
The island was in peril. The trees burnt in a raging fire, sky blackened in smoke. Cries of humans and monsters alike flooded the surroundings.

A huge battle had occurred here. Occurred and lost.

Over the horizon a black dragon could be seen fleeing from the scene, flying sluggishly towards the ocean, all it wanted to get away somehow. It's black scales withered from countless wounds, blood dripping from them. It's teeth, barely any left. It's fire extinguished. Yet it could fly, his last flight.

Had it not started raining that day, it could have survived.

But without any warning heavy rain assaulted the island. Not only extinguishing the fire but also making the dragon crash face first in the ground.


It was over for him. It hadn't left any energy to take off again. It's body melted in jet black grease leaving behind the figure of a man.

He looked young despite being decades of age. His body was covered in grease and sand, making his wounds hurt like hell. But pain of the wounds wouldn't even register in his brain, since pain of failure was a million fold worse.

Not only he failed in his goal, he was about to die as well. Meaning he wouldn't get another chance.

"Heh..I failed in the end..."

He chuckled as tears flowed from his eyes washing the grease away.

He turned his face in the sky as spread out his arms. Thinking over the course of his life.

He had dedicated all his life for this goal, his one and only desire. Even after countless sacrifices, efforts and sins. He still failed.

The fire he set in hopes of escaping was blown off. Heavy footsteps with roars and curses were approaching towards him.

It was the end.

He stared at the cloudy sky for another minute as he sighed.

"It's time for last resort. If this final relic I have left, failed to work, I would die a nameless death."

His hand reached for the thread tied around his neck. An small egg was tied to its end like a locket. The golden relic was heavy with decades worth of concentrated Qi.

He pulled it, breaking the thread and looked at it.

Only he knew how he had cultivated this relic. If his pursuers knew he had this, he wondered what kind of expression they would make. They may even want to spare his life in exchange of this legendary item.

"The sudden rain was bad luck, and after bad luck comes good luck. I have a feeling, this egg would work. But in case it failed, the backlash would destroy half of this island in explosion. Both outcomes are fitting. Well then, here goes nothing."

Just as the footsteps were feets away from him, he smashed the egg on his head. Enormous amount of energy was released killing him instantly.

But no explosion occurred.


Somewhere in western continent.

In a small village, a boy in his teens was working in the fields. This field bordered an irrigation canal with lush green plants filling the vision. His face and limbs were covered in black soil. He slowly spread apart the spritual herbs to look for weeds and pulled them out.

The sun shone brightly at his head making him dizzy. It had been 4 hours of working, yet no even 1/5 of the field was done. He will definitely get blows when the lame old man returns from his gambling endeavours.

His hand shook at the thought of the beating, delaying his work further. Strings of sweat dripped from his face. It had gotten too hot. Almost unbearable.

He quickly went near the agitation canal and washed his face. Thinking about just how pathetic and small his existence was.

The cold water helped a little too much to comfort him as suddenly a deathly chill ran down his spine. Random thoughts and information entered his brain.Memories from his future laid bare in his inexperienced eyes, making them shine with maturity.

It hurt, so much that he groans in pain. Curled up on the floor with his head in his hands. His legs kicked a bucket making more his whole body wet.

This kept going for several minutes then suddenly his body got still, his mind cleared. His voice finally left his mouth.

"Heh..It worked after all.."

And so, the legendary expert, Xue Song was reborn.