Let me go meet the client?

"Wait a minute, that's not what I meant! Stop! Lambert, stop!"

Lambert had already thrown Trinity onto the bed and leaned over her. He was a bit impatient. "So, you like this kind of play? Saying one thing and meaning another?"

He grabbed her hand and pressed it down, covering his area, and in a low voice, he slowly said, "You brought this on yourself, are you satisfied?" It was firm, and it even had warmth. Trinity, for the first time, realized that making a robot too realistic wasn't necessarily a good thing. Her face turned red, and she was on the verge of tears. "Stop it now! Otherwise, it's rape!"

Seeing her trembling in fear and realizing she wasn't role-playing, Lambert became a bit confused and asked, "Really don't want it?"

"Really! Get off of me!!!"

He let go of her and stood on the floor, looking down at her disheveled appearance on the bed. Trinity felt an inexplicable sense of shame. She sat up and straightened her clothes, then grabbed a pillow and threw it at him, angrily shouting, "You pervert!"

Lambert swiftly dodged the pillow. He looked at her with a blank expression. "You said it yourself, and now you regret it."

"I didn't say it was with you!"

"Then who? Do you have another robot?"

"That's flattering me too much. I've gone bankrupt for you!" Trinity rolled her eyes slightly and then continued, "I meant, with someone else."

"With whom?"

"With a... friend. If you do it with her, I'll buy you some clothes. How about that?"

Lambert looked at her, but it was as if he wasn't really seeing her, his gaze somewhat vacant. He was stunned for a few seconds, then his eyes sharpened as he asked sternly, "Human, are you asking me to prostitute myself?"

Trinity didn't expect Lambert to catch on so quickly. She felt a bit awkward and cleared her throat. "Don't say it like that. You're just a robot, an electronic product. The difference between you and a phone or a TV is that you're more expensive... If I let someone else use my electronic product for a bit, there's nothing wrong with that, right?"

Lambert's face turned stony, and he bit out slowly, "How dare you."

Trinity was puzzled. "Why don't you want to? You seemed pretty... uh, enthusiastic earlier."

"Asking me to sell my body for clothes, what do you take me for?"

"Dude, you were trying to trade your body for clothes just now! And you're a robot, so don't talk to me about morals like a human..."

"You are my legal owner, so doing it with you doesn't count as prostitution. But I won't provide that kind of service to others. Robots have their own dignity."

Trinity scoffed, "Then I'll just sell you. I have the right to sell you, and then you can provide services to someone else."

Lambert suddenly sneered. "You seem to forget, I am a robot."


"Robots can choose to be impotent at any time."

"..." Trinity facepalmed and said earnestly, "Please don't speak so proudly about something like that."

Lambert ignored her and turned to leave the bedroom.

Trinity felt exhausted. She realized that ever since she got Lambert, she felt tired every day.

She also went back to the living room and replied to [Spring Is Not Study Time] on her phone.

Trinity: Sorry, my robot doesn't agree.

Spring Is Not Study Time: How is that possible? Robots don't have autonomy. If you tell him to agree, he will agree.

Trinity: I told you, you don't understand. QAQ

Layla: I understand now, you're finding it hard to let go, huh? Don't be like this, girl. Robots are just tools invented by humans; you shouldn't develop feelings for them!

Trinity thought to herself, "Too late. I've already developed a profound feeling towards him, akin to hatred or disgust."

Trinity: Sorry, but I can't help it.

Layla: Okay ╮(╯_╰)╭ If you ever want a change of taste, you can come to me. I have four robots.

Trinity: ...

Trinity: No need, thanks.

After ending the conversation with [Layla], Trinity curiously clicked on her profile. Beneath her avatar was her status message:

Layla, it's mating season.


Back at work, Sophie handed Trinity a new inventory list.

Sophie: Trinity, our company has a new product.

Trinity: Really? What kind?

Sophie: It's the one that's been rumored about—a robot that can bear children. We've been researching it for over three years, and it's going global next month.

Trinity was somewhat excited. "Finally, it's coming out. Let me see."

The principle behind robots giving birth is the installation of an artificial womb inside the robot's body.

These days, artificial wombs are widely used. According to relevant departments, currently, 62% of newborns in the United States are born from artificial wombs, a number that increases every year.

This method of reproduction has had profound impacts on various aspects of society.

Trinity had visited a baby factory where artificial reproduction took place in high school. The artificial womb looked much like a rice cooker, but with extra tubes. The factory used these tubes to regularly supply the growing fetus with the necessary nutrients and monitored the fetus's health, effectively preventing the birth of deformed or diseased babies.

When the time came, parents would personally lift the lid, and a baby would be born. The parents would embrace each other and shed tears of joy—it was truly a touching moment!

The cost of artificial baby production generally ranges from $300,000 to $600,000 , which can be considered cost-effective. The CC robot developed this time by CC Robotics for baby production, due to its individual breeding nature rather than centralized production like in factories, will have higher costs, priced at $800,000 each.

However, the advantage of CC robots is that babies from artificial reproduction can "give birth" rather than being taken out from the belly—doing so would be too horrifying.

Trinity looked at the price list and said, "It still feels a bit expensive."

"This kind of additional feature is for wealthy people to experience. They aren't afraid of the price."

Trinity suddenly thought of [Layla], who owns four robots. She asked Sophie, "Do you think if someone is very wealthy, they still need to buy robots?"

"Yes, did you know that from the early 21st century to now, the number of people suffering from social anxiety disorder has increased by more than a hundred times? Psychologists believe that relationships between human individuals are becoming increasingly fragile, whereas relationships between human individuals and robot individuals are strengthening."

"Why is that?"

"Perhaps because robots are seen as safer and more reliable. For example, a girl might worry that her boyfriend will cheat on her, but she would never worry that her robot would leave her for another woman. It's as simple as that. Humans betray humans, but robots don't."

Trinity thought to herself, "Everyone else's robots are so good, but mine is a failure! /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~ And because Lambert can 'choose to be impotent at any time,' now I can't even sell off my second-hand robots! /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~"

Returning home after work that evening, when Trinity opened the door, she suddenly saw Lambert standing inside, smiling warmly at her. "Welcome home, Master. Lambert missed you."

Trinity: "..."

She looked at him cautiously. "What trick are you up to now?" Lambert gently took her bag and hung it up, then pulled out a pair of slippers for her. "Master, you must be tired after a day's work, right? Lambert has prepared tomato scrambled eggs, cucumber scrambled eggs, and zucchini scrambled eggs, your favorites."

Oh my goodness! Although she didn't understand why there were scrambled eggs all over the dining table, after all, Lambert had cooked them! He cooked? The sun rises from the west!

Trinity was so scared she didn't dare to enter the house. "Wha-what's wrong with you?" "Master, please taste the dishes I've made." Lambert gently pulled her into the dining room.

Trinity felt insecure and looked at the table full of scrambled eggs. She asked, "You... didn't poison them, did you?" "Master, you're joking." Lambert handed her the chopsticks.

Trinity didn't take them. "I-I-I need to use the restroom..."

With that, she rushed into the bathroom. Trinity squatted on the toilet, too afraid to come out, unable to understand what was going on. Was he possessed again?

As she pondered, the display screen on the wall suddenly lit up.

In every room of Trinity's house, there were screens installed, allowing her easy access to entertainment at any time—actually, this was the case in most households.

But the problem now was that she hadn't initiated any action, so why did the screen light up?

And then it flickered briefly, followed by a blue screen indicating no signal.

Each monitor was connected to her home network service terminal, and they should have had a signal as soon as they were turned on.

She found it odd and muttered to herself, "Could the network be down?"

Suddenly, without warning, several large black letters appeared on the screen: "Human, you are being monitored."

Trinity was startled, her heart skipping a beat.

Oh my god, were aliens trying to communicate with her? Ahhh, why did she keep encountering inexplicable bad things recently! It was almost enough to make her cry!!!

The words on the screen changed again: "Do not make any noise, pretend everything is normal."

Trinity held her breath and dared not speak. She broke out in a cold sweat, her heart pounding wildly. What should she do, what should she do, what should she do? I'm going to be kidnapped by aliens! Mom, help...

The screen continued: "Relax. There are no cameras in the bathroom; they are not interested in your excretions."

Trinity: "..."

Suddenly, she felt relieved.

Heh, someone with such a punchable tone, she couldn't think of anyone else.