Chapter 9

Dezen enjoyed finding magical resources for a few more seconds, then he took all the rock into his bag and left.

He went straight to the route leading to his village, thinking how he can use these rocks.

"It will help me become fire, but I don't abilities he possesses, nor do I want. But some of my spells are fire based, and it wasn't my purpose for them to be. Maybe necromancy has some affinity with fire, so it might be useful for me... I can't be sure. Anyway, there is nothing blocking me from using multiple magics, it will just take more time. Maybe in the future, after years of working for Church of Alen, they will sell me knowledge about this magic. Besides this, I should learn enslavement magic as fast as I can, to enslave the queen of Royal ants. Enslaving other magical being will be useful too, as I can use their corpses either as magical resources, or to get new undead. Is there something else, I can use these rocks for?"

Out of a little fear that they fell out of the backpack, Dezen checked them. As expected, rock were still there.

"Besides tests and researches, maybe... What can I use them for? Maybe give one to one of the undead trees? It could try to absorb mana in it. Can I do the same with Royal ants? No, they're just corpses of ants... But they are still magical resources, so if undead tree can absorb mana from these rocks, it should also be able to absorb mana from corpses of Royal ants. And if undead tree can do this, so should undead wolf. It should change their properties? Abilities, but how?"

Dezen images one of his undead trees getting enslavement abilities, and using it to enslave creatures.

"It isn't a bad idea to let undead absorb mana from magical resources. But maybe they cannot do this naturally, or normally. Should I use "naturally" regarding undead? Anyway, even if they can't, I can try to create a spell which will lead to it. Or they can, but efficiency is low. Then I can create spell too, but it will be easier, since observing? Or rather sensing magical process, like I sense mana in item and beings, makes creating spell which create the same effect easier."

Undead wolf raised his ears, as if he heard something. Dezen noticed it, and started looking around, to what caused it.

First, he looked ahead, then to the sides, at the end behind him.

Dezensaw nothing, so he raised his head, to see if something is in the skies.

Immediately after doing it, he saw a burning figure, flying towards him.

First thing Dezen did, was using Green Barrier. Then, he thought about using Stone Skin, but the creature attacked at the same time he did it.

Said creature, was a giant bird with flames on his body, phoenix. It was over 1 metre high, had flames instead of feathers, at least it looked like that. Its legs were thin and brown, with small but sharp claws. The beak is neither long nor short, it also has dark purple colour. It also has entirely black eyes.

Phoenix aimed with his beak, at Dezen's right arm, and he hit, going through his flesh without resistance. What wasn't surprising, considering he flew through the Green Barrier, as if it wasn't existing.

Dezen screamed with pain, but despite it, he tried to hug phoenix and use Green Fire Ball and Sparks Explosion to attack it.

This time, phoenix screamed, even worse than Dezen did.

Surprised, Dezen looked at the bird closer.

He then noticed, that phoenix has few heavy injuries, which he couldn't heal, despite legendary healing abilities.

To be exact, said injuries were missing parts of his body. When Dezen saw them, he was surprised not only because of their existence, but also because he didn't see flesh nor blood nor flames on them, they were just red. Red, and only red.

Phoenix attacked again, rising his wings to hurt Dezen's arms.

Seeing it, he activated Fire Fog and Gray-Black Spike, as a counterattack. His undead wolf helped him, biting phoenix's legs and lower part of body.

Both Dezen and his undead wolf were burning. Undead wolf didn't care about it, nor he felt any pain. Dezen's clothes were burning, but his not his body. It was thanks to Stone Skin, which protects him against fire to a certain extent. However, it doesn't stop his senses, so Dezen felt enormous heat while fighting.

Phoenix didn't care about the wounds, made by them, but so do Dezen and his undead wolf.

Undead wolf, because he normally has incredible regenerative abilities. Dezen because he was using both Healing Fire and Faster Regeneration. He even used them on undead wolf, so he almost looked like he couldn't be harmed.

Dezen used Sparks Explosion once again and Fire Fog.

Phoenix just flew up, dodging the attack of both Dezen and undead wolf.

Dezen used this occasion to get off undead wolf, make Fire Fog bigger, and used few more spells.

Phoenix attacked again after 2 seconds, this time he aimed at undead wolf.

He pierced through his shin, flesh and bones, splattering his blood, and setting him on fire.

Wolf tried to bite phoenix, but it couldn't reach him with his mouth.

Seeing it, and how phoenix isn't affected by Fire Fog, he sent towards him fee Gray-Black Spikes.

The bird ignored them, and tried to catch with beak stones, which Dezen collected.

If Dezen was full of wrath before, now he was full of hate.

He tried to grab phoenix, and after doing it he cast countless Sparks Explosions, Green Fireballs and Gray-Black Spikes. Luckily, he didn't feel much of the pain, thanks to the adrenaline.

Bird showed pain, but it didn't make it let go of the stolen rocks.

Phoenix just used his wings to force Dezen to let him go and flew away.

Dezen observed it with hate, getting on the undead wolf and telling combination of 5 curses.

He then started chasing him, shooting with Green Fireballs and Gray-Black Spikes.

After 13 minutes, he lost phoenix from his sight.

Angry, he cursed a few times, and then started calming down.

- I lost everything I brought with me. No food, water, clothes. Nothing. Only me and wolf remained. I can find food, I know where water is, but I have nothing to store them in. I could skin wolf for clothes, but I won't use his skin to store food nor water.... I think I will have to ask Regina for help...

Dezen looked around, to locate where he is. Then he started riding towards the source of Lava Rivers.

When Regina saw Dezen naked and covered with ash, she was stunned. Luckily he covered himself, using undead wolf, and Grey Fog, so she didn't see what's between his legs.

- De-Dezen, what happened? You have any wounds, that need to be healed?

- No, I do not. I have strong healing spells. I have been attacked by phoenix, who stole magical resources I found. Luckily, it had heavy injuries, so I survived.

- Phoenix? - Something in Regina changed, like she sharpened, ready to fight. - I see. It would explain why you are naked, covered in ash, and how you survived. We will help, I just need you to tell me what items you need.

- Thank you, I will owe you something.

- The Church of Alen doesn't expect something in return, for helping its worshippers, but I want to ask you for something. Could you tell me where that phoenix flew?

- Well, I hate him, so I won't count it as payment for your help.

Dezen told Regina in which direction the phoenix flew.

- Is church going to catch him? Or kill?

Regina answered with anger evident in her voice.

- I will hunt him down.

Realizing it sounds a little strange, like she is angry because someone hurt Dezen, she added.

- We have to protect our worshippers. So we have to either kill or catch creatures poseses danger to them.

- You make want to work for Church of Alen more and more, since you are truly worth your reputation and titles of Noble Defenders.

Dezen told Regina what he needs to travel.

She then disappeared in wall of ash, to come back after few minutes.

After receiving items he needs, Dezen thanked once more and left.