The Ugly Truth I

The grass of the school was finely trimmed. It was crisp green and dew-ridden by the morning mist leaving it with a fine film that stuck onto your shoes whenever you walked onto it. I noticed it as I walked atop it, leaving the safety of the cobbled path as I moved forward to face Eric Graves. 

I felt my heart racing, it hurt how much it thumped in my thin chest. Everything about me was thin, from skin to bone to soul; this new life of mine didn't feel as resilient as my old one. 

In my old one, I knew that I could take the worst that life could throw at me. My skin was thick, everything was protected by a layer of fat and self-assurance that kept me going. I knew that I had a weight problem, and I knew that I had to do something about it-- but, sometimes, I was thankful for my weight. 

At least I knew that if I got hit, I wouldn't knock out at the get-go. 

But now, as this girl known as Lia Wynner, I wasn't so sure. 

I didn't know the extent of Eric Graves cruelty beyond how my old life was treated. I had an inkling of an idea as to how he treated other students. But from what crumbs and pieces I had gathered, he didn't treat anyone nearly as badly as I did. It was funny hearing that then, I felt like some sort of sacrificial messiah in the mess of it; but it didn't make me feel any better about it. 

As I parted the crowd, slinking through the daze of chanting students, I got to the forefront; my heart replacing my breath, a million miles a minute. 

"Are you s-sure I can do it," I whispered to the voice, hoping for some more reassurance. 

But she didn't respond, maybe she didn't want to keep sowing seeds of doubt in me. But, whatever it was, I was here now; I had to do something or my old life would suffer for it. 

I looked at Lee, he was crying as he tugged at his waistband. Id knew what underwear he was wearing, it was something he got at the bargain bin at the local dollar market. Cheap, blue plaid, and starchy, it constricted my waist; reminding me of how fat I really was. 

I choked back tears as I ripped my eyes away from my old self, and stared at Eric; he hadn't noticed me yet. 

Brandishing what little courage I had left in me, I felt my lips open as I let out the fear that I had trapped under my skin. 

"E-E-Eric," I choked out, I was hardly audible. 

Eric didn't hear me, he kept his eyes solely fixed on Lee; a look of venomous glee on his face. 

Try again; try again!

"E-E-Eric!" I said louder, but still, he didn't hear me. 

I hadn't yet looked at his profile which had appeared over his head. The small square hovered enticingly, but, something was keeping me from looking at it. 

What was it? Why couldn't I look at it? 

I felt my throat tighten, this courage that had swelled in me was now gone; I felt like a sinking stone. 

Try, try, try, try ,try ,try!!!!


Fear, damn you. 

I won't let you ruin my old self, I won't let the strong win; not now. 

"[Eric Graves][Age: 18][Heart's Desire: Ruin a student's life]"

Ruin... a student's... life?


I felt myself stagger back as I read his heart's desire. 

This was worse than I could've expected. 

How can anyone be so cruel? How is this possible?

I felt my throat run dry like sand; I couldn't believe it. 

H-How was I going to beat someone like him? How was I going to change his heart's desire??

I felt my shoulders slump over this revelation of the depths of cruelty that I had witnessed. 

It was insane,



I'm sorry Lee, I'm-

"P-Please, please don't make me do it," 

It was as if the world had stopped for me. Crumbled into dust as I heard my old life speak out into the crowd. 

Did I always sound so...


What did I ever do to deserve this...

"ERIC GRAVES!!!" I shouted out into the air, my face felt numb as I did. 

I had finally caught Eric's attention as my shout echoed out into the lawn's air. 

"Huh? Who the hell are you?" He asked, he looked at me as if I were a stranger. 

Well, I suppose that was right, we were strangers; up until now. 

My knees knocked together as I saw his gaze fixed on me. His piercing gray eyes were like a storm; they hurt to look at. 

But, as he did, I also noticed that some of the students in the crowd had lost their daze. Their Strings of Desire were wavering in the air, some sagging as they did. 

It was working, this confrontation with Eric. 

But this small victory was shortlived as Eric took a step forward, he was facing me now; his attention fixed on me. 

I felt small, even smaller than I was when I was Lee. 

Don't panic, don't give up. 

What's the worst he could do to me now that I was a girl? 

"[System Effect: [Analyze] was blocked by unique status, [Heartbreaker]"

"[Pseudo-profile activated...]"

Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap. 

He's onto me!!!

"Hm, weird," Lee mumbled as he stared me down. 

"You're different from the others," 

"It's time you go on the attack, or are you too much of a loser to do it?" The voice said as she whispered into my ear. 

"I-I don't know what you're--"

"No, you are," He interrupted me, his breath was hot as it blew into my face. 

I hate this, I want to run away. 

But I can't, I need to keep pushing forward.

"Stop, stop picking on him," I said, my voice at a pinpoint. 


"You what?" He asked.

"YOU, YOU ASSHOLE!" I screamed into the air. 

Everyone looked at me, even Lee. 

Then, the bell rang.