Chapter 7 - Poison

At the Medical Center of Rumera City, chaos reigned. A viral piece of news had swept through the staff: Ryan Valen, a young Nova as famous as any celebrity in Valoria Territory, was gravely injured.

He arrived at the Medical Center in a critical state, raising concerns that whoever dared to harm Ryan was not afraid of retaliation from the Valen Family, led by Agustin Valen, a Paragon Nova.

The news quickly spread throughout Valoria, unsettling its residents.

On social media, Ryan's injury and the challenge against the Valen Family became the hot topic.

[User 1] Damn! What's happening to Valoria? Should I move to another territory?

[User 2] Where to? I'll come with you.

[User 3] Isn't Agustin going to retaliate? If not, the enemy must be very powerful.

[User 4] Ryan isn't that strong. He's famous because he's from the Valen Family.

[User 5] Agree. He's just an Elite Nova. Anyone could defeat him. If they were truly bold, they should have attacked Agustin.

The comments flooded in, with many worried, many criticizing the Valen Family, and many praying for Ryan's recovery.

But none of this mattered to Ryan's family. Ryan's condition was paramount. They were gathering outside the operating room, listening to the doctor's report.

"Ryan's condition is very critical," began Dr. Roman.

"The most critical injuries are to his lungs and heart. The attack didn't directly hit either, but..." Dr. Roman paused to take a breath before continuing, "He has been poisoned."

"Is there no way to remove the poison?" David asked, his tone and expression serious.

Dr. Roman shook his head. "The poison has blocked the healing process from both the technologies that we have and all kinds of healing powers."

At that moment, all of Aric and Ryan's family members were present, listening to Dr. Roman. Elis was deeply shocked by the call she received from David earlier.

Eliza, Ryan's younger sister and Aric's elder sister, happened to be at home at the time. Seeing Elis collapse to the floor, she was immediately alarmed. Once she learned what had happened, she quickly helped Elis.

Both of them possessed Aerokinesis, the ability to control the wind. Using their full powers, they flew to the Medical Center immediately.

Seeing Ryan's condition broke their hearts. Ryan was in such a critical state that if anyone else were in his place, they would have died long ago. Ryan's will to live kept him going.

Thankfully, Aric's condition was not as severe. He had internal injuries but nothing life-threatening. His external wounds and broken bones had healed when Amanda was treating him. They were just waiting for Aric to regain consciousness.

"Poison... May I have a sample of the blood taken?" David asked.

Dr. Roman nodded. Several vials of Ryan's blood had been collected for analysis. However, none had identified the type of poison in Ryan's body.

Dr. Roman handed a test tube containing Ryan's blood to David. In Valoria, David was highly respected and esteemed, especially by scientists and scholars.

This was because David's intellectual abilities far surpassed theirs. There was no knowledge, skill, or expertise he couldn't learn and master. Thus, without written permission from the Medical Center, David was free to do as he pleased.

Besides, the Medical Center benefited from the technology and robotics expertise, as well as the AI assistance that David provided, which significantly helped in treating and healing patients in Valoria.

David took the test tube. A robotic beetle moved from his belt to his palm, transforming into a small machine.

Interestingly, the machine then floated in the air. David inserted the test tube and gave a few brief commands. Instantly, the machine analyzed Ryan's blood.

David frowned. "Strange... This poison shouldn't exist on Earth."

"What do you mean, David?" Dr. Roman asked, his curiosity piqued.

He was desperate for answers. The research team at the hospital, including himself, had been working tirelessly for hours to identify the poison.

Yet, they had failed. There was no data or reference they could use. But David easily obtained all the information in just a few seconds.

"All the characteristics and ingredients in this poison clearly indicate it's not natural. It's man-made but far more dangerous than any natural poison," David explained.

"Do we have the antidote for it?" Elis asked. She didn't care about the poison's origin. What she needed now was the antidote for Ryan. Eliza comforted her mother, who had been crying non-stop.

"Right. Even if the poison won't kill Ryan immediately, it's preventing us from healing him," said Dr. Roman.

"I have entries for all substances and poisons on Earth or possible mutations and evolutions of each. But the ingredients in this poison aren't from materials found on Earth," David replied.

"But... there's one more possibility we need to consider. Poison Novas," David continued.

These were Novas with poison-related powers. There weren't many, but they were incredibly dangerous.

"So, Ryan can't be saved?!" Elis's voice rose slightly.

Which mother wouldn't worry about her child? Elis's reaction was completely understandable to everyone present. Eliza's face changed too, finding it hard to accept the possibility that Ryan might not be saved.

In response to Elis's question, David smiled. "He still has a chance to be saved. But I need time to study it first, darling. I will save our son."

Elis was already sobbing. In just a single day, both of her sons had faced disaster. Aric remained unconscious, and Ryan's condition was even more critical.

What misfortune had befallen their family at this time? "Mother, have faith in Dad. Ryan and Aric too. They'll be fine," Eliza consoled.

"Yes, ma'am. So far, there's nothing David hasn't been able to do. You must have faith," added Dr. Roman.

Dr. Roman was assessing this family since they are not your ordinary family. They were the Valen Family, each with an extraordinary reputation and a minimum power grade of S. No wonder people referred to them as a super family. Except for Aric. Only Aric was an ordinary human among them.

"I promise I will do my best to save Ryan. If necessary..." David's words trailed off before he continued, "If necessary, I will ask Father for help."

Hearing this, Elis felt a bit relieved. It meant David truly wanted to save their son. It had been eleven years since he last spoke to Agustin.

It all stemmed from an incident when Aric was seven. With Agustin's abilities and David's intelligence, Ryan surely had a chance to be saved.

Dr. Roman also believed it was possible if Agustin helped. After all, it was well known that Agustin was very proud of Ryan and Melinda, his two grandchildren with the potential to become Paragon Novas.

However, Dr. Roman was wondering if Agustin was on Earth, he would have already heard the news and would be arriving soon. A few moments later, as expected, a powerful aura was felt from afar.

David, sensing it first, chose to leave. He still didn't want to face Agustin yet. Not until he truly needed Agustin's help.

"I'm going to check on Aric for a moment. You and Eliza can talk with Roman. Besides, as Roman said, Ryan's life isn't in danger. This poison acts like a 'blocker'. It blocks any power from entering or leaving Ryan's body thus making it hard for healing," said David.

Elis and Eliza understood what David meant. They could also feel Agustin's presence. David quickly walked to the exit. The door opened automatically, and as soon as David stepped out, it closed.

Less than a minute after David left, "What happened?! Do we have any information on who attacked Ryan?!" A deeply masculine voice was heard from a distance. Everyone who saw Agustin then could see the anger he was holding back.

"Calm down, Grandpa. There are ordinary people and patients here. Don't endanger their lives," Eliza admonished.

Hearing Eliza's words, Agustin realized the impact of his aura on others. Besides, he was the renowned Paragon Nova with the super strength, anything coming from him was also super and deadly. He tried to control his anger and aura, but his face still showed clear anger.

"What exactly happened?" Agustin asked.

Elis could no longer listen or recount what happened to her sons, so Eliza had to do it. She explained everything based on Ralph's report.

"Animal masks with the identities of Cat, Bear, and Snake? Two powers?" Agustin had never encountered anyone using animal-themed masks, let alone those with two powers.

"I've never met anyone who could use two powers like this," Agustin continued.

"That's what Ralph reported. Besides, he wasn't the only one there. Amanda, Jaclyn, and Fergus's group were also there. So, it's impossible for this report to be incorrect," Eliza asserted.

Agustin didn't look at Eliza as he took out a device similar to the tab. "I'm not denying the truth of this report. I'm just thinking of the terrible possibilities. They attacked Ryan and his group. Clearly, they aren't on the side of the Novas."

"Moreover, they dared to attack Ryan. It's clear they're not afraid of the Valen Family and me. There are only a few individuals on Earth right now who would dare but what would they gain from doing this?" Agustin added.

He was now calmer and able to think rationally. He analyzed every single piece of information and tried to find anything from his memories as well as from the database that he could access anywhere from his device.

Eliza had a neutral relationship with Agustin. She didn't try to flatter him like her other cousins, nor did she hate him. She just didn't like how Agustin belittled Aric in the past.

Even now, he hadn't asked about Aric. Eliza could barely contain her anger, but Elis managed to stop her. 

Elis then asked, "Can Father do something for my children?"

Agustin stopped browsing his device. He looked at Elis. "Don't worry. Whether it's Ryan or Aric, I will avenge them. Our enemies won't escape easily," Agustin promised.

"Are you the one in charge of treating Ryan? Give me the report," ordered Agustin to Dr. Roman.

Dr. Roman's hands were trembling due to fear and excitement interacting with Agustin, a well-respected figure on Earth. He handed the report quickly.

Agustin then immediately checked Dr. Roman's report and also got input from Dr. Roman about what David said regarding the possibility that the poison affecting Ryan wasn't from Earth.

"Follow up with David and keep me informed. If there's anything I can do, I will do it to the best of my ability," Agustin instructed.

"Y-y-yes, Paragon Nova Agustin," Dr. Roman stammered. Who could stay calm facing someone like Agustin? One question lingered in Dr. Roman's mind. Why weren't they directly communicating? Weren't they family?

After a while, Agustin stepped out. His face still clearly showed his burning anger. He would ensure those responsible for his grandchildren's suffering would face retribution a million times worse!