then looked at Zhang Dingtian and Bai Xue indifferently, "The so-called Seven Saints are a joke. Wang You and Tong Zhan were captured by me. They were too weak. Zhang Dingtian, at your peak, you might have been a match for me, but now, what are you? You never knew my true strength."

Zhang Dingtian spat out blood, unable to hold his sword.

Bai Xue glared with red eyes, her gaze icy.

Not far away, Lu Yin was frustrated. The first roll of the die resulted in two, which could decompose things. He immediately crushed the second star energy crystal, and the roll was five. Glancing at the arrogant Qing Yu and the triumphant Liu Shaoge who had defeated Zhang Dingtian and Bai Xue, Lu Yin took a deep breath and rolled again.

When the die stopped spinning, five sides disappeared, revealing a single number—four. Lu Yin was thrilled; this was it.

In the next moment, Lu Yin entered the gray space, where time stood still.

He took out all the star energy crystals from his Congealing Space Ring and threw them at the number. Instantly, the number increased from 259200 to 436800. Five days. He spent all his remaining star energy crystals to gain two more days, then began healing his wounds and focusing on his star chart. Five days was enough to simulate the fourth star. How powerful would the Heavenly Star Palm be with four stars? Could it withstand Qing Yu? He had to try.

In the gray space, five days felt long. There was no sound, no scenery, only solitude.

After three days, Lu Yin's hand wounds had healed significantly, and the fourth star of the Heavenly Star Technique was becoming clearer.

By the end of the fourth day, the fourth star had appeared.

When the fifth day ended, and the number reached zero, Lu Yin's surroundings changed, and he left the gray space. In reality, no time had passed. Qing Yu was still looking up arrogantly, Liu Shaoge still indifferent and superior, Bai Xue and the others still resentful, and many students were still severely injured on the ground.

"Aren't you going to answer me? Do you really want me dead?" Qing Yu shouted, disappearing and reappearing in front of the captured students. He grabbed Huo Xiaoling's red hair, sneering, "Let her die with me."

Huo Xiaoling was furious, her power swirling as she tried to break the seal.

Qing Yu sneered, "Want to break through? Think carefully. A Perceptive Realm expert failing a trial mission, and you think you can join the Starry Sky War College?"

His words made Huo Xiaoling's face pale. Qing Yu had said this to her several times. Because of this, she had willingly been captured. For a Perceptive Realm expert, especially a talented one, to fail a trial mission was a disgrace. To the Starry Sky War College, such a student was trash.

Not just the Starry Sky War College, but other high-level institutions in the universe wouldn't accept such a student. It would be the greatest stain on her life.

Huo Xiaoling closed her eyes, retracting her star energy. She wouldn't break through even if it meant dying.

Outside Earth, West Kermaldo was anxious, "Miss Mira, we can't wait any longer. Huo Xiaoling cannot die."

Tollona and Saroshu also stared at the screen. If Huo Xiaoling died on Earth, the Great Yu Empire would face turmoil. The Huo family was not to be trifled with, and they would all be in trouble.

Mira wasn't paying attention to Huo Xiaoling. A mere noble from a marginal planet wasn't worth her attention. She had been watching Lu Yin all along. From the beginning, something was off about him. The most obvious change was his hand wound, which had healed quickly. Was it a talent? The dice? They had seen Lu Yin's dice talent. At first, it seemed odd, but talents varied greatly. Now, it seemed unusual.

"Miss Mira," West Kermaldo urged.

Mira smiled, pointing at the screen. Everyone looked again, their eyes wide with astonishment.

On Earth, Qing Yu, who should have been threatening Huo Xiaoling, was now more than ten meters away from her, having been knocked back by a fierce palm strike. Qing Yu had been pushed back? Ridiculous. Qing Yu looked up, glaring ahead.

Not just Qing Yu, but everyone was stunned, looking in that direction. Lu Yin stood in front of Huo Xiaoling, retracting his hand, "It seems you've forgotten about me."

Everyone looked at Lu Yin. This person had repelled Qing Yu?

Gules swallowed hard.

Granny was shocked. Since following this person, her worldview had been completely changed. Qing Yu had swept through all the students,

 yet he was repelled by him.