Lord of Gods

Throw some stones for motivation alright?



The world was plunged into an eerie silence, the golden light still radiating from the heavens. The calm before the storm was palpable, as if the very fabric of reality was holding its breath. Suddenly, a chilling, maniacal laugh echoed across the globe, reverberating through every corner of existence. It was a sound that pierced the soul, a harbinger of dread that sent shivers down the spine of every living being. The laugh grew louder, more pronounced, until it became impossible to ignore.

In Tempest, Rimuru felt an inexplicable shiver run down his spine. "What... what is this?" he muttered, his eyes wide with unease. Veldora, standing beside him, also felt the ominous presence, his usually confident demeanor shaken.

Guy Crimson's eyes narrowed as he felt the shift in the atmosphere. "This laugh... it's him," he said through gritted teeth. "Reinhard."

Milim, still in Dwargon, looked up at the sky, her eyes filled with a mix of anger and fear. "Brother...?"

The laugh seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at once, a haunting melody of madness that filled the air. It grew in intensity, each note a testament to the malevolent power behind it. As the laugh reached its crescendo, the golden light began to converge, gathering into a single point in the sky. The brightness was blinding, more intense than anything the world had ever seen.

The heavens themselves seemed to tremble as the light coalesced into a massive structure, an ethereal palace of shimmering gold and blinding radiance. The sheer magnificence of it was overwhelming, a sight both awe-inspiring and terrifying. The sky began to crack, fissures spreading like spiderwebs, revealing a dark void beyond. From this void, a figure began to emerge, his presence heralded by the haunting laugh that still echoed through the world.

Reinhard's form materialized slowly, stepping through the cracks in reality as if he was tearing through the very fabric of existence. His silhouette was imposing, an embodiment of absolute power and unrelenting madness. The golden light seemed to bow before him, swirling around his form like a celestial mantle. His eyes glowed with a malevolent intensity, and his expression was one of pure, unadulterated madness.

As Reinhard stepped fully into the world, the sky seemed to shatter completely, the cracks widening until they formed a vast chasm of darkness. The laugh echoed one final time, louder and more chilling than ever before, before fading into an oppressive silence. The entire world seemed to hold its breath, the air thick with an almost tangible fear.

The aura that emanated from Reinhard was unlike anything anyone had ever experienced. It was a suffocating wave of terror, a malevolent force that seeped into the very bones of those who felt it. The sheer weight of his presence caused the ground to tremble, and the air to grow heavy with dread. Even the strongest beings in the world felt the crushing pressure of his aura.

In Tempest, Benimaru and the other leaders of Rimuru's nation felt the oppressive weight of Reinhard's presence. "What is this... this monstrous power?" Benimaru gasped, struggling to remain standing.

Shion, who was usually fearless, found herself trembling. "Rimuru-sama... what is happening?"

Rimuru clenched his fists, feeling the overwhelming dread wash over him. "This... this is Reinhard's power," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Throughout the world, people fell to their knees, unable to withstand the crushing fear that Reinhard's aura induced. In some places, the sheer terror drove people to madness, their minds snapping under the pressure. Suicidal thoughts took root in the weak-hearted, and many succumbed to the despair that filled their souls. It was a wave of chaos and panic, a testament to the terrifying power that Reinhard wielded.

The demon lords and true dragons, though more resilient, also felt the weight of Reinhard's presence. Velzard and Velgrynd, Reinhard's aunts, exchanged worried glances. "He's back," Velzard said, her voice laced with concern. "After all these years..."

Velgrynd nodded, her expression grim. "We have to be ready. His power... it's unlike anything we've ever faced."

Even Dagruel, known for his stoic demeanor, felt a chill run down his spine. "This isn't good," he muttered. "His aura alone is enough to drive the world into madness."

Guy Crimson, always composed, struggled to maintain his usual calm. "We need to act quickly," he said, his voice tense. "If we don't, this world will fall into chaos."

Milim, her heart heavy with conflict, clenched her fists. "Brother... why have you returned like this?" she whispered, tears welling in her eyes. "Why now?"

As Reinhard's form fully manifested, his laugh once again echoed through the world, a final, chilling note that seemed to seal the fate of all who heard it. The golden light surrounding him flared brightly, blinding all who looked upon it. The sheer brilliance of it was overwhelming, forcing even the strongest to avert their gaze.

In the midst of the blinding light, the sky continued to crack and shatter, the void beyond growing ever larger. The golden palace, now fully formed, loomed ominously above, a testament to Reinhard's unholy power. The air was thick with tension, the world teetering on the edge of an abyss.

Rimuru, struggling to stand against the overwhelming aura, looked up at the sky. "We have to stop this," he said, his voice filled with determination. "We can't let him bring this world to ruin."

Veldora, standing beside him, nodded. "We fight together, Rimuru. We face this madness head-on."

Guy Crimson, his eyes burning with resolve, stepped forward. "This is what we've trained for. We stop Reinhard, no matter what."

As the golden light reached its peak, it exploded in a final, blinding flash, consuming everything in its path. The world was engulfed in a brilliant radiance, the oppressive aura of fear and madness reaching its zenith. The demon lords, the true dragons, and all the world's inhabitants braced themselves for the coming storm, knowing that their greatest battle was about to begin.

In that moment, the world was plunged into chaos, the oppressive aura of Reinhard's presence casting a dark shadow over all. The fight for survival, for sanity, and for the very fate of the world, had begun.

In the Eastern Empire, the grand halls of the imperial palace were filled with a palpable sense of anticipation. The air was thick with the weight of destiny, as though the very walls could sense the monumental events unfolding. At the heart of this power was Rudra, or rather the Manas Michael, who overtook him. Seated on his ornate throne, Michael wore a smile that was both serene and sinister. The return of Reinhard, even in a shadowy form, was a significant step toward reviving his Lord Veldanava. The cost of his entire army was a price he was more than willing to pay.

Michael's piercing eyes scanned the room before settling on Yuuki Nava, who stood with a confident yet respectful demeanor. "Yuuki," Michael began, his voice a blend of Rudra's authority and his own divine arrogance, "with Reinhard's partial manifestation, we are one step closer to our ultimate goal. How goes the Transmutation of Gold Ritual?"

Yuuki bowed slightly, his expression unreadable. "The ritual is progressing well, Your Excellency. However, it is only feasible to open three swastikas a day. Given that we've already achieved today's quota, it would be unwise to proceed further."

Michael's eyes narrowed slightly, intrigued by this information. "And where did you come by this limitation, Yuuki? Who provided you with such knowledge?"

Yuuki's smile was enigmatic, his eyes reflecting a hint of mischief. "A certain primordial demon shared this with me. Their knowledge of ancient rituals and their constraints is unparalleled."

Michael leaned back on his throne, pondering Yuuki's words. His fingers drummed lightly on the armrest, a rhythm that seemed to echo the heartbeat of the empire itself. "Very well, Yuuki. Your caution is noted. Now, tell me of your progress with your skills."

Yuuki's eyes gleamed with pride. "I have completed the merging of every Angelic Series Ultimate Skill, including Raphael and Uriel. The result is a single God Level Ultimate Skill: [Lord of Gods, Yhwh]."

Michael's eyes widened with genuine delight. "Excellent, Yuuki. With such power at your command, our plans are all but assured."

Yuuki bowed again, though his mind was already turning to the conversation he needed to have with his new skill. As Michael reclined in his throne, savoring the progress they had made, Yuuki mentally initiated a dialogue with [Lord of Gods, Yhwh]. The skill, which contained the essence of Raphael, responded immediately, its voice clear and precise.

«What is it that you wish to know, master?» the skill inquired.

Yuuki's mental voice was calm, yet tinged with curiosity. "Is the plan progressing as it should?"

«Affirmative,» the skill responded. «Everything is going according to the projections. The activation of the swastikas is proceeding within expected parameters. Reinhard's partial manifestation has caused the desired destabilization among the demon lords and true dragons.»

Yuuki's eyes flickered with satisfaction. "Good. And what of the next steps? How soon can we proceed with the subsequent stages of the ritual?"

The skill's response was instantaneous. «The Transmutation of Gold Ritual requires precise timing. The opening of additional swastikas must be carefully managed to avoid overloading the ritual framework. Another three swastikas can be activated tomorrow. Until then, our energies should be focused on maintaining the stability of the current manifestations.»

Yuuki nodded slightly, his thoughts racing. "Understood. What about the potential interference from the demon lords and true dragons? How significant is the threat they pose?"

«The demon lords and true dragons are formidable adversaries,» the skill acknowledged. «However, their current state of disarray works to our advantage. Their focus on Reinhard's shadow form diverts their attention from the broader ritual framework. As long as they remain preoccupied, their interference will be minimal.»

Yuuki allowed himself a small smile. "Good. And if they do manage to interfere?"

«Contingencies are in place,» the skill assured him. «Your own strength, combined with the power of [Lord of Gods, Yhwh], is more than sufficient to counter any immediate threats. Additionally, the empire's military forces are on high alert and ready to respond as necessary.»

Satisfied, Yuuki ended the mental conversation and returned his full attention to Michael. "All preparations are in place, Your Excellency. We are poised to continue as planned, with minimal risk of disruption."

Michael's smile broadened, a look of satisfaction settling on his features. "Excellent, Yuuki. Your diligence and foresight are commendable. We are on the cusp of a new era, one where Lord Veldanava will reign supreme once more."

Yuuki bowed deeply. "It is my honor to serve, Your Excellency. The return of Lord Veldanava is our ultimate goal, and I will ensure that no obstacle stands in our way."

Michael nodded, his gaze distant as he contemplated the future. "Indeed. With Reinhard's power at our disposal and the might of the empire behind us, nothing can stop us. The world will be remade in our image, and those who stand against us will be swept aside."

As Yuuki straightened, a sense of purpose filled the room. The stage was set, the players in their places, and the script written by destiny itself. All that remained was to follow the path laid out before them, a path that would lead to the resurrection of the most powerful being the world had ever known.

The weight of their ambition hung heavy in the air, a palpable force that seemed to resonate with the very stones of the palace. The future was uncertain, but for Michael and Yuuki, there was no turning back. Their course was set, and they would see it through to the end, no matter the cost.

In the grand hall of Guy Crimson's castle, the atmosphere was tense as the demon lords gathered once more. The room, filled with ancient magic and the weight of millennia, seemed to hum with anticipation. Guy, standing at the head of the table, cast a serious glance over his fellow demon lords. Milim, Ramiris, Velzard, Rimuru, Veldora, Dagruel, Dino, and Luminous were present, each bearing expressions ranging from anger to worry.

Guy broke the silence, his voice steady and authoritative. "We need to discuss our countermeasures. The swastikas are indestructible and cannot be placed in space pockets, but they have a certain flaw."

The demon lords leaned in, their focus sharpening. Guy continued, "These swastikas have a specific resonance with the earth. We cannot destroy them, but we can move them. By relocating them, we can delay the Empire's ritual. We must be strategic about this. Thoughts?"

Rimuru spoke first, his usual easy-going demeanor replaced by a rare seriousness. "If we relocate them to areas of lesser strategic value, we can buy ourselves some time. But we need to ensure they remain hidden and inaccessible."

Dagruel nodded in agreement. "We have the power to move them, but it must be done with precision. We cannot afford to make mistakes."

Luminous added, "We should use our forces to guard the new locations. The Empire will come for them, and we must be ready."

Milim, still fuming from the loss of Fullbrosia, clenched her fists. "I'll make sure they pay for what they've done."

Guy's eyes met hers, his expression softening slightly. "Milim, we need your strength on the front lines. Leave the relocation to others. We can't afford to lose you if the Empire strikes back."

Milim's anger was tempered by a sense of duty. She nodded reluctantly, her resolve firm. "Fine, but I won't sit idle. We need to be proactive."

Veldora, usually more carefree, added his thoughts. "We should also prepare for direct confrontation. The Empire won't sit back and watch their plans fall apart. We need to be ready for their retaliation."

Guy nodded, approving of the input from each demon lord. "We move the swastikas today. Make sure your people are ready. We don't have the luxury of time."

The demon lords dispersed, each heading to their respective domains to set their plans in motion. The day passed with an eerie calm, the anticipation of another attack hanging heavy in the air. But as night fell, they were stunned to find that no attack came. The Empire was silent, and the demon lords remained on high alert.

The next day, deep within the Eastern Empire, Yuuki Nava stood before Tatsuya Kondo, the Number 01 in the empire ranks. Yuuki's expression was calm, yet his eyes gleamed with a sinister light. "Tatsuya, proceed with the plan. Your target is Sarion. Activate the swastika there."

Tatsuya bowed, his demeanor cold and efficient. "As you command, Yuuki."

With a flicker of magic, Tatsuya transported himself to Sarion. However, upon his arrival, his sharp eyes immediately noticed something was amiss. The swastika was missing. His frown deepened as he surveyed the area, sensing the faint traces of powerful magic. The demon lords had already taken measures.

Tatsuya returned to Yuuki, his report concise. "The swastika in Sarion has been relocated. The demon lords anticipated our move."

Yuuki's eyes widened slightly in surprise, but then a slow smile spread across his face. "Impressive. I didn't expect them to act so quickly. This means the other swastikas must have been moved as well."

Michael, controlling Rudra's body, listened intently. His expression remained stoic, but there was a flicker of concern in his eyes. "This complicates things. We need those swastikas to complete the ritual."

Yuuki's smile widened, a glint of cunning in his eyes. "No need to worry. We have a contingency plan. Do you remember the runes we placed on each swastika when we first located them a year ago?"

The Numbers nodded in unison, their expressions reflecting a mix of understanding and anticipation. Yuuki continued, "Those runes are tracking devices. With them, we can locate the swastikas no matter where they are moved. The demon lords may have hidden them, but they cannot hide them from us."

He activated his Ultimate Skill, and a series of magical glyphs appeared in the air before him. His eyes glowed with power as he traced the lines of energy connecting to each swastika. One by one, their locations appeared in his mind, each a pinpoint of light on a mental map.

Yuuki's smile turned into a grin. "We know where they are now. The ritual will continue, and no one can stop it."

Michael's eyes gleamed with approval. "Excellent work, Yuuki. Proceed with retrieving the swastikas. Ensure that our forces are prepared for any resistance."

Yuuki bowed slightly. "Of course, Your Excellency. We will retrieve them and ensure the ritual continues without further delays."

As he turned to leave, his mind was already racing with the next steps. The demon lords had made their move, but Yuuki was always several steps ahead. The game was far from over, and he relished the challenge. The Transmutation of Gold Ritual would continue, and the resurrection of Reinhard's full power was inevitable.

The balance of power in the world was shifting, and Yuuki intended to be at the center of it all. With the swastikas located and the next phase of the plan in motion, the Empire's ambition burned brighter than ever. The demon lords would not stand a chance against the calculated might of Yuuki and Michael's combined forces. The ritual would succeed, and the world would tremble before their power.





In the heart of her territory, Luminous stood before a concealed chamber hidden deep within her grand cathedral. She had kept this secret for centuries, the one thing she cherished above all else, even if it meant risking everything. As she walked through the darkened hallways, her footsteps echoed softly, a somber rhythm accompanying her heavy heart.

With a wave of her hand, ancient runes lit up, and the door to the hidden chamber slid open. Inside, bathed in a soft, ethereal glow, lay the preserved body of Reinhard. His form was immaculate, untouched by time, preserved in a state of perfect stasis. Luminous approached, her usually impassive face now softened with a rare display of emotion.

She knelt beside him, reaching out a hand to gently touch his face. The coldness of his skin sent a shiver through her, but it was a familiar touch, one that brought back a flood of memories. "Reinhard," she whispered, her voice breaking slightly. "I've kept you safe all these years, hidden from the world. But now... I must choose."

Her eyes welled up with unshed tears as she bit her lower lip, struggling to maintain her composure. She leaned down, pressing a tender kiss to his forehead, a final act of love and farewell. "I have to let you go. The world... it needs saving. I can't keep hiding you, not anymore. If I do, everything will be lost."

Taking a deep breath, she stood up, her resolve hardening. She knew what she had to do, even though it tore at her heart. With a final, lingering glance at Reinhard's body, she whispered, "Goodbye, my love. I will always remember you."

She turned and left the chamber, sealing it behind her one last time. Luminous made her way back to the main hall of her cathedral, where her loyal subordinates awaited her return. They could see the pain in her eyes, but none dared to speak of it.

"We need to take his body to Guy," she said, her voice firm despite the sorrow that lingered. "It must be done. Reinhard's power cannot be allowed to destroy the world."

Her subordinates nodded, understanding the gravity of her decision. They moved swiftly, preparing for the journey to Guy's castle. Luminous herself led the procession, carrying the weight of her choice with every step. She had chosen the world over her love, and now she had to see it through.

As they traveled, Luminous couldn't help but reflect on the moments she had shared with Reinhard, the times they had spent together. But she pushed those thoughts aside, focusing on the task at hand. When they finally arrived at Guy's castle, she was ready.

Guy met them at the entrance, his expression unreadable. Luminous approached him, holding Reinhard's body with a reverence that spoke volumes. "Take him," she said quietly. "Keep him safe, and do what must be done."

Guy nodded, understanding the enormity of her sacrifice. He took the body from her, his grip steady and sure. "You finally released this. Took you long enough. This is the only way to save the world."

Luminous stepped back, watching as Guy carried Reinhard's body into the depths of his fortress. She felt a mix of relief and sorrow, knowing that she had made the hardest choice of her life. Turning away, she whispered one last farewell. "Goodbye, the one I admire. May you find peace in the next life."

With that, she left Guy's castle, her heart heavy but her resolve unbroken. She had chosen to save the world, and now she would do everything in her power to see that it was done.



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