Chapter 4: Arrival At Port City

Xue Song looked around; he was surrounded by a group of villagers with vivid expressions. Some showed pure fear while others were bewildered at encountering a real cultivator. Some wanted to ask questions while others wanted nothing more than to make a run for it.

But not one uttered a sound. The air was tense.

Xue Song's expression showed indifference. His eyes were cold and icy.

Everyone gulped as Xue Song suddenly got up, wiping sweat off his face.

"So." He looked at Chu Kang. "Shall we leave now?" He raised his left eyebrow in a threatening manner.

Chu Kang immediately nodded. "Y-yes, we can leave. I am sorry for my rudeness earlier..."

He hurriedly waved his hands, making way for Xue Song as the villagers stepped aside.

"This way, please..."

Xue Song didn't say anything, just went and sat in the carriage, finally getting some shade.

"I am going to have a nap in here. Make sure the carriage doesn't shake too much."

"Yes, sir. Understood."

Chu Kang cursed him in his mind. Whether the carriage would shake or not depended on the road, not the driver. But he didn't dare say anything.

With a flick of the reins, the carriage began moving, leaving behind the bewildered faces of the villagers, who wondered what had just happened.

The path to the port city was not complicated; Chu Kang regularly went there. However, it was already evening, and having a cultivator as his passenger put too much pressure on him. Never mind the fact that he definitely wouldn't be paid for this trip. He cursed himself in his heart.

"How long till we reach there?" Xue Song's voice pulled him back to reality.

"By morning at the earliest, S-Sir!" he stammered.

Xue Song closed his eyes once again. His body rocked sideways with the carriage. He strained his mind to recall what was going on around this time in his previous life. Was there any major event happening that he could take advantage of? Any auction or tournament?

But nothing came to mind. He hadn't left the village by this time in his previous life. Of course, he was clueless.

"Oh well. I just have to reach the Central continent somehow."

The Central continent was where the real game began. He wouldn't learn anything hanging out with mortals. But traveling between continents isn't that easy. One has to cross vast oceans that span millions of li. Not to mention the monsters and pirates that lay in the path.

But the most difficult challenge is to find the correct path. Finding the a continent in the vast oceans is practically impossible if you don't excel in the information path. And money to fund the years-long journey adds a cherry on top.

In simple terms, you can't go there unless you have a Mystic realm expert with you. Or you are one yourself.

The carriage reduced its speed when the sun set. Chu Kang activated a light path relic to illuminate the path.

But being a cheap rip-off that he could afford, it didn't do much to help.

Relics are basically devices crafted by cultivators to mimic their talents. The art of cultivation is so vast that not everyone can learn it fully. That's why most people focus on particular paths like fire path, water path, information path, soul path, earth path, and strength path.

Relics enable one to use a particular technique of its creator's cultivation, no matter which path the user cultivates. And since relics are powered by essence stones, they can be used by even mortals.

With a loud sound, the horses neighed as the carriage suddenly stopped in it's tracks, making Xue Song's head clash into the metal plate behind him.

"Ouch!" He made a face. "The hell are you doing..."

"S-sorry, sir, but someone is blocking the path."

"Huh?" Xue Song looked outside, thinking some bandits were out ambushing. But to his surprise, he saw the figure of a man standing tall in front of the carriage, his surroundings alight with the fireball raging from his hands.

His body was jacked from head to toe, dressed in red robes. His face looked red due to the color of the fire.

"A cultivator? A fire path user... Go ask him what he wants," Xue Song said nonchalantly, asking Chu Kang to test the waters.

"But... I... what if he kills me? Sir, I have a family waiting for me at home," he said, his voice barely audible. It wasn't rare for cultivators to kill mortals just for looking at them. Even if this stranger didn't kill him, Xue Song might for talking back to him. This was the reason mortals avoided interaction with cultivators at all costs.

"Don't worry, there is no killing intent coming from him. The fire is for illumination." Xue Song tried to console him. Even though cultivators can sense killing intent from their enemies, this cultivator was definitely his senior, meaning he could hide it from him if he wanted. But Xue Song didn't fuss over this tiny detail.

"But... I..."

"Good evening, gentlemen." Before Chu Kang could voice a protest, the stranger had already reached the carriage door. Xue Song was shocked at this. When did he move from his place?

"Good evening. I didn't think I would meet a cultivator at this time of the day. You need a lift, if I am correct?"

Xue Song kept his face straight, not showing any emotions. Even though he felt intimidated by his presence, he wasn't trying to hide his cultivation level at all.

"Lift? On this thing? Haha." He chuckled. "I will be faster than it on my feet. What I am looking for is a rogue cultivator. Have you seen someone suspicious walking around?"

In colony continents, any cultivator who seeks autonomy without being interfered with by the guild is termed a rogue cultivator. They are hunted down and killed.

"No, I don't think I saw anyone like that."

Xue Song said after a fake pause, pretending to think. Even if he had seen someone, he wouldn't tell him. Since in his previous life, he himself was being hunted like that.

The stranger didn't look disappointed, probably expecting this answer. He was busy taking a thorough look at Xue Song, memorizing his face.

"Too bad. By the way, it's my first time seeing you. What's your name? How long have you been a cultivator?"

"I just reached elementary realm this afternoon. Name is Xue Song. Nice meeting you..."

Xue Song greeted him, cursing his luck. He had already been noticed by a realm spirit realm cultivator. It might cause some problems for him.

"Xue Song, huh? Be sure to register yourself with the guild, or I will have to hunt you down as well. Fe Fan from rogue patrol..."

He said with a smile. It wasn't a threat. Generally, even if you are a rogue cultivator, if you don't do something to piss off some important person, you won't be hunted. Especially if you are in the elementary realm. Those are the lowest frogs in the well.

"Yeah, I will make a point of that," Xue Song said, waving at Chu Kang to move the carriage forward.

Chu Kang was in frozen chills throughout all this interaction. Being a mortal, Fe Fan ignored his presence. Now, finally after being ordered, he snapped back to reality and jerked the reins.

The carriage moved forward, leaving Fe Fan behind. A loud sigh of relief was heard after he was out of sight. And a quieter one right after it.

The carriage moved without a break throughout the night as they finally reached the port city by morning.

Xue Song peered out of the carriage window as it trundled into the bustling city. Just like the name suggested, this city was famous for its trade ports and ship harbors. The sun hung low in the sky, casting a golden hue over the landscape. The cobblestone streets were alive with activity, filled with merchants hawking their wares, from exotic spices to intricately woven silks. The aroma of freshly grilled skewers mingled with the salty tang of the sea, creating a heady, inviting scent.

The buildings, a mix of stone structures and newer wooden shops, were adorned with brightly colored lanterns that swayed gently in the breeze. Intricate carvings of dragons decorated the eaves, hinting at the rich history and deep-seated traditions of the city. Stalls lined the streets, their canopies fluttering as vendors shouted out prices and bargains.

Beyond the market, the expansive harbor came into view, a forest of masts and sails bobbing on the glittering water. Ships of all sizes were docked, from small fishing boats to grand junks with crimson sails. Seagulls cawed overhead, diving and wheeling against the backdrop of a brilliant blue sky.

As the carriage slowed to a halt, Xue Song could hear the laughter of children playing near the docks, their carefree joy a sharp contrast to the focused intensity of the dockworkers. The city's energy was palpable, a vibrant pulse that seemed to synchronize with the rhythm of the waves crashing against the pier.

Xue Song took a deep breath, the air filled with salt. Finally, he was back here once again.

Chu Kang stopped the carriage in front of a pawn shop as he was commanded and sighed in relief. Finally, Xue Song was getting off his carriage, and now he could rest in peace. Not having slept a wink last night, he was beyond tired. But to his horror, Xue Song asked him to wait outside for him.

"Okay, understood." He said with a rock on his heart. What was it that this brat wanted from him? Would he have to stick with him even longer?

Xue Song looked at the pawn shop. It was small but neatly decorated. The wooden sign on the stop was drawn with beautiful calligraphy.

He opened the door, making the bell ring. Inside, a middle-aged man with wooden glasses was sitting, smoking his pipe. Upon seeing Xue Song, he was annoyed, since to him, he looked like a beggar boy who was there to bother him. However, soon he felt his elementary realm aura and adjusted his expression accordingly.

"Welcome to my humble shop, lord. How can I be of use?"

He said this in an automatic voice he reserved for important customers, still wondering why this cultivator looked like that.

Xue Song went to the counter and tapped its wooden surface with his fingertip.

"Give me a loan." His eyes darted around at all the relics and antiques that decorated the walls of the shop. These things were up for sale; they were pawned goods from customers who had failed to pay back the money.

"I am sorry, lord, but my humble business doesn't have any essence stones to loan. I'm afraid you would have to use the valid loan channel, which is the guild's bank."

The shop owner wasn't as afraid of Xue Song as Chu Kang. Not only did he see cultivators on a regular basis, being in a big city, but he had also made protection deals with some low-realm cultivators.

He also paid protection money to the guild so his shop wouldn't be robbed by them.

"Who said anything about essence stones? Give me 50 gold coins. I need to make a payment."

The shopkeeper was confused. Why would any cultivator want payment in gold coins, which are mortal currency? And if he had to pay a mortal, why pay at all, especially by taking a loan? Was he one of those morality freaks?

"Sure. Please give me a moment." He didn't ask anything further. Being a mortal, it wasn't his place to ask unnecessary questions. Giving loans was his job. "Um, is there anything you want to keep as collateral?"

It was a pawn shop, after all. Taking collateral was the whole point.

"No," Xue Song shook his head.

"No problem, lord. Your cultivator status is the biggest security. Please count them if you wish." He handed him a pouch full of gold coins and smiled, knowing full well he wouldn't see this money again. And he couldn't complain to the guild for a measly 50 gold coins.

Xue Song took the pouch and weighed it to make sure it was the right amount.

"How much is the interest?" Xue Song asked casually while turning back.

"While the lord doesn't need to pay any interest, for mortals, it's 10% monthly."

"I see." Xue Song opened the door and exited the shop. The shop owner relit his pipe and rolled his eyes. Feeling pissed, even this brat has higher authority than himself, a rich businessman. This world was truly unfair.

Chu Kang, who was waiting for Xue Song to come out, sighed again on seeing Xue Song approaching his carriage. But to his surprise, Xue Song pulled out 10 gold coins and handed them to him.

"You can leave now. Keep the extra as a bonus."

Chu Kang's eyes shone with a strange light. He didn't expect to be paid more than three times his fair amount, no less from a cultivator.

However, before he could thank him, Xue Song was out of his view.