Chapter 36

Gojo asked, "You mentioned something about danger last night. Is there anybody I should be worried about? I have been a bit busy as of late."

Logan grunted, "Well, there's Magneto and his group of lackeys—they call themselves the Brotherhood of Mutants. I'd say the only one who's a threat to you is Magneto himself."

Feigning curiosity, Gojo asked, "Who is Magneto to you guys? It sounds as if you know him well."

Charles answered, "An old friend of mine. He and I parted ways due to our differing stances on humanity. He believes that the only way for peace is through fear and intimidation. He's a very powerful mutant with the ability to control magnetism."

Gojo then inquired about the Brotherhood, their members, their powers, and their weaknesses. Ororo, Logan, and Charles began to explain the types of people in the Brotherhood and their abilities.

Ororo started, "There's Mystique, who can shapeshift into anyone. She's a master of espionage and combat."

Logan added, "Then there's Pyro, who can manipulate fire but can't create it. He relies on a lighter or some other source."

Charles continued, "Toad has enhanced agility, a prehensile tongue, and can secrete sticky substances. Sabretooth has animalistic traits, enhanced senses, and regenerative healing."

Ororo nodded, "Lance Alvers, also known as Avalanche, can generate seismic waves, causing earthquakes and displacing the ground. Blob has superhuman strength and an immovable body once he sets himself in place."

Gojo interjected, "So, a shapeshifter, a fire manipulator, an agile fighter, and a beast, a seismic wave generator, and a super strong immovable man. Interesting mix."

Charles nodded, "And Quicksilver, who has super speed. He can be quite formidable."

Gojo scoffed, "Looks like a bunch of misfits with power but not enough common sense to use said powers. If what you say is true, they have a very nice set of powers on their team but lack the ability to fully utilize them due to their ego."

Logan agreed, "Quicksilver could be terrifying if he used his power properly."

Gojo then thought about Magneto and wondered how he'd match up against him in a battle. 'Magneto's control over metal could be tricky, but if I can actually learn how to disrupt his magnetic fields or overwhelm him with sheer force, I might have a chance. Plus, my ability to manipulate energy if trained properly could counteract his magnetism.'

Coming out of his thoughts, Gojo turned to the Professor, who gave him a knowing look, "If you need someone to deal with him, I'm willing."

Logan growled, "Gonna kill him, are ya, bub?"

"Like you wouldn't?" Gojo questioned, Logan froze at Gojo's assertion, "Your fighting style is made to either maim or kill. I would incapacitate him in such a way he wouldn't be able to do anything anymore."

Suddenly, Gojo added, "Besides, Magneto is not totally wrong with his own ideas."

This made the three frown, and the Professor asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Gojo sighed, "Look at the treatment mutantkind is facing at the hands of humans. They have labeled mutants as the embodiment of evil, making it look as if we are here to wipe them out. In response, they oppress and try to kill all mutants, no matter how innocent we are. Do you seriously think and expect anyone to just lay down, smile, and accept that, Professor?"

Ororo said, "No."

Gojo nodded, "Exactly. It prompts an equal reaction, which has caused the chain reaction in the world we live in right now. No one likes to be oppressed, least of all not the humans. The humans don't even fully accept themselves and are willing to wage war and kill one another over slight disagreements. And you expect them to accept us?"

Charles said, "But that is why we must show them that we can be part of them and even help them."

Gojo looked to Logan as if asking, 'Is he serious?' Then shook his head, "That dream of yours, Professor, might have worked somewhere else. Maybe if things were different, it would have worked out. But this is different, Professor. This is not a dream."

Getting serious, his eyes flashed with power, "Wake up to reality, Charles. What you have is a noble dream, but nothing ever goes as planned in this world. The longer you live, the more you'll realize that some things will never change and the futility of trying to be accepted. Magneto must have understood this simple concept, which is why he is doing what he is doing, but at the same time, he is also wrong with his approach."

Charles replied, "But it's wrong. We cannot turn against the humans and lash out against them. Even with how things are and all their weapons, they would be wiped out if something like a war with the mutants ever broke out."

Gojo said, "Professor, you cannot expect a wounded animal that is cornered to just lay down and do nothing as its life is at stake. A wounded animal, when cornered, lashes out and becomes much more dangerous. This is the situation of the mutants."

He continued, "The only way I see that all this works out is…" He sighed, "Never. That approach will only lead to a dead end."

Logan stood up abruptly, "You got us there, kid. I have lived long enough to realize most of what you've said, and I agree as well. But hey, I am just an old man. I'm going into the city; I'll be back later." He told Charles as he slinked out of the room, muttering something about having to deal with Sabretooth again.

Gojo then asked, "What just happened, seeing Logan leave so abruptly?"

Ororo sighed, "He always leaves to avoid doing any work around here. Sometimes I wonder if he's just freeloading." She took a bite out of her apple and stared at Gojo with a heavy expression, "Of course, that means you'll have to substitute for him."

She then looked at Gojo and said, "Although I am quite surprised. I didn't know telekinesis could be so powerful with all those applications to it." She continued, "I wonder if Jean would be able to do all that as well, considering how she's always holding back."

Gojo gave her a cheeky smile, "You haven't scratched the surface of what I can do, and believe me when I tell you, Jean will most likely be able to do more than all that in the future, Princess."

"Call me that again," she dared; a cold breeze whipped around her in a menacing fashion, the table around her slowly began to freeze from the temperature. Lightning crackled in the sky and the skies greyed from Storm's slight anger.

'Hoooo, what do we have here? So that's her true power,' Gojo thought as he felt the sudden shift in the atmosphere. He had originally believed that she simply controlled the individual elements that encompassed weather, but it was becoming increasingly clear that Storm possessed no such ability. Instead, she simply changed meteorological events to her whims or rather her temper.

"Ororo," Charles warned as a stray lightning bolt hit Gojo in the face and did absolutely nothing against his skin due to his natural durability. She let her powers dissipate as she simply huffed and exited the room. Gojo looked at the Professor and wondered what he had done to trigger her to such an extent. "I wouldn't worry about it—Ororo has a bad history being called such things. Her powers made her somewhat of a godlike figure back home," Charles explained. Gojo simply nodded and returned his concentration back to the food frozen on the table. He used his heat vision to melt and reheat the pancakes.

The Professor smiled, "Impressive control. Your heat vision is almost as hot as the surface of the sun, and yet you can manage and control the amount of heat radiating from it. I wish Scott could control optical beams like that, but unfortunately, he's like an open tap, always pouring out without a way to make it stop."

Gojo and Xavier then sat in silence as Gojo took some pancakes for himself, unable to resist free food. They finished their respective breakfasts, and Gojo enjoyed eating the fluffy pancakes.