Chapter 11:

Turning his attention back to the collapsed building, Gojo extended his telekinetic influence to assess the damage. Suddenly, a massive roar erupted from the crater, and a towering figure emerged—The Hulk, enraged and roaring.

'Great, just what I needed,' Gojo thought sarcastically. He could sense the Hulk's anger and frustration. The green giant had clearly been thrown here during a fight, and Gojo's telepathic probe revealed it was against the Executioner and the Masters of Evil.

In the distance, he could hear the sounds of battle continuing, with the Avengers clashing against the Masters of Evil. Baron Zemo, Enchantress, Executioner,Abomination,living laser,crimson dynamo, Chemistro and Wonder Man were wreaking havoc, and the Avengers were struggling to contain them.

'This is straight out of Earth's Mightiest Heroes,' Gojo thought, recalling the animated series. 'The Masters of Evil must have orchestrated some kind of coordinated attack. And with Hulk here, it means he's been thrown quite a distance.'

As Gojo observed, Hulk's rage intensified, and he prepared to leap back into the fray. Feeling a bit of frustration from all the chaos caused around him and seeing how most of the innocent people around got injured, he removed his shades. He blasted off from the ground, flying after the Hulk to where the commotion was happening. While flying, he sensed the distress all around him and saw the trail of destruction. In the distance, he saw two figures clashing.

Gojo suddenly disappeared and reappeared above the Abomination and Hulk, crashing down with a loud bang that formed a crater. All around him was chaos, with burning cars and most buildings around the two hulking figures destroyed from the shockwave of their fight.

'This is madness,' Gojo thought as he checked telepathically to ensure the buildings were empty before acting.

Without even thinking, he lashed out his hand towards the two fighting figures and let out a huge burst of telekinetic wave at them, thinking, 'SHINRA TENSEI.' The telekinetic wave rippled out with such force that it smashed into the two figures, blasting them away along with the building behind them. Concrete, wood, and metal were cleared in an instant.

As Gojo landed, he sent out a massive telepathic energy wave with a single command to everyone around the area: 'MOVE.' The command compelled everyone to run in the opposite direction of the fight, reducing the risk to civilians.

With that done, he suddenly blinked out again, appearing mid-air to watch the Hulk and Abomination crash into another building.

'Why does it always have to be this way?' he thought, frustrated by the constant destruction. But he knew he had to stay focused.

As he hovered, he saw the Avengers battling fiercely against the Masters of Evil. Iron Man was engaged with Wonder Man, Thor was clashing with the Executioner and Enchantress, and Captain America was taking on Baron Zemo.

'This fight is out of control,' Gojo thought, watching the chaos unfold. He realized he had to intervene directly.

"Hey, big green! Let's calm down a bit, shall we?" Gojo shouted, trying to reach through Hulk's rage.

Hulk roared, but Gojo could sense a slight hesitation. Taking advantage of this, he telepathically communicated with Bruce Banner, buried deep within the Hulk's psyche.

'Bruce, you need to calm him down. We can't have this destruction continue.'

Inside Hulk's mind, Bruce Banner struggled to regain control. With Gojo's help telepathically dulling his anger, he managed to calm Hulk slightly, enough for Hulk to focus on the real enemy—Abomination.

Suddenly, Iron Man came into view, about to viciously crash into a building after being blasted by Wonder Man's energy. Gojo telekinetically grabbed hold of him and helped stabilize him. Iron Man, coming out of his daze, looked at Gojo and asked, "Who the hell are you, kid?"

Gojo geeked out for a moment, seeing Iron Man in real life before answering, "Gojo Satoru. And your pals down there just ruined my day."

Iron Man looked at him for a moment and said, "Huh. Believe me, it's both our days that's been ruined."


Tony P.O.V

Tony Stark is a genius. He was the kind of man who could afford a lot with his mind and his success, to a point where he could stand against gods, monsters, magicians, and world-dominating maniacs. His mind afforded him the tools to do all he could. In short, he had witnessed far more than most humans.

The day had started like any other. Stark Tower was buzzing with activity, and Tony was in his lab working on some upgrades for his suit. Peaceful, productive morning—that's how he liked it. Then, Jarvis alerted him to a massive burst of energy.

"Sir, there's an energy surge at the location where the Hulk was last seen."

Tony quickly suited up. "Show me, Jarvis."

The screen displayed Hulk being thrown by the Executioner, only for Abomination to follow after him. As Tony prepared to fly out, he was smacked backward by Crimson Dynamo.

"Not so fast, Stark!" Crimson Dynamo snarled.

"Great, just what I needed," Tony muttered, engaging his repulsors and blasting back at Dynamo. He quickly assessed the battlefield. Thor was dealing with Executioner and Enchantress, Captain America was locked in combat with Zemo, Ant-Man was struggling against Wonder Man, Hawkeye was tangling with Chemistro, Wasp was darting around Living Laser, and Black Panther was assisting where needed. Black widow contacting shield about the situation.

"This is a coordinated attack," Tony said to himself. "Jarvis, alert all units. We need backup."

As Tony dodged another blast from Dynamo, he saw Thor getting knocked back by Executioner's massive axe. Enchantress was casting spells left and right, making it difficult for the Avengers to gain any ground.

"Thor, we need to split them up!" Tony shouted over the comms.

"Aye, Stark! I shall handle the Executioner. Deal with the others!"

Tony nodded, focusing on Dynamo. The two exchanged blows, repulsor blasts meeting powerful punches. "You know, you're really getting on my nerves," Tony quipped, dodging another strike.

Just as Tony was about to gain the upper hand, Wonder Man appeared, blasting him with a powerful energy beam. The force of the blast sent Tony flying through the air, hurtling toward a building.

In that moment, Tony felt something grip him, stabilizing his trajectory. He looked around, bewildered, and saw a young man with white hair—Gojo—holding him with some kind of telekinetic power.

"Who the hell are you, kid?" Tony asked, still disoriented.

"Gojo Satoru. And your pals down there just ruined my day," the young man replied with a hint of irritation.

"Huh. Believe me, it's both our days that's been ruined," Tony responded, shaking his head in disbelief. "Jarvis, get me a facial scan on this kid."

"Yes, sir," Jarvis replied.

As the battle raged on, the Masters of Evil continued their assault. Hulk and Abomination were trading blows, their impact shaking the ground. Buildings crumbled, cars were flung like toys, and the streets were filled with chaos. the Avengers were doing their best to contain the destruction.

Thor's hammer clashed with Executioner's axe, creating shockwaves that rippled through the battlefield. "You shall not prevail, fiend!" Thor roared.

Enchantress tried to ensnare Thor with her magic, but Black Widow intervened, throwing a device that disrupted her spells. "You're not getting away that easily," Widow said, landing gracefully beside Thor.

Meanwhile, Captain America and Baron Zemo were locked in a fierce battle. "You're going down, Zemo!" Cap declared, blocking a strike from Zemo's sword with his shield.

"You're a fool, Rogers. This is only the beginning!" Zemo sneered, launching a flurry of attacks.

Ant-Man, using his ability to shrink and grow at will, was doing his best to keep Wonder Man off balance. "You're pretty tough, but I've got a few tricks up my sleeve!" he said, dodging a powerful punch.

Hawkeye and Chemistro were engaged in a deadly game of cat and mouse. "You can't hide from me forever, archer!" Chemistro taunted, firing a chemical blast that barely missed Hawkeye.

"Watch me!" Hawkeye retorted, loosing an arrow that exploded in Chemistro's face.

Wasp buzzed around Living Laser, her stingers firing rapid shots. "You're not as fast as you think!" she said, dodging a laser beam.

Tony asked Jarvis for a facial scan of Gojo as the other members of the Masters of Evil continued to wreak havoc. The building they were in was completely demolished, and Hulk was battling Abomination with his anger rising again.

"Jarvis, any luck on that scan?"

"Working on it, sir. It appears our new friend is quite the enigma."

Tony smirked. "Of course he is. Just another day in the life of an Avenger."