Change Of Plans

I put down my fork and wiped my mouth, savoring the last taste of the delicious meal. Wei Zhang, sitting across from me, appeared just as content, having finished off his third plate. Yutian Wei and Xu Jie, however, were still eating. Yutian was always a slow eater, savoring each bite, while Xu Jie was already on his fourth plate, showing no signs of slowing down.

Turning to Wei Zhang, I suggested, "Why don't we head back to the house and continue our conversation?"

"Of course," he replied, pushing his chair back and rising to his feet.

We left the dining area and made our way to the small meeting room in the house. The house itself was modest but comfortable, with four bedrooms, each with its own bathroom, and of course, this room designated for discussions. It was primarily for Yutian Wei, ensuring he had a place to stay when he visited his parents.

Once we were seated, Wei Zhang fixed me with a serious gaze. "I imagine you want something in return for saving my life."

I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "Why? Do you have something valuable to offer?"

He didn't laugh, instead responding earnestly, "Not really, just experience and knowledge in many things. Is that valuable enough for you?"

Waving my hand dismissively, I said, "I'm just messing with you. I don't wish for anything in return."

His face softened in surprise. "Oh? Then why did you wish for this conversation?"

"I have a proposal for you," I said with a smile. "I want you to join my sect."

His eyes widened briefly before he smiled ruefully. "I'm sorry, but I can't join your sect."

"And why is that?" I asked, crossing my arms and leaning forward with curiosity.

The system in my head interjected, 'That's great. He was too weak to be a grand elder anyway.'

I mentally rolled my eyes at the system's remark. Wei Zhang explained, "The main reason I'm a wandering cultivator is that I don't like being tied to one place. I enjoy traveling and gaining knowledge."

"That wouldn't be a problem," I assured him. "I would give you special permission to come and go as you please. You'd have the full support of my sect and a place to call home whenever you need it."

He paused, clearly taken aback by my offer. "I would imagine you want me to swear loyalty to you and the sect."

I nodded. "Yes, your full loyalty."

Without hesitation, he got down on one knee. "I swear to be loyal to you, Alexander, the sect leader, and the..." He hesitated. "What's the name of the sect?"

"Oh, it's called the Oceanic Sect," I replied.

Clearing his throat, he started again. "I swear to be loyal to you, Alexander, the sect leader, and the Oceanic Sect."

I drew my sword, and Wei Zhang's eyes widened in fear. "Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you," I said with a chuckle.

He stayed still as I tapped my sword on both of his shoulders. 'Don't I look cool?' I asked mentally.

'Not really,' the system replied bluntly.

"I pronounce you the first grand elder of the Oceanic Sect," I declared.

Wei Zhang quickly stood up, surprise etched on his face. "Grand elder, right away?"

"Yes, unless you'd prefer to be a regular elder," I teased.

"No, no," he said hastily. "Grand elder is fine."

I sheathed my sword and extended my hand. "Welcome to the Oceanic Sect, Grand Elder Wei Zhang."

He took my hand, shaking it firmly, a look of determination in his eyes. "Thank you, Sect Leader. I will serve the Oceanic Sect with all my might."

As we settled back into our chairs, I leaned forward, my curiosity getting the better of me. "What were you doing in Deathbloom Vale anyway?"

Zhang sighed deeply, his gaze clouded with a mix of frustration and regret. "Well, a few months ago, I met this man, Liao Tao. He claimed to be a wandering cultivator like myself, and we hit it off. We shared stories, traveled together… you know, the usual."

He paused, his fists tightening involuntarily as he continued. "But one day, he convinced me to venture into the forest for quick money. We agreed to split the earnings fifty-fifty. We gathered a few rare herbs and even managed to kill two late-stage nascent soul beasts. But then, he led me into a trap. Two mid-stage nascent soul cultivators ambushed me while Liao Tao, with the help of a third cultivator, gathered the herbs and beasts. I fought them off as best I could, but they overwhelmed me. When I woke up, they had taken everything… even my food."

"Is that when you encountered the serpent?" I inquired, intrigued by the turn of events.

Zhang nodded solemnly. "Yes. What became of it after I killed it?"

"I stored it away, intending to give it to you later," I replied.

He nodded again, a look of relief washing over his face. "Thanks. And also, once again, I have to thank you for healing me and getting me out of that damned forest."

I couldn't help but chuckle. "What are you talking about? We're still in the forest."

His eyes widened in disbelief. "Wait, you built a cemetery and a house in Deathbloom Vale?"

"Yeah, why? Don't you believe Grand Elder Wei Zhang, your sect leader, is capable of that?" I teased with a sly grin.

"No, of course I do. It's just… I've never heard of anyone building anything in this forest before," he said, still in shock.

"Well, you better get used to miracles. By the way, you wouldn't have even seen or detected this place without Yutian Wei's or my permission. There's a barrier and illusion in place," I explained.

"That's impressive, Sect Leader," he said, starting to bow, but I quickly stopped him.

"My first order is that you don't bow to me when we're not in public," I said firmly.

"Why?" he asked, confused.

"It just makes me a little uncomfortable," I admitted.

"As you command, Sect Leader," he said with a chuckle.

I then retrieved a piece of paper and a pen from my inventory, setting them down on the table.

"What kind of technique is that? I've never seen anything like it before," Zhang said, clearly baffled.

"It's an Oceanic Sect technique, which you'll soon become familiar with," I replied, flashing a smile.

His eyes lit up with excitement as I handed him the pen. "Read this and sign it," I instructed.

He eyed the paper suspiciously. "What does it say?"

"It's a contract I've drafted. Those who join the Sect pledge not to betray it or divulge its secrets," I explained.

"That's incredible," he said, promptly signing his name.

The contract glowed brightly before slowly bursting into flames.

"What just happened?" he asked, sounding worried.

"Don't worry. It means you have good intentions. If nothing had happened, I probably would have killed you," I said seriously.

Zhang gulped and chuckled nervously, as if waiting for me to say I was joking.

But I didn't.

After we departed from the cemetery, I decided it was time to depart from the forest. Despite my resolve, the system was not pleased.

'I thought you wanted to conquer the forest, you liar!' the system hissed in my mind, its disappointment evident.

'I will,' I replied calmly, 'but I need to recruit more disciples first.'

'Ugh, whatever, you lame piece of sh—' I mentally blocked out the rest of its ranting. It was pointless to argue with an entity that thrived on pushing my buttons.

As we walked, Wei Zhang and Xu Jie were visibly relieved to be leaving the forest. Wei Zhang, chewing on an orange I had given him, glanced over at me. "Sect Leader, how many disciples does the sect even have?"

"You're looking at it," I said with a wry smile.

He stopped mid-bite and burst out laughing. "Please don't joke around, Sect Leader."

Xu Jie, however, looked at him with sympathy. "She's not joking. Yutian Wei and I are the only disciples of the sect."

Wei Zhang dropped his orange in shock, staring at Yutian, who nodded in agreement. His disbelief turned into bewilderment as he turned back to me. "Why didn't you mention that you had only recruited two disciples? How were you even able to get the sect certified with the Hall of Ascendancy?"

"First, you never asked," I said, trying to keep my tone even. "Second—wait, you have to get certified by who?"

Wei Zhang clasped his forehead in horror. "What have I gotten myself into?"

"Don't worry, Grand Elder Wei Zhang," Yutian said with determination. "Our Sect Leader is powerful and will bring the sect to the top soon."

I couldn't help but ruffle Yutian's hair affectionately. "Thank you for believing in me."

He looked up at me with a big smile. "Always."

As we continued our journey out of the forest, my mind raced with plans and promises. I silently vowed to protect that smile and make our sect strong. Once the sect was stable, I would hunt down the person responsible for his nightmares.

The night sky was a velvet canvas dotted with countless stars, their dim light bathing the landscape in a soft, ethereal glow. The two moons hung low, casting an argent sheen over the rolling hills and whispering trees. 

Xu Jie exaggeratedly inhaled the fresh air, his dramatic display of relief bringing a smirk to my face. "Finally, we're out of that death trap," he declared, spreading his arms wide as if to embrace the freedom.

Yutian Wei, standing with his arms crossed and a frown etched on his face, shook his head. "It's too bad we didn't encounter any beasts on our way back," he said, his tone tinged with disappointment.

Xu Jie shot him a bewildered look. "Yeah, we could have sold them and made a small fortune to invest into the sect," Wei Zhang chimed in, his eyes gleaming with ambition. "I've already sworn my loyalty to the sect, and the least I can do is contribute to its greatness."

I couldn't help but chuckle at their conversation. "Money will not be a problem," I said, a mysterious smile playing on my lips, then I began to whistle the tune of the Game of Thrones theme song.

They both looked at me as if I had grown a second head. Just then, a shadow passed over us, and we looked up to see Drakeon soaring through the sky, its massive wings blotting out the stars.

"Everyone, be careful! That's a dangerous beast," Wei Zhang warned, drawing his sword in a fluid motion.

I stepped forward, my eyes fixed on the majestic creature. "He's not just any beast; he's our sect's mascot," I said confidently, approaching Drakeon with measured steps. The creature's eyes gleamed with intelligence as it descended gracefully to the ground, its scales shimmering under the moonlight.

Wei Zhang sheathed his sword, a look of awe spreading across his face as he reached out to touch the Drakeon's head. "What type of beast is this?" he asked, his voice filled with amazement. "I've never seen such a majestic creature before."

"It's a Pegasus-Dragon hybrid," I explained, patting the creature's flank.

"What's a Pegasus?" Xu Jie asked, his curiosity piqued.

"A creature native to our sect," I replied. "It's essentially a horse with wings, superior in every way."

Wei Zhang shook his head, still in disbelief. "What more surprises does the Oceanic Sect have in store?"

"You have no idea," I said with a grin. "Now, get on. We have a journey ahead." With a wave of my hand, I summoned my flying sofa, its plush cushions appearing and hovering a few feet off the ground.

"Wait, really? I ca- Wait, where did you get that?" Xu Jie stammered, his eyes wide with surprise as he took in the sight of my levitating sofa.

"It's my transportation," I said casually, settling onto the sofa. "Comfortable and stylish."

Xu Jie shivered at the thought of riding Drakeon again. "Well, I'm going with the sect lead—" His sentence was cut short as Yutian Wei yanked him by the robes.

"You are going with Grand Elder Wei Zhang, aren't you?" Yutian said with a 'kind' smile that barely concealed his annoyance.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of Yutian Wei, who was 5 years younger and four inches shorter than Xu Jie, managing to intimidate him. The disparity in their cultivation levels was enough to make anyone think twice before crossing Yutian.

Xu Jie gulped, his face pale. "Yeah, I meant to say Grand Elder," he muttered, clambering onto Drakeon.

With everyone settled, Yutian and I lounged comfortably on the sofa while Xu Jie and Wei Zhang mounted Drakeon. "Grand Elder Zhang, where is the Hall of Ascendancy located?" I asked, curious about our next destination.

"The main hall is in Luminara, the imperial province," Wei Zhang replied, stroking his chin thoughtfully.

"How far is the imperial province from where we are now, the Sunfire Plains?" I inquired.

"Eleven days by foot," he said, a hint of weariness in his voice.

"That's too far. What's the closest branch faction?" I asked, seeking a more feasible destination.

"Whispering Winds is the closest. It's five days away by foot," Wei Zhang informed us.

"Alright then, let's head there," I decided.

Drakeon spread his wings and took off, soaring gracefully into the sky, while the flying sofa followed closely behind.

As we began our journey, I turned to Yutian, a grin spreading across my face. "By the way, Yutian, I have a present for you. Happy tenth birthday!" I said, reaching into my inventory and pulling out a beautifully crafted guitar.

Yutian's eyes widened with surprise and delight. "A guitar? For me?"

Wei Zhang and Xu Jie exchanged puzzled looks. "What is that?" Xu Jie asked, pointing at the guitar.

"It's a musical instrument," I explained. "You strum the strings to create music."

"Music? That's your gift?" Wei Zhang questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes," I nodded. "Music can be powerful. It can soothe the soul, inspire courage, and even influence the flow of Qi. Trust me, it's more valuable than it seems."

Yutian's face lit up as he carefully took the guitar from my hands. "Thank you! I've always wanted to learn how to play."

"You're welcome, Yutian," I said, ruffling his hair. "Now, let's get going. Bloodstone awaits."

With that, our peculiar convoy of a flying sofa and a majestic Drakeon set off into the night, Wei Zhang helping guide our path. 

I felt like something was missing; it was too calm and peaceful, I thought.