Chapter 25

Realm lords, beings of unlimited and excruciating power, possessing an insatiable hunger for more. They exist outside of reality for a reason: their presence cannot exist without throwing the balance of the current reality into chaos. The overlapping and descent of their dimensions is what the sorcerers of Kamar-Taj exist to prevent.

The Ancient One, the Supreme Sorcerer, stands as the first line of defense against such threats. These beings are so powerful that their very essence can warp reality, creating catastrophic consequences. The likes of Dormammu, ruler of the Dark Dimension, and beings from the Hell realms, such as Mephisto, embody the sheer danger these entities represent. Dormammu's dimension, a realm of infinite chaos and darkness, threatens to engulf our reality with its mere presence. The Negative Zone, another perilous dimension, is filled with anti-matter, presenting a constant threat to the balance of the multiverse. These realms, depending on their function and nature, represent different levels of danger. Hell realms, fragmented and filled with demonic entities, bring eternal torment and chaos, while dimensions like Dormammu's are pure, unrelenting darkness.

The Ancient One's mind raced with these thoughts. 'So why are the emergency wards going off but not the world wards put in place???' Did one of them descend onto Earth? She pondered the implications, considering various scenarios and possibilities. The emergency wards were designed to alert them of any immediate threats, but the world wards, ancient and powerful, protected against inter-dimensional breaches.

Masters from all over the world were sending transmissions, their voices filled with panic and urgency. They feared a dimensional invasion. Wong and Kaecilius, along with other masters like Mordo, Daniel Drumm, and Sol Rama, rushed in, their expressions mirroring the fear and confusion of the others.

"Is it Dormammu?" one master asked fearfully.

"Why is the world barrier still up if something or someone broke into our reality?" another queried.

The Ancient One raised her hand, silencing them. "I have scried all the wards, and I can't find anything wrong. Nothing signifies that anyone broke in or out." She mentioned some of the magical wards, including the Warding Sigil of Agamotto and the Shield of the Vishanti.

The argument continued until Kaecilius silenced them all, turning to the Ancient One. "What should we do?" he asked.

There was a heavy silence as everyone looked to her for guidance. "I don't know," she said, shocking them all.

Kaecilius thought, 'What does she mean she doesn't know?'

The Ancient One continued, "We observe to see what the issue is but stay vigilant and monitor the wards and any anomaly of the mystical nature."

As the masters dispersed, she made her way to her quarters, closing the doors behind her. The transmissions ended one at a time, leaving the masters confused and concerned.

Back in Her Quarters, The Ancient One began casting eldritch spells, her mind fbocused on unraveling the mystery. But all her attempts came up empty. She saw nothing but void, an expanse stretching infinitely. Suddenly, she felt something staring back at her from the void. Her eyes widened, and she stopped her spells immediately.

'What is this presence? An entity from beyond the known realms? Could it be a new threat, one we've never faced before?' she thought. The implications were terrifying.

A bead of sweat rolled down her forehead as a final thought came to her mind: Gojo.

Back on the battlefield

"DOMAIN EXPANSION: UNLIMITED VOID," Gojo's voice echoed across the battlefield.

A barrier of black nothingness materialized, engulfing the three heroes and their adversary. The void felt suffocating as the surroundings and the ground faded into nothingness. The ground beneath them and the sky above were washed away by a blinding white light that quickly turned dark, becoming a blur of colors. In an instant, the world shuddered as Gojo's domain unfolded—a vast expanse that seemed to swallow reality itself.

The air thickened with a tangible weight, every sense heightened to an excruciating degree. Light refracted and stretched, casting an otherworldly glow across an endless horizon and a spot that looked like a manifestation of the void itself, a supermassive black dot, an event horizon which caused the light of the void to bend on interval. Sounds elongated, transforming into a continuous, eerie hum that reverberated through the very core of their beings.

Gojo stood at the center of it all, a blue light shimmering around him before pointing his palm at them and the blue light surrounded them like a second skin. Tony, Thor, and Carol, sparing them from the effects of the domain. The supervillain, Graviton, appeared as if turned into a statue, unable to move or use his powers, standing at Gojo's mercy. With arms outstretched to his sides, Gojo spoke, "Welcome to my domain, the immeasurable void. Every touch becames a paradox, every sense heightened to an excruciating degree, a simultaneous sensation of infinite softness and jagged edges. It was as if every atom in their bodies was being pulled apart and reassembled in the same breath."

The space around them seemed to expand and contract—a pulsating abyss filled with a dull, omnipresent light that blurred the line between existence and void.

"Time loses its grip here," Gojo continued, "moments elongate into eternities, and the concept of reality becomes an elusive, unquantifiable notion. You stand at the precipice of infinity, where the familiar rules of the universe dissolve into an overwhelming, incomprehensible expanse. It's a realm where everything and nothing exist simultaneously, a dimension that stretches the boundaries of perception to their absolute limits, leaving you breathless and awestruck, teetering on the edge of madness and enlightenment. That, my dear guests, is my domain."

Thor, Carol, and Tony watched, unable to move, their bodies betraying them as they could only look from Gojo to Graviton, who was frozen under the domain's effects. With a flick of his finger, Gojo brought Graviton face to face with him. Looking into the supervillain's eyes, he said, "I do not know what Fury did to you, but frankly, I don't care. You have chosen to defy peace when you decided to attack the city and its people. Now, you die."

Gojo's eyes bled red with energy as his heat vision bubbled up, enhanced by his domain to a point that he could blast enough heat to instantly vaporize and reduce all things in the universe to ash. The three heroes watched as he erased Graviton who couldn't even do anything but stand there from existence with a blast of his vision.

Thor's mind raced with the implications of Gojo's powers. 'He possesses a domain,' he thought, 'a power comparable to the realm lords. Could he be one of them? This boy's power rivals that of what my father, Odin can do. The ability to manipulate reality to such a degree, If I didn't know better I'd say he's a…'

Tony, on the other hand, tried to understand the domain scientifically. 'The infinite information and sensory overload—it's like a computer processing data at an unmanageable rate. Each atom, each sensation heightened to a point of incomprehensibility. This domain... it's as if it compresses and stretches reality, creating a paradox where every possible state exists simultaneously.' Coming out of his thoughts, Tony looked at Gojo in a new light, wondering, 'How does a kid have such power? What if he goes rogue? Could we stop him?'

Carol's thoughts mirrored Tony's. 'Such godlike power in one person... The implications are terrifying. Can we trust him to always be on our side?'

After erasing Graviton, the realm developed cracks as Gojo turns back and made his way to them, shocking the heroes as the domain began to shatter like glass and come undone. Reality was restored, the floor and skies coming back into view as if waking from a dream.