Chapter 2 - Aric Valen

Recent news has been nothing short of unsettling. For reasons unknown, the attacks from the monsters have become increasingly frequent and ferocious.

More and more human settlements are being attacked. Strangely, humans seem powerless to defend their territories. Monsters infiltrate and destroy from within with alarming ease.

Many formidable Novas have lost their lives in these recent attacks, further diminishing human strength.

"BREAKING NEWS! Coastal areas nationwide are now under threat from Black Sharks. Residents are advised to avoid the coastline temporarily."

"LATEST REPORT! The Blue Crow terrorist group attempted to enter Valoria's airspace. However, their threat was neutralized by Expert Nova Fergus."

"Warning of an attack in the bord—"

Aric turned off the television with a wave of his hand. Sitting on the sofa, he felt overwhelmed by the barrage of distressing news.

At eighteen, he had never known peace. Humans on Earth were constantly besieged by monster attacks.

The monsters had conquered vast areas, building their own empires. Some species had mutated and evolved into forms resembling mythical creatures from legends—dragons, griffins, krakens, hydras, and others.

These mythical monster empires posed the greatest threat to humanity. Their physical strength far exceeded most of the humans.

Among the monsters, there were also intellectuals capable of developing technologies to rival human advancements. They possessed extraordinary powers akin to humans, making them formidable adversaries.

Aric and his family lived in a territory called Valoria, situated where England once was, though the landscape had drastically changed or moved.

Today, it's hard to pinpoint its exact location due to significant demographic shifts caused by a mysterious colossal object.

"When will the Earth ever be at peace?" Aric asked, not directing the question at anyone in particular. It was a question he posed to himself, unsure if he would ever hear the answer he longed for.

To achieve the sought after peace, it's impossible for all species to agree on a ceasefire. There needs to be one species that could dominate the others. Naturally, he hoped humans would prevail.

But this would inevitably lead to more wars, destruction, and death on all sides.

He recalled reading a history book years ago. One quote from the monsters stood out: "This is retribution for all the destruction caused by humans. Now, it's our turn for revenge!"

Whatever humanity's ancestors had done, it had provoked the monsters to seek vengeance and choose a path of devastation.

Aric pushed these thoughts aside. He slipped on his shoes, ready to do his daily routine. Running.

"Aric, where are you going?" Elis called from inside the house.

"The usual, Mom," Aric replied.

"Remember! Stay away from the Yellow Zone!" Elis warned, but it was futile as Aric had already started running outside.

Whether he heard his mother's warning was unclear. His daily routine involved fitness training by running to Rumera Hill on the outskirts of Rumera City. 

He had been doing this for years, along with other physical activities to build strength and fitness. Unlike the rest of his family, he had no powers. He was not a Nova.

Thirty percent of Earth's beings had mutated and evolved eight hundred years ago. The rest remained unchanged. Over centuries, if both parents had extraordinary powers, their offspring were guaranteed to have powers too.

However, this was not the case for Aric. Most humans awakened their powers between ages five and ten, some even earlier. The earlier the awakening, the greater the potential.

Aric's brother and sister awakened their powers at two and three years old, respectively. The same expectations were placed on Aric. From ages two to five, his family hoped for his awakening.

They treated him well because his parents were highly respected figures on Earth. But everything changed when Aric turned six. He faced increasing ridicule and scorn. There was something that he vividly remembered an incident at age seven.


"Disgraceful!" Agustin shouted.

Agustin stood in a vast training area with Aric, Elis, and Aric's father, David. Agustin was David's father.

On Earth, Agustin held extraordinary status and influence. He was one of the seven humans known as Paragon Novas, the strongest humans on Earth.

Aric's body trembled with fear. It was the first time he saw Agustin so angry. David just looked at Agustin while Elis tried to comfort Aric. She knew Agustin's obsession with their family's image, the Valen Family.

"Calm down, Father. Maybe Aric is just a little late compared to others. Give him time," David said.

"A little late? He's already seven! If he doesn't awaken this year, do you think he can uphold our family's image?!" Agustin snapped.

David fell silent, taking a deep breath to control his emotions. He faced his father, whom he deeply respected, while his beloved son stood beside him.

"I don't care if he awakens with powers like yours, David. But right now, it's more likely he'll be ordinary or have very low potential powers. A disgrace to our family and an easy prey for monsters!" Agustin fumed.

"Enough!" David yelled, releasing a terrifying aura.

This aura was unlike David's usual scholarly demeanor. His physique was more athletic compared to Agustin's, who was more of warrior-like build. David controlled the aura perfectly, directing it only at Agustin, sparing Aric and Elis.

Agustin was surprised by David's display. Although David was his son, Agustin wasn't proud of his power, as David's strength lay in his extraordinary intellect.

Agustin, one of five with super strength, and Ryan, Aric's brother, shared the same SSS-grade power, making Agustin prouder of Ryan.

Intelligence? A single punch could shatter the body of any intellectual being. This had been Agustin's belief.

But David was different from others with similar abilities. Was he smarter? Or did he possess an intellectual capacity beyond human limits? No one had a definitive answer. 

What was certain was that most of the technology humans used today was David's invention. Valoria, in particular, benefited greatly.

David had enhanced the capabilities of all Novas in Valoria, especially in controlling their powers, inventing new technology and weapons using monster cores, military advancements with high-tech equipment, and more.

His contributions made his status on Earth equal to Paragon Novas. However, in terms of strength, he hadn't received the same recognition.

"You dare raise your voice at me?" Agustin asked harshly, clenching his fists tightly, his veins bulging.

"I respect you, Father. But...Aric is my son. Whether he awakens his power or not, I won't allow anyone to insult him," David said calmly, "Not even you."

David's tone was serene, but his aura was not. It was wild, something Agustin hadn't felt in a long time. The aura felt like facing other Paragon Novas or the leaders of other species.

But Agustin sensed David's aura was more akin to Draconius, the Dragon Leader, whose aura had once made him tremble before reaching his current power.

"It seems you've become arrogant with all the fame you got," Agustin said.

"That's what you think. But I am not," David replied.

There was no fear or worry in his expression. He remained calm. He would tolerate no more insults toward Aric, regardless of who belittled him today.

Agustin stepped slowly toward David, feeling challenged by his son's behavior. But David was right in defending his family. It was a father's duty to protect his family.

"David..." Elis called softly.

Aric was in her arms, holding him tightly. She was ready to flee if necessary. As someone with Aerokinesis, the power to control wind, she was confident in her speed, even against Agustin. 

Elis wasn't afraid, only concerned for Aric. He was still young. Any mistake could harm him physically and mentally.

David looked at Elis, giving her a sweet smile, assuring her there was nothing to worry about. Somehow, Elis felt calm and confident in David, as if he knew something others didn't.