Wedding Time

Argus walked straight to his car that was parked outside the club. Passers-by stared them. He unlocked the car's door and put down Aleena. "Get in", he ordered Aleena. Aleena didn't move.

Pinning against the car, Argus commanded, "You're stubborn. Get in before I start doing anything else".

Seeing no other way, Aleena got inside the car without a word. Argus walked to the driver seat of the car and got in too. "What do you think of yourself? You can't simply force your decisions on someone", Aleena shouted.

Maintaining his calm and composure, Argus spoke, "Are you done? I guess so. So, here's the deal. You and I get married and stay together as husband- wife for six months and then you go back to your world, with lots of money".

"You can't buy me with your money", Aleena said.

"But it can pay your dad's medical bills, your rent, in fact you can buy your own house. Isn't that enough?", Argus asked.

Aleena was shocked by the details that he had collected after just meeting her the previous day.

"Did you have people spying on me?", she asked.

"How cheap. I followed you", he replied.

Aleena gave her a critical look and said that she earned enough for her family.

"By working in this Club where any rich guy could just pick you up and get in his car?", Argus said looking at the club and then looking at her.

Aleena knew that a club wasn't really a nice to work but she didn't have any choice. Moreover, she wasn't earning enough. Her situation forced her to think about the offer.

"I accept the offer but tell me why do you want this and why me, when you have so many girls dying for you?", Aleena asked him.

"You do agree girls like me, don't you? I chose you because you didn't choose me. I mean you rejected my offer that day and that pulled me towards you", Argus replied and went closer to Aleena.

"Wait, wait", Aleena stopped Argus.

Argus sat back.

 "We won't do anything even after our wedding", Aleena said.

Argus smirked and said, "So the deal is done".

Reaching his hand to the seat belt on Aleena's side, Argus replied, "I won't do anything to you, miss, until you want it".

"Never happening", Aleena said. Her face was little red because of the embarrassment she did to herself, mistaking Argus' move for a kiss.

"I doubt that", Argus said, almost teasing.

Since, Aleena no longer had to work in the club, Argus decided to drop her home. On reaching her place, Aleena got of the car and waited for Argus to come out.

"You don't want to go in?", Argus asked.

"Alone? You should come with me to meet my parents. They should know who I am getting married to", Aleena said.

"Oh, sure", Argus got off the car.

He was quite sure that her parents would have no objection.

They walk in and Aleena's mother sees Argus. She was impressed at the first sight itself by the rich and premium clothes he was wearing. Though, to confirm that he was Aleena's boyfriend, she asked her who he was.

"Your soon - to – be son in law", Argus replied before Aleena could.

"Aleena, is that right?", Aleena's father asked, standing behind her mom.

He looked a little doubtful that Aleena had decided her life partner already, without letting him know.

"Yes, dad", Aleena said.

Aleena's mother offered Argus to have a seat. They all sat in the living room. She asked her what he did and where he lived. The answers impressed her even more. She could already imagine her daughter in her wedding gown. When asked about the time and venue for the wedding, Argus replied that the wedding will happen at the weekend and the venue was up to Aleena to decide.

"This weekend! Aren't you two rushing?", Aleena's dad asked.

"No dad. He actually has to move out of the country and it will take him sometime to get back so we thought we should get together before that", Aleena explained, though her father wasn't really convinced. "We would be happy, dad", Aleena held her father's hand and said.

"Anything that makes you happy, my princess", her dad said putting his hand on her head. He wasn't convinced that Aleena was in love with Argus but he trusted her enough to let her do what she wanted to.

"Aren't you getting late?", Aleena asked, reminding Argus that he had to leave.

"I am. See you all soon. Good night", Argus said and went towards the door.

Aleena's mom asked her to company him to his car. Aleena, though unwillingly, does so.

"Thank you sweetheart", Argus said and gave a hug to Aleena. While hugging her, he whispered, "Your mom's looking through the window".

Aleena looked at the window and he was right. She then faked a smile and said that they didn't have to pretend so hard. After all, it was a contract marriage and sooner or later, her parents were going to know the truth.

Argus got in his car and was about to drive when Aleena asked how he was going to convince his parents about the marriage.

"Convince? Seriously? You think I convince anyone? Goodnight miss", Argus said and drove away.

Now that Aleena was to get married, how could her friends not know about it. She called Ryle and Luna, and asked them to meet in the cafe they usually met, Coffee mates. Both of them wondered what Aleena had to say but they were equally excited as well.

The next day, they met and Aleena narrated the incident that had happened at the club. "

"Are you serious? This sounds straight out of a dark romance novel. A billionaire's proposal - contract marriage. I am so excited for the wedding", Luna said without paying attention to the people who were watching them.

"Slowly, Luna", Aleena said, gesturing with her hand to speak softly.

"That's what we actually wanted. I am happy it's happening, though not the way we planned", Ryle said.

"Oh, you guys have a work. He wants us to decide the wedding venue", Aleena said with a big smile.

"What's there to decide? You always had a place in your mind, didn't you?", Luna asked.

Aleena's smile faded. "That place?", she remembered the place where she always wanted her wedding to be.

Luna and Ryle noticed her gloomy face and said that she should do it the way she always wanted to, doesn't matter if it ends in six months or six lives.

"You guys are right. No better way to start this adventure", Aleena smirked and said.

While the bride – to – be is busy with venue selection, the groom – to – be is busy with his family lawyer.

"Mister Evans, will marrying be enough to get the property?", Argus asked, Jim Evans, his family lawyer.

"Well, Argus, your grandfather was a good friend of mine and I have known you since you were four. He could have simply passed on all his wealth to you without any condition because you are only one whom he loved the most. The reason behind the condition of you getting married to get the property is to make you more of a normal person who has a life outside work and business", Mister Evans said holding the bill in his hand.

"Mister Evans, grandpa was the only one who I considered to be my family. I wish, I could fulfil his last wish of me being a family man but I couldn't and I don't think I will, ever. Not even if I try", Argus replied, looking out of his office window.

"Alright, Argus, I will be back to you with the bill after you are married", Mister Evans said.

"oh, you are invited by the way. It's my first and last wedding. Do attend", Argus invited Mister Evans.

"Well, weddings usually happen once in lifetime, Argus, unless you have any problem in your marriage", Mister Evans said.

"Right", Argus agreed. He then remembered that he needs to know the venue for the wedding to happen. "I guess I will have to go now. I need to know the venue", Argus said.

Evans smiled and said that it was nice of him to take initiative and work together for the wedding preparations like couples do. But to Evans disappointment, Argus said that it was because he didn't have her number.

"What!", Evans was surprised.

"I don't know her name either", Argus added to increase the shock.

"Do you know what she looks like?", Evans asked.

With few second of contemplation, he answered, "She looks like a girl, a little sexy one you can say. I will have to leave now".

Argus stepped out of his office when Mister Evans said, "You know Argus, what's the most strange thing about love?"

Argus gave a puzzled look and asked, "What is it?"

"That it comes to you when you expect it the least", Evans said.

"I don't love her", Argus said with a straight face and left to visit Aleena's house.

On his way to her home, he saw many flower shops. He missed the view the other day because he visited the place at night. He wasn't admiring the beauty of those vibrant flowers but at the same time, he couldn't even take his eyes off them. "Would have been better to be here at night. Could have avoided these stupid looking flowers", he murmured to himself.

Just as he was passing by on of the flower shops, he saw Aleena and stopped there.

"Good that I found you here", Argus said peeping out from his car window.

Aleena was a little surprised and asked him what he was doing there. Argus told her that he wanted to know the wedding venue to start with the preparations. He also had to invite few guests and so he wanted the venue to be decided at the earliest.

Aleena was telling him about the venue when the old lady asked Argus to buy some flowers.

"I don't like flowers", he replied in a cold voice.

"What weird way for a billionaire to save money", Aleena said.

Annoyed Argus raised his eyebrows before asking the lady to deliver all her flowers to House Number eighteen, Maple Tree Street.

"That's my address. Why not you take them in your car? You are close to my home", Aleena asked.

"Because I don't like them", Argus said, a little annoyed. "Get in. I can drop you", he said without looking at her.

Aleena got in the car and waved goodbye to the flower shop lady who waved back to her. While Argus was driving, Aleena asked him why he didn't like flowers. Argus responded with a question "why everyone liked flowers?"

Aleena smiled and replied that it was because flowers represent beauty and many other significant feelings, like the red roses meant that you loved the receiver.

"And you believe it's true? It can all be mere pretence", Argus said.

Argus's words made Aleena's smile fade away. She got lost in her thoughts. 

Breaking the silence, Argus asked with his teasing tone, "By the way, I am giving you more than just red roses, a whole shop actually. What does that mean now?"

"That you are rich", Aleena answered with a sarcastic smile.

Soon, they reached her house and Argus left after handing over his credit card to Aleena for all the purchases for the wedding. The flowers, too, were delivered and though, they meant nothing to Argus or Aleena, it still made Aleena happy. "Flowers are just beautiful even without any feelings associated with them. I love them", Aleena said and inhaled the sweet smell of the flowers.

Aleena's parents saw that and felt reassured for their daughter's future. They felt that she would be loved and cared by Argus, though he didn't look like a sensitive person on the surface.

Meanwhile, Argus had started with preparations for the wedding. He hired the best wedding planner and contacted the media so that they can cover the news of his wedding.

"It's all done. Only the wedding is remaining", Argus thought.

Finally, the day had arrived. Aleena was dolled up by her friend, Luna.

"I didn't expect Luna to be so skilled with make-up and all but, she is excellent this time", Ryle appreciated Luna.

"Thanks Ryle", Luna responded.

Aleena's parents were overwhelmed with emotions as they saw their little daughter in that bride's dress.

"You look like a princess", Aleena's dad said as he wiped off his tears with his handkerchief.

"Thanks dad", Aleena replied with a smile. Her eyes gleamed with tears.

"We should go now", Aleena's mom said.

Luna, Ryle and Aleena's mom went outside where the wedding was to happen. Aleena and Argus didn't want too many people for the wedding as it wasn't meant to be a life long one. So, Aleena only had her parents and her two childhood friends, while on the other side, Argus had only one person invited. That's was Mister Evans.

Aleena's parents wondered why Argus's family wasn't present for the wedding. They went to Mister Evans and asked him if he was Argus's dad. He replied that he was Argus's family lawyer and had known him since he was a kid. There weren't any family members because Argus's had lost them when he was a kid. He had his grandpa who raised him to be become the successful business that he is. But recently, his grandpa, too, passed away due to his deteriorating health conditions.

"Oh my, I didn't know he had no family", Mrs. Hilton said. "He doesn't have siblings?", she asked.

Mr. Evans took a deep breath and said that he had no siblings.

They stopped their conversation when they saw Argus on the stage. He was wearing a black suit and looked a little extra handsome then the rest of the days.

"Dashing as always", one of the female reporters murmured.

Soon, Aleena's father walked Aleena down the isle. Aleena looked no less than a fairy-tale princess in her extravagant white wedding gown and floor – length floral lace veil. Her hair was done into a crown braid with a couple of dark blue roses. Her bridal bouquet had calla lilies arranged in the waterfall style. Everything made her look prettier.

As she walked down the aisle, everyone, including Argus, was mesmerized by her beauty. He couldn't take his eyes off her. He saw her as an attractive lady but to see her as his wife was something totally different. They exchanged vows and rings and then, it was time for the kiss.

Well, of course, they both knew about this, but what they never thought was the awkwardness that comes with kissing someone they didn't love. As Aleena stood close to Argus, she could see him looking at her mischievously. She felt like running away from the place but instead, she tightened her grip on the bouquet and leaned closer to him. Argus did the same and their lips touched. "Oh no", Aleena said in her mind and frowned as hus lips pressed against her. But, Argus, stepped back right after that.

As Aleena felt Argus had moved further, she opened her eyes and was surprised and relieved at the same time to see that Argus didn't use the opportunity to take advantage of the situation.

As the wedding was over, everyone congratulated them. The reporters and cameramen did their job and it was time for the feast. Everything was top class and well organized. The newly wed were asked to cut the cake and begin the feast.

"You did well considering how little time you had for all these arrangements", Aleena said to Argus.

"Oh, so you are impressed?", Argus said with his teasing tone.

"No one said that", Aleena responded.

After the feast, the media left. It was time to say goodbye to her parents and start a new life with his husband. Though tough, it was supposed to happen.

"We wish you both a successful marriage", Aleena's mom said.

Aleena hugged her parents and tears rolled down their cheeks as they bid goodbyes. Aleena's dad held her shoulders and said, "You can always come to me, my dear".

"I know dad", Aleena said and hugged her dad.

"She will be fine", Argus said.

"I trust you young man", he said and hugged Argus too. "Congratulations, to both of you", he said.

Argus felt a warm smile across his lips as he hugged Aleena's dad. He asked his driver to drop off her parents and friends.

Luna and Ryle hugged Aleena. "Congratulations to us on our first victory", Aleena said.

They got in the car and left, while Argus arranged another car for Aleena and himself. He drove the car himself. On the way, Aleena asked him why he didn't have any guest except one.

He replied that he didn't have a family and Mr. Evans was the only one he trusted after his grandpa.

"What about friends?", she asked.

"I don't have any", he replied.

After an hour of driving, they reach Argus's house, more like, his palace.

"Is this where you live?", Aleena asked, a little surprised. Not like she has never seen a big house, but Argus's was actually quite big.

"Yeah, you don't like it?", Argus asked her.

"No, I mean it's huge", Aleena said, looking at the house.

"The view is better inside", Argus said and unbuckled his seat belt and Aleena's too. He walked to the other side of the car and helped Aleena to get out of the car. They walk together to the entrance, and the door was opened by Sofia.

She was surprised to see them. Stammering, she said, "Did you get married?"

"Yeah, take her to her room", Argus ordered Sofia and went to his office.

Aleena gave a sweet smile to Sofia but Sofia ignored her and walked towards the staircase. "The room's upstairs", Sofia said.

Aleena followed her. They reached a spacious room with a king size bed. There was a study table and a big shelf, stacked completely with books. On the other side of the corner, there was the bathroom with translucent glass door.

Aleena turned around to say thank you to Sofia but she was already gone.

The contract marriage has happened and Aleena and Argus's life had taken a new turn, but is this going to be as simple as it seems? Or, are there more turns to take place?