King of the Night

Lu Yin executed a swift maneuver with his Body Separation Technique, rushing to Monu's side. He delivered a punch squarely into Monu's abdomen. Previously injured by Qing Yu, Monu couldn't outrun Lu Yin and was unable to resist. Lu Yin forcefully administered a vial of medicine to Monu and then sneered at Qing Yu, "Let's go."

"What the hell did you make me ingest?" Monu cried out in fear.

"Strong Power Dispersal," Lu Yin replied casually and turned away without looking back, making his escape.

Monu's face turned pale. Strong Power Dispersal was a drug that enhanced attacks for Realm Fusion experts. It posed no significant threat to them but could cause severe backlash and injury to those at the Exploration Realm. "Lu Yin, you despicable scoundrel!" Monu roared. His terrifying star energy erupted, breaking through the seal and advancing into the Realm Fusion level. Facing Qing Yu head-on, the two stood face to face.

Instinctively, Monu unleashed a strike with his Heavenly Beast Claw. At his Exploration Realm strength, he could only perform the Seven Styles of the Heavenly Beast Claw, whereas at the Fusion Realm, he could execute all ten styles. Qing Yu's pupils contracted at the Ten Styles of the Heavenly Beast Claw. He attempted to flee at extreme speed, but the claw's reach covered a hundred meters, slamming him into the ground with a spray of blood, then crashing him back down.

Simultaneously, a beam of light drove Monu away.

"Lu Yin, this isn't over!" Monu roared.

Ignoring Monu's threats, Lu Yin slapped his palm down onto the ground. Seizing the opportunity while Qing Yu was weakened, Lu Yin unleashed a series of five Heavenly Star Palms, each targeting Qing Yu's previously injured spot, forcefully driving him into the mountain range, enveloped in clouds of dust.

The entire mountain range split in two.

Gasping for breath, Lu Yin raised his hand again. His star energy was depleted, but he still had Wave Fluctuation Palm and Rift Palm. Without hesitation, Lu Yin continued his onslaught, pouring all his attacks onto Qing Yu.

Qing Yu coughed up blood, watching Lu Yin's eyes filled with murderous intent. Gritting his teeth, he shouted in frustration, "Damn it! My injuries prevent me from utilizing my talents. I can only fight at the Exploration Realm level. Stop! If you dare kill me, I am the Night King! I am the awakened Night King! No one dares to kill me!"

Lu Yin lifted his right palm, preparing to deliver the final blow with the Heavenly Star Palm. "Die!" With these words, the Heavenly Star Palm descended. To the onlookers' astonishment, the palm stopped just one centimeter from Qing Yu's body. Lu Yin's wrist was caught. Standing beside them, a middle-aged man had appeared unnoticed, staring at Qing Yu in disbelief. "What did you just say?"

Qing Yu spat blood again, grinning. "I am the Night King, the Night King!"

The middle-aged man's pupils contracted sharply as he gazed at Qing Yu's hair. Amidst the black and white strands was a subtle gray hair, a detail that shook the middle-aged man to his core. His face went pale, and he threw Lu Yin aside, retrieving a potion from his Void Ring to feed Qing Yu, his expression tense and tinged with fear.

Meanwhile, near the conical pit, Toloana and Sharotree appeared, equally astonished by the gray hair amidst Qing Yu's strands. It was a mark of the Night King, the Night King of the Baiye Royal Clan—a figure dreaded by the Baiye Clan, capable of annihilating the universe!

Previously, Qing Yu was just an ordinary member of the Baiye Clan. Now, as the Night King, he held the supreme position even within the Baiye Clan. Such a person—neither the Grand Universe Empire nor the Canglan Domain dared to provoke.

Narrowing his eyes, Lu Yin also took out healing medicine, his entire body strained and his skin cracked from the fierce attacks he had sustained. He had initially expected to kill Qing Yu and successfully obtain his Body Sculpting Secret Technique. However, the intervention of the Grand Universe Empire had thwarted his plans.

"The Night King?" Lu Yin's mind trembled. He had seen this surname when receiving the inheritance from the stone tablet in the corridor—the True Martial Night King.

In the sky, a massive cosmic ship had appeared, blocking the sunlight.

"All students, please note: the trial is over. I repeat, the trial is over. The results of this trial will be announced by various academies..." Many students breathed a sigh of relief; it was finally over.

Wilow, Erde, Las, and others also breathed sighs of relief. They had participated in trials before but had never experienced such terror. Initially supposed to roam the native planets freely, they were immediately captured and even shamefully became hostages. In the final battle, they had no chance to intervene; Realm Fusion experts had taken over. This was not an Exploration Realm trial but a Realm Fusion trial.

Liu Shaoge released all the students. Qing Yu's identity was exposed, rendering these students useless.

They were useless against Qing Yu, but these students were originally representatives of Earth negotiating with the Grand Universe Empire. Unfortunately, they were all released.

Granny Glennie regretted the missed opportunity. If Lu Yin had killed Qing Yu in the final battle, he would have been the only one to complete the mission. Such an achievement would have qualified him for selection into the Tenth Academy of the Starry Sky. It was a pity.

Fire Xiaoling also watched Lu Yin. She was truly amazed by the battle just now. Even if she exerted her Realm Fusion strength, she could only achieve this much. Qing Yu's physical strength far surpassed the Realm Fusion level. She admitted she couldn't defeat him. Yet this person, with only Exploration Realm strength, had achieved so much. Although luck played a part, it was still shocking. Unfortunately, the gap in their identities was too great.

Bai Xue kept her eyes on Liu Shaoge, filled with both anger and deep sorrow.

Zhang Dingtian stood up with his injuries, glaring at Qing Yu. The chief culprit who harmed countless people on Earth had been saved like this. He couldn't accept it.

"Let's return to the spacecraft. We will give you the best treatment," General Siken Marduo said. He was the middle-aged man who had prevented Lu Yin's final blow.

Coughing, Qing Yu's injuries were severe this time. His ability to wander the starry sky depended mainly on star energy, with his physical body also protected by it. His star energy could only exert Exploration Realm strength, significantly lowering his physical defense. Under attack by two Realm Fusion experts, one of whom had even used Strong Power Dispersal, coupled with enduring Lu Yin's numerous attacks, it was a miracle he had survived.

Spitting out blood, Qing Yu wiped his mouth with his thumb, noting the crimson hue. He looked up at Lu Yin and grinned. "Ant, isn't it regrettable that you couldn't kill me? Hahaha."

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes.

Siken Marduo sighed inwardly. If Qing Yu had been just an ordinary member of the Baiye Clan, his death would have been inconsequential. After all, the warrant came from the Baiye Clan. But the Night King Clan was different. Even the Baiye Clan dared not judge the Night King. Only the Night King Clan could judge Qing Yu. It was a pity. Who would have thought he would awaken as the Night King on Earth? The Night King Clan was scarce in numbers, and each member was cherished.

If Qing Yu were killed in the Grand Universe Empire, the entire empire would turn crimson, and no one could escape. Even Mila did not stop Siken Marduo from intervening, highlighting the power of the Night King Clan.

There was never absolute fairness at any time. The Night King Clan had the right to disrupt fairness.

"General Marduo, General Marduo! It's that native who almost killed me! Kill him! Kill him immediately!" Las ran up to Siken Marduo and shouted.

With a swift slap, Siken Marduo knocked Las to the ground. "Shut up."

Sharotree appeared before Las and looked down at him condescendingly. Then, he turned to Qing Yu respectfully. "Do you want me to eliminate these natives?"

This remark put Lu Yin, Zhang Dingtian, and others on guard, glaring angrily at Sharotree.

Siken Marduo also looked at Qing Yu.

Toloana likewise. Now, Qing Yu held the highest position among everyone here, since he became the Night King.

Liu Shaoge silently walked behind Qing Yu and stood respectfully.

Qing Yu wiped the corner of his mouth, examining the crimson color on his finger. He looked up at Lu Yin and said lightly, his gaze cruel, "No need. Wait for it. I'll be back soon. When I do, this planet won't exist anymore. Everyone will die."

Zhang Dingtian's gaze turned icy. He clenched his fists, feeling the sorrow. Qing Yu's declaration heralded Earth's apocalypse, resulting in the deaths of countless Earthlings, including the personal killings of Wang You and Tong Zhan, and causing countless deaths and injuries throughout China due to the outbreak of the beast tide. Now he announced the extinction of Earth. This person was the archenemy of all Earthlings, with blood feuds with every inhabitant.

He vowed that if there was ever a chance in the future, he would kill this man and honor the countless souls of Earth.

"Indeed, you are kind. As you wish, we will preserve this planet for you," Sarotu smiled.

Qing Yu's paid no attention to Sarotu. He had once been a formidable presence in the cosmic realms, far surpassing Sarotu in strength. He was concerned about Lu Yin; this ant had actually defeated him, a stain he could never erase in his lifetime. He must personally wipe it away, but not now. For now, the most important thing was to return to the ancestral land with the heritage stone and become the true Night King.

"Let's go," Qingyu said lightly. He smiled cruelly at Lu Yin, his gaze full of menace. "It won't be long before I return, ant. Wait for me." With that, a beam of light descended, transporting him and Liu Shaoge to the spacecraft.