Chapter 41

There was a gentle scraping at the door to Abby's room. She turned quickly and smiled when she saw a single sheet of paper in front of the door, still partially obscured beneath it. She resisted the urge to get up and sprint for the door, as a bid to find her anonymous poet. She'd tried it before, but there was always an empty hallway waiting for her.

She lovingly scooped up the paper. It was a new poem, not one they had worked on together before. She smiled and read as she returned to her desk.


There is equality in thighs.

None unsexy, none unshapely

Each pair desperate to hide,

Aching for revelation.

Envision a thigh.

The word alone, thick

In your mouth,

The heavy tongue

Between your teeth.

It isn't simply honored

By proximity to promise.

It is flesh on flesh,

Nerve on nerve,

Tingle on tingle.

Run your tongue over

Any thigh and taste

How sweet it is