The Tears and Blood

Chapter 4. The Tears and Blood

The next few days were filled with whisperings and various conspiracy theories about how Jake Yaxley died. Some said that he went mad. Some said that he was under Imperius curse. Aurors investigated his death, but no concrete evidence was found.

Harry was the only suspect since he was the one who had harmed him previously, but he had a solid alibi. Daphne and Tracey had confirmed that he was with them during that morning.

At last, it was concluded that Jake went mad and commited suicide. It was illogical and a lazy way to shut the case, but magicals were never lauded as logical beings.

Even his family wasn't that concerned as he was their second child and not the heir of the family. He was not particularly special in any way to be considered a loss. The Yaxleys were embarrassed of him for losing against a first year and then taking his own life instead of plotting Harry Potter's demise.

Because of all this death talk, the whole castle was despondent.

Then a week passed and everything went back to normal. Jake Yaxley was forgotten, his death becoming mere a blurry memory. Students were busy studying and goofing around to care about a stranger's death for too long.

Harry was also now being spied upon by Headmaster Dumbledore. A single house elf had been tailing him everywhere.

The old man had his suspicion that Harry had something to do with Jake Yaxley's murder. But without any evidence, he couldn't point finger at him. His mind wanted to believe that Harry wouldn't do something like that, but his conscience still nagged at him to investigate it. And so he did.

Harry was actually aware of his stalker. He could feel a constant source of magic following him everywhere. He was careful in what he said to his friends. Fortunately, his friends never talked about Jake with him again. It seemed that they wanted to forget about his darkness. They just wanted to enjoy the company of Harry who always gave them warm hugs and helped them in their studies kindly, wanting to remain oblivious about his certain tendencies.

On a whole different matter, Harry was aware that something was wrong with the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. His magic was intermixed with another foul magic. It was obvious to see.

Harry decided not to investigate it. It wasn't his job, he wasn't going to jump in the role of saviour or detective. He wasn't either.

The professor was incompetent and useless. He took five minutes just to read one paragraph. His stuttering was also annoying as hell, on some occasions, it made Harry want to kill the worthless professor, but he controlled himself.

Harry's education though, was unaffected by it. He just needed a book to learn any spell. And yet, he was confused why the headmaster would appoint such a pathetic man for the job.

Nothing peculiar happened except in the flying lesson. In which Neville Longbottom lost the control of his broom, which led to his broken wrist. He also dropped his Remembrall which was then taken by Malfoy. Jasmine saw it and asked Malfoy to give it back. Malboy being Malfoy insulted her by calling her mudblood. Ronald Weasley was going to curse Malfoy, but further conflict was prevented by the intervention of Harry.

He wouldn't have necessarily intervened if Jasmine hadn't been involved in the matter. And since she was his first friend, or at least that's what would like to think, he decided to help her.

"Draco, Draco, Draco. It doesn't suit an heir of a noble family to steal others' things. Does the Malfoy family have lost its wealth that you have to resort to such underhanded methods?" Harry mocked.

Draco sneered at him. Harry grabbed the Remembrall from his hand and passed it to Jasmine who shot him a grateful smile.

"Don't…" Draco started but stopped at seeing his demonic grin.

"Don't what, Draco?" Harry said as he walked in a circle around him.

"Nothing." he harrumphed and went away, hiding his fear. Harry chuckled as he joined Daphne and Tracey who were enjoying the entertainment.


In mid-October when Harry was walking alone through an isolated corridor, he finally decided to do something about his stalker. He swiftly turned around and stunned the spy.

A small figure fell down on the floor.

'A house elf.'

Harry walked to the downed figure and crouched down. He put his forefinger on the elf's forehead and searched his mind.

'So, Dumbledore suspects me.' Harry realised. He pumped the elf with his power, successfully freeing him from Hogwarts and enslaving him. Then he rennervated the elf. The elf's tennis sized eyes popped open. He felt his loyalty shifting from Hogwarts to his new master.

"What's your name?" His new master asked.

"I be Junky." The elf was compelled to answer. Harry raised his eyebrows in amusement and couldn't help but snicker at the funny name.

"You're my elf now, Junky. You'll follow my orders." Harry commanded.

The elf nodded.

"You'll follow me around as Dumbledore instructed you, but you won't reveal any of my secrets. You'll say that I'm not doing anything bad, that I'm just studying and spending my time with my friends whenever he asks you. You'll also inform me if Dumbledore decides to do something about me. Understood?"

"Yes, master."

"And you'll act like you're still Hogwarts' elf. You won't tell anybody about this conversation."

"Yes, master."

"Now go."

The elf disappeared and reappeared at the end of the corridor, now invisible, following Harry again.


In an abandoned classroom, three first year Slytherin students were writing their homework.

Harry finished his work and stood up. He raised his hands and stretched his back and grunted, popping his joints. They had been sitting there for more than an hour.

Daphne and Tracey were still writing and spared him only a glance.

"I'm done." he said.

"Oh, really? We never would have guessed." Daphne retorted sarcastically. It was so irritating to write this much.

Harry grinned. "Why so testy, Daph?"

"I don't know why we've to write this huge amount of assignments." she spat in annoyance.

Harry chuckled and sat beside her, looking at her work.

"You're nearly there." He encouraged her. Daphne gave him a flat stare.

"What's with that look?" he asked, throwing his arm around her. She sighed and slumped against him.

"We could use our time to practise new spells but no! We've to waste our time on this."

Harry snickered again as he ruffled her blonde hair, earning a glare from her.

Tracey ignored them, hard at work, trying to finish her assignment.

She was almost finished.

"I'm done." she cheered as she put aside the books and parchments. Daphne groaned, burrowing her head further in Harry's neck.

"Come on Daph, finish this and I'll give you a reward." he cajoled her, caressing her hair.

She instantly perked up and looked at him expectantly.

"You're finally going to teach us your wandless magic?" She asked. Tracey was also intrigued as she scooted closer to Daphne.

Harry rolled his eyes at her.

"No. If I knew how I unlocked that power, I'd definitely have taught you by now." Harry said gently. Daphne slumped down again, resting her forehead on his shoulder and received a friendly pat from Tracey.

Daphne wanted to learn that method. It was so cool!

"Don't worry, there are other ways to grow powerful." He consoled her.

"If you say so." she murmured.

"I'll teach you two spells today. One deadly curse and another a useful charm."

Daphne shot him a strange look, her eyes starting to shine.

"When did you learn new spells?" She asked curiously.

"In the library, of course. What do you think I was doing all this time when I left you both and went out of the Slytherin common room?" asked Harry in return.

"We thought you were going to meet your other friends." Tracey replied for them both.

"My other friends?" Harry questioned, perplexed by the absurd claim. He was unaware that he had more friends.

"That blue-haired one and the beaver know-it-all." Daphne grumbled.

"Beaver? Seriously, Daphne? Is little Daphne jealous that her best friend Harry is spending time with other girls?" Harry grinned playfully.

Daphne narrowed her eyes at him.

"When did I say that you're my best friend?" Daphne enquired inquisitively but not denying it either.

"So I am not?" Harry looked at her with a sad-puppy look.

"Oh, no, no. You're my best friend." Daphne hastily corrected, believing that he was really sad for a second.

Tracey and Harry shared a laugh at her expense. Daphne sighed in relief, for a moment she really thought she hurt him.

"Yeah, very funny." She glared at them mildly. "So are you secretly spending time with your other friends?"

Harry shook his head.

"Unfortunately, we're just acquaintances. They're polite and friendly towards me, but I can't say we're actually friends." Harry said thoughtfully. "So do you want to learn new spells?"

Daphne nodded frantically.

"Then finish your work. Me and Tracey are waiting for you."

Daphne reluctantly continued writing as Harry and Tracey remained silent and watched her.

"Done!" She exclaimed and hurriedly pulled Harry towards an empty space in the classroom, where they could practice their spells.

Tracey followed them eagerly.

Daphne wondered. "What are you going to teach us?"

"You know how everybody else calls you Ice Queen because you're cold towards them?" Harry prompted, his lips quirking up at the nickname.

"Yes?" She frowned, not having any particularly strong feelings regarding the infamous nickname.

"I'm going to finally make you the Ice Queen." Harry announced grandly, as he pointed his wand towards a bench.

"Glacius." He intoned and waved his wand. The bench was suddenly covered in a thin layer of ice. Harry continued the spell and the ice spread rapidly on the wooden surface. At last the bench was totally frozen.

He stopped the spell and looked at Daphne.

"That's brilliant." Tracey clapped enthusiastically. Daphne was also looking at the bench in awe.

"So, Daph, want to learn that?"

"Yes." she uttered passionately. The next half an hour was spent in teaching the girls the spell. Daphne was natural at the spell and mastered it in the first five minutes, Tracey had some difficulty at first, but was able to learn it. By the end of it, the two girls were freezing everything in their sight with a childish glee, fortunately they spared Harry.

"What's the second spell?" Daphne queried. Harry's smile disappeared and a vicious grin took over his face.

"Glacius Maxima!" Harry stabbed his wand elegantly in the air. A foot long shard of ice slammed against the wall and shattered into many pieces, making the girls jump in surprise.

"This is a deadly spell. It'll penetrate the human body, so use it wisely when you're in danger or when you just want to blow up someone." Harry chuckled at the image of someone blowing up.

Daphne nodded in determination while Tracey was reluctant, but agreed to learn the spell just in case. After another hour the girls were completely spent. They were very tired, but were smiling since they learned two new spells.

"Let's go to the Great Hall. It's time for dinner." Harry noted, picking up his bag.

"Harry, will you carry my bag? I'm so tired. I don't know if I'll be able to reach the Great Hall." Daphne muttered.

Harry whistled lively.

"Already taking advantage of me. Who knows what you'll do in future with poor little me." Harry mused out loud.

Daphne didn't even have energy to glare at him as she pushed her bag into his awaiting hand. Tracey also gave him her bag sheepishly, a bit embarrassed for making him carry her stuff.

Harry rolled his eyes, but took her bag. He hanged their bags around his elbows.

"Give me your hands." Harry said, offering both his arms. They didn't even ask why and clasped his palms.

He started walking out of the class, dragging them with him. After a few minutes, both girls felt their bodies being energised, their tiredness slowly ebbing away

"What was that?" Tracey asked in wonder.

"My magic." he replied, smiling and advancing towards the Great Hall, hand in hand with his friends.


It was Halloween. The three first-year Slytherins were on their way to the Great Hall for the feast. Tracey hummed happily while Harry and Daphne shot her a fond look.

"So, Harry, when're you going to teach us more spells?" Daphne asked as they walked through the dungeon.

"Have you mastered the two spells I taught you earlier?" Harry questioned instead.

"Of course. It was a piece of a cake." Daphne responded confidently.

"Talk for yourself. It took me some time to finally master the spells and I'm still unsure if I really mastered it or not." Tracey muttered.

"Have some faith, Tracey. I saw your spells and yes, you indeed have mastered them." Daphne encouraged.

Their happy party was interrupted by Draco. He stopped before them and looked at Daphne smugly.

"Here, it's a letter from your parents. They have instructed you to read it immediately and read it alone. It is a family business." he advised, pushing the envelope in Daphne's hands and walking away without glancing at her companions.

"Coward. If he'd looked at me, I'm sure he would have pissed himself." Harry said grumpily, wanting to see the terror in Malfoy's eyes. They continued walking toward the Great Hall.

"Sure, sure, big bad Harry wanted to bully my future husband. Why am I not offended?" joked Daphne.

"Come on, Daph, you can't say you wouldn't have liked to see that." Harry countered.

Daphne smiled sadly.

"Of course, I'd love to see the ferret trembling at your feet, but he's my intended. I've to accept my fate."

There was an uncomfortable silence as they trudged through the halls.

Harry stopped Daphne by placing his hand on her shoulder, in front of the doors of the Great Hall.

She looked at him curiously.

"You can ask me anything, Daphne, you know that, right? If you want me to annihilate the Malfoy family, I'll do it with a smile if it saves you from this marriage." he offered passionately, squeezing her shoulder.

Daphne shook her head, smiling fondly at him.

"It's a family matter. I can't tell you about it. My marriage with Malfoy will save my family from great pain. Drop it, Harry, it is inevitable." Daphne pleaded, not wanting to hope for the impossible.

Harry just stared at her blankly. He started walking again without another word and Tracey followed him after giving a sorrowful look to the blonde.

"Coming, Daph?" He asked when he saw that Daphne hadn't moved from her spot.

She shook her head.

"I have to read this letter. You both go. I will join you in ten minutes."

"You sure? Will you be fine?" Tracey asked worriedly.

Daphne smiled as she pointed at her wand.

"I'm sure I can manage if something happens."

Harry and Tracey left Daphne behind and entered the Great Hall. They both sat together. Tracey put her hand on Harry's, giving him a small smile.

The hall was decorated with pumpkins. Over their heads, on the tables, they were everywhere.

"Don't worry. Daphne sometimes goes into this depressed mood. She'll come out of it eventually." she assured him.

He nodded glumly. He didn't like the idea that he couldn't help Daphne. He was sure that if Daphne revealed her problem, he would definitely be able to help her.

There was nothing he couldn't do.

As the feast started, Harry and Tracey started worrying over Daphne. She had said she would be with them in ten minutes, but it was already half an hour.

"Tracey, I think we should go to Daphne. Something is wrong, I can feel it." Harry said hurriedly.

Tracey agreed and just as they stood up, the double doors of the Great Hall opened up with a bang. Professor Quirrell sprinted inside.

"Trolls in the dungeon! TROLLS IN THE DUNGEON! Thought you needed to know." he said in a shaky voice and stumbled in front of the head table and fainted. There was suddenly shouting and screaming in the great hall. Students were running here and there with no destination in mind.

"SILENCE!" The Headmaster's amplified voice stopped everyone at their place. "Professors with me. Prefects lead the students to their respective houses."

Harry was frozen to his spot. His mind was blank. 'Daphne is in the dungeon, Daphne is in the dungeon…'

"HARRY!" Tracey shouted in his ear. He looked at her panicked look. He nodded and took her hand in his and ran out of the hall, passing the Slytherin prefects on their way who called out their names.

They didn't stop. Harry was feeling something he hadn't felt in ages. Fear, pure fear.


Daphne mournfully watched the backs of her best friends as they went through the hall. 'How I wish I could tell Harry and Tracey about this. Damn the family magic for stopping me.'

She angrily opened the seal of the letter and started going back to the dungeons. Her appetite had apparently died. She read the letter as she furiously walked through the hall. When she finished the letter, she stumbled and fell on her knees. Fortunately everyone was in the Great Hall and couldn't see the emotionless Ice Queen sobbing her heart out.


I have been 'requested' by Lord Malfoy to stop you from associating with Harry Potter and Tracey Davis. It seems Heir Malfoy doesn't like your companions. He also mentioned that Harry Potter is dangerous, so you should stay away from him. They have said that if you don't comply with the requests then they won't provide the cure for your sister's blood curse. And I know that the welfare of your sister is your main priority so I, as the head of the family, order you to stop mingling with Harry Potter and Tracey Davis. Also the betrothal contract has been signed, so you and your sister will marry Heir Malfoy when he is of age. Congratulations.

Lord Cyrus Greengrass.

Daphne slowly rose to her feet with the letter crumpled in her hand. She could feel the family magic binding her, imprisoning her.

She leaned against the wall.

She was so engrossed in her sorrow that she didn't hear the sound of a troll coming towards her. Before she could shed some more tears, she finally heard heavy steps coming to her. Along with sound came a very revolting smell.

Standing a few feet in front of her was a 12 feet tall troll. She gasped in surprise as he brought down his club on her, she barely dodged it. His club grazed her shoulder and she screamed, her wand arm breaking with a loud crunch.

She moaned in pain, but was able to dodge the second strike. She managed to find her wand from her pocket and equipped it in her left hand. She sidestepped a strike and pointed her wand at the head of the troll.

"Glacius Maxima!" She screamed in fury and agony. Unfortunately, her aim wasn't correct and the large shard of ice passed the troll's ears and smashed against the ceiling uselessly, raining small particles of ice on them.

The troll's aim on the contrary was correct and the club hit Daphne in her chest, she flew back and fell bonelessly on the ground. She coughed blood, muffling her pained screams, her mouth and neck was crimson. She felt immense pain in her chest, her numerous ribs were broken.

She still glared at the troll defiantly.

'Pathetic, what'd Harry say? Lost against a witless troll. Shame on you, Daphne.' she berated herself as her shivering left hand rose and trained itself on the troll who was walking towards his plaything.

'Die!' Her mind screamed.

"Glacius Maxima!" She whispered softly and a spear of ice shot towards the troll.

Daphne had already closed her eyes and was unconscious before she could see the fruits of her labour.

The aim was better than before, but still not perfect. The spear pierced the troll's thigh and the troll yelled as he felt pain blossoming in his leg.

He stumbled forward and smashed Daphne again with his club.

Daphne didn't feel any pain, she was already in the dreamland.


Harry and Tracey were gaping at the horrendous sight.

Daphne lay unmoving as a giant troll smashed his club on her.

Harry's surprise was replaced with hatred. So much rage, that the air around him was covered in black mist. He sprinted and kneeled in front of Daphne. He looked the troll directly in the eye.

Even the troll could feel the danger he was in. An impossible predator had stepped into his hunting ground. The hunter had become the hunted.

"Die." Harry spat and the troll fell on his back, suddenly deprived of his life.

Harry pierced his chest with an ice spear, just so he could explain the incident without revealing his true power.

He looked down at Daphne and was horrified to see her chest caved in and blood pouring out from it, her arms and legs were bleeding and were bent at odd angles. She looked like a broken toy.

Tracey was sitting beside her, crying softly.

Harry stumbled forward and fell on his knees, he could feel her magic leaving her body, feel her soul dissolving from this world.

"No, you'll not die. Stay. I command you." he said gently and touched her magic with his own and forced it back into her body.

He scooped her up in his arms and raced to the Hospital Wing. On the way, he passed the professors and headmaster, but he wasn't in any mood to talk so he continued sprinting, followed by Tracey and others.

Madam Pomfrey saw them coming and readily prepared a bed for her. Harry lowered Daphne on the cot. He held her hand, but found a parchment in it. He pocketed it discreetly and held her hand again in his and squeezed it.

Tracey didn't see what he was doing and sat beside him.

"Mr. Potter and Ms. Davis, leave the room, otherwise I won't be able to treat her." she ordered in a soft voice, able to see how emotionally hurt the children were.

Harry didn't want to leave Daphne, but Tracey dragged him outside. He slid down against the wall and dropped down on his butt. He closed his eyes and put his head in his hands, hiding his face.

Tracey sat beside him, outside the room and put her hand on his back. Harry was sobbing silently, tears wetting his hand.

Under all the sorrow was an unquenchable rage.

'Someone made me cry, someone is going to die.'

"Mr. Potter." the headmaster's voice brought him back from his thoughts. He looked up and found the professors and the Headmaster looking at them.

"I am sorry to disturb you. Don't worry, Madam Pomfrey will save your friend. Can you explain who killed the troll?" he asked.

His sorrowful gaze bored into him.

"The troll was already injured from Daphne's spell. Daphne was lying in the pool of her own blood. I didn't think much, my mind was blank and I used the only offensive spell I know, I used the Glacius Maxima spell to kill it." he lied without looking up, Tracey buried her face on his shoulder.

"How do you know such an advanced spell?" Professor Snape sneered.

He received a cold scathing look from Professor McGonagall for it.

"We studied and practised." Tracey mumbled from Harry's shoulder. The professors nodded and entered the Hospital Wing, leaving them for the moment.

Harry suddenly leapt from his place, startling Tracey.

"I need to go, I need to be alone for a minute." he said and ran away without waiting for Tracey's response.

Tracey was conflicted. Should she go after him or wait for the news about Daphne from Madam Pomfrey? She decided to stay. She would pass the information to Harry after acquiring it from her.


After crossing a few hallways, he looked around and confirmed that he was alone.

"Junky." he said.

An elf popped in front of him.

"Yes, Master."

"Take me to a place where no one can find me." he ordered. The elf nodded and popped him back on the seventh floor.

"This is the Come and Go Room." he informed him and disappeared quickly. Harry looked at the wall and felt a high concentration of magic in it. He pressed his palm at it and closed his eyes.

'Ah!' he exclaimed.

He walked back and forth in front of the wall, three times. A huge wooden double door appeared on the wall. He pushed it open and closed it after entering it.

The room was very large, there were hundreds of wooden dummies in front of him.


He pulled out the letter from his pocket and finally read it. After rereading it again, when he was sure he hadn't misread it, he let go of his emotions and dropped to his knees.

The dummies were suddenly burning in violent golden flames.

"Ahhh!" He screamed and the flames were high enough to touch the ceiling. They burned brightly, making the room shine in golden light.

After turning the wooden dummies into burnt dust particles, the flames vanished along with Harry's rage. He lied on his back and stared at the ceiling which changed to show stars and moon.

A grim smile made its way on his face.

"Insignificant. She is insignificant, then why am I feeling such rage? Everyone is going to die sooner or later. I shouldn't let my emotions lead me astray." he said to himself, trying not to feel hurt.

"But she isn't insignificant. Is she? She's your friend, you wouldn't let anything happen to her. You'll burn the whole world for her. She and Tracey are special. You shouldn't repress your emotions, you can finish your quest with them. You can even share the prize with them. Maybe. Only time will tell if they agree to share your prize." he said to himself. If anyone had heard him talking to himself, they would have declared him a nutcase.

He closed his eyes and lay there for an hour. With a grunt, he abruptly stood up and left the room. He descended the stairs, walked through many hallways and finally reached the hospital wing.

The door was open. He stepped inside and saw Tracey sitting on a stool, holding Daphne's hand.

Daphne was still unconscious. He approached Tracey who hadn't noticed him. He gently hugged her from behind, his head on her shoulder and his arms around her stomach. A small smile appeared on her face as she felt Harry's head on her shoulders.

"Are you okay?" He asked, realising how devastated she must be.

She nodded, albeit reluctantly.

He sat on the edge of Daphne's bed and caressed her soft cheek.

"What about you?" She enquired.

"I'm fine now. When'll Daph wake up?"

"Madam Pomfrey said that she'll probably wake up in a couple of days, but she'd have to be bedridden for at least a month. Many of her bones were fractured, her lungs were punctured, her hands and legs were also broken. Her heart was damaged. She thinks it is a miracle that she's still alive. But I know that you saved her." Tracey smiled, the smile then grew into a soft laughter and then into hiccuping sobs.

She leapt from the stool and hugged Harry tightly. Her face pressed hard against his shoulder, Harry had his arms around her waist and squeezed it.

"Everything is fine, Tracey. Don't worry. Everything is fine." Harry assured her as he ran his fingers through her hair.

"Thank you so much, Harry, for saving her. I don't know what I'd do without her. I was so scared, I thought she died. Thank you, thank you so much, Harry!" She cried.

Harry pulled out from the hug and looked at her with a kind smile.

"Of course, Tracey. You both are my best friends, I'm always going to save you both every time."

Tracey smiled a watery smile and retook her place at the stool. They both remained silent afterwards and looked at the unmoving figure of Daphne, hoping to see her awake soon.

Sometime later, Daphne's family came to the hospital wing.

A huge man with cold black eyes, a woman resembling Daphne with her blonde hair and beautiful face, a small girl with black hair and blue eyes with a familiar face.

The girl quickly ran to the bed and looked at her sister in concern. She quickly gave Tracey a hug. Tracey smiled down at her and patted her head. She then looked at Harry and asked.

"Are you Harry Potter? The one my sister mentions in every letter." Harry smiled affectionately. So she was the reason that Daphne wanted to sacrifice herself.

"I think so. I don't know if there are other Harry Potters."

She blushed, making Harry chuckle. She glared at him at the perceived insult.

'She has some of Daphne's characteristics.' He thought seeing her glare.

The next half-hour was spent explaining to them how Daphne was injured. They omitted some details to keep Harry's power a secret. Cyrus Greengrass' expression turned sour when he learnt that Harry had saved Daphne's life.

'I just hope the boy doesn't know about life-debts.' He thought desperately.

Harry of course knew about life-debts and knew that Daphne now owed him a life debt, but he wouldn't ask anything out of it yet.

A vague plan which he might or might not use was forming inside his head, in which a life debt would surely help.

Cyrus Greengrass asked them to leave them for some family time which Harry agreed to reluctantly.

He and Tracey left the hospital wing and went to their dorms. When they entered the Slytherin common room, everyone was there. They were staring at him. Apparently, his adventure of how he defeated a mountain troll was already out in the school.

He ignored them all and went to his room, followed by Tracey. No one asked her to stop even when it was against the rule. They were mesmerised by the story to care why a girl would go into a boy's room at this hour.

Harry sighed as he entered his room and was ready to close the door when he saw Tracey standing in front of him.

"What?" He asked her, his tone gentle. She said something inaudible.

"Say it a bit quietly, it is so loud that I can't make out what you are saying " he said sarcastically.

She scowled at him, but repeated herself.

"I don't want to sleep alone tonight." she said.

"Sure. Join me in my bed." he replied nonchalantly as he pulled her inside and closed the door.

She looked surprised but happy.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

Harry looked at her pointedly.

"Oh come on, we're just going to sleep. It's not like we're going to have sex. I mean I'm not against it, you're one of the cutest girls, but wait a couple of years before hormones start running through my veins and I feel something." he smirked, seeing her face redden by each word.

Harry started laughing at her crimson face.

"Prat!" She yelled as she jumped at him and started tickling him, feeling stupid for always blushing at his crass language.

Harry's laughter increased as he tried to fend off her hands. He picked her up by her waist and threw her on the bed. She yelped, crashing on his bed. She glared at his smug face, picking up a pillow and trying to smash it against his smug face.

He dodged it and conjured another pillow.

"You asked for it, my dear." he grinned and a pillow fight started which would last for half an hour.

They both cuddled against each other after their fight, Harry spooning her from behind. Tracey's soft back pressed against Harry's chest. His one hand was around her waist and the other hand was running through her silky brown hair.

They both had a content smile.

"Is it strange that it feels like I've known you for my whole life and always feel so comfortable with you?" She asked absent-mindedly.

"I don't know. But I feel the same." he muttered with a smile. She turned around so she was facing him.

She smiled at him lovingly. Harry returned the gesture.

"Goodnight, Harry." she said and kissed his cheek. She hurriedly turned around and resumed her previous position.

Her face was heating up.

'Will he laugh at me for kissing him? Was it bad? Why is he so silent?' she panicked. 'Is he going to break our friendship? Did I cross a line?'

What she didn't know was that Harry was blushing himself and didn't know what to do. His hand was on his cheek where her soft lips had touched a moment ago.

After a minute, he pulled her tight against him and buried his face in her hair, smelling the unique scent of hers.

'Eep!' she stifled a gasp at how closely he was holding her.

"Goodnight, Tracey." he muttered with an odd pleasant tone. She sighed in relief and, with a beaming smile, closed her eyes, loving the sensation of his soft warm body behind hers.