Building the World (1)

Somewhere in the cosmos.

Mr. X is a god and now he feels a bit bored. He said:

"What should I do now? Traveling has become quite boring since I retired, it's time to find something new to do. Ah, this looks quite interesting, let's give it a try."

He then selected a planet capable of supporting life inside his body, adding several settings so that humans could emerge there.

Although life would eventually arise on this planet, it wouldn't naturally be human, but Mr. X wanted humans to exist on this celestial body, so he made some changes.

Mr. X remarked:

"Hmm, too slow. I don't have the patience to wait another few hundred million years. Let's use that trick."

"Tsk, that was quick, but I still have to wait tens of thousands more years. Time to call the others to join for some fun." Mr. X said.

He began sending out a message:

"I'm doing something quite fun here. Want to join?"

Mrs. G said:

"Are you coming up with a new game? Our task is over... well, not quite over but almost like it was billions of years ago. Wandering around the universe to enjoy the scenery can get a bit dull. 

Hey, I'm not saying the universe is ugly, just that it's somewhat boring. It's the feeling of having no goals. In the past, we had to fight every day with no time to spare, now it's the opposite, we have too much free time. The tasks are still there, but just a small fraction of my power is enough to handle them." 

Mr. W agreed and said:

"Exactly, I feel the same. But my creativity is not as good as yours, I create things that aren't interesting so I don't really have anything fun to play with."

Mrs. Y said:

"Although I'm quite good at creating life, that's still not enough. In terms of creativity, you are the best."

Mr. X said:

"I know, I am creating a world with humans. Inspired by the old days when we lived, but none of you or the people we know are there. It's a random issue, even if they look somewhat similar, they are not them." 

Mrs. J asked:

"Really? Suddenly I remember the old days, playing with humanity was quite fun. Ah, are you adding any other dominant races?" 

Mr. X responded:

"No, I'm not doing anything against the rules like that." 

Mrs. J scoffed:

"Hmph and you intervening in the development of a planet is according to the rules?" 

Mr. X laughed and said:

"Haha, but this is within my body, I can do as I please. And if I were to do that, both would just end up fighting. Anyway, on a planet, there can only be one overlord. If there were two, they would inevitably fight until one submits. I don't want to see them destroy themselves and then have to start everything over from scratch. Worse yet, the planet might lose its ability to sustain life after such a battle." 

"Alright, alright, as you wish. I'm heading over to you now." Mrs. J said, then used the coordinates she received to open a spatial gateway to Mr. X's location.

The others also said:

"Wait for us, we're quite far right now."


A few years later, Mrs. J appeared before Mr. X. Seeing her, he remarked:

"You always arrive the fastest, don't you?"

Mrs. J replied:

"Needless to say, I represent the spatial laws in the universe. Although my attack power is not as high as speed laws, when it comes to reaching distant locations, I am the fastest." 

Space teleport still consumes energy and requires time, but it is much faster than conventional flying. Only those who represent spatial laws can move this way, others would have to fly there.

She didn't need to bother settling in because, for them, a few tens of thousands of years is not significant. Letting their bodies fly automatically and taking a nap suffices.

Mr. X laughed and asked:

"Ha ha, what about compared to me then?" 

Mrs. J scoffed:

"Hmph, are you asking for a beating? Who can compare with you? If you returned to your true form, who could play with you then?" 

Mr. X laughed:

"Ha ha, but in this form, I still can't move as fast as you." 


Many years later, when everyone had arrived, Mr. X said:

"Here's the planet, let's go check it out."

Mrs. G said:

"Looks like the progress isn't too bad. But since you didn't use your true form, the acceleration capabilities are a bit weak, let me help you speed it up."

This would result in an acceleration of one million times the normal time on that planet. But the area of effect would cover all of Mr. X. He swore:

"Damn it, I thought you were doing something to the planet, turns out it's on me. Now the time I have to go through isn't much different from before the acceleration. Well, whatever, I'll just take a nap."


Many years later, the planet finally saw the presence of humanity. Mr. X stopped the acceleration of time, observed for a moment, and then said:

"Hmm, the current year for humanity here is 2024, huh? Judging by the pace of civilization's development, it seems quite satisfactory."

Mr. N then commented:

"Hmm, are there many kingdoms here? Ah, I think I should call it countries."

Mr. X explained:

"I've said before, this place isn't like where we used to live. We aren't here, nor are any of the historical greats in our old world. Naturally, the world isn't unified like our old world. 

But from what I see, it's not too bad. Though there are many nations and some armed conflicts, it's relatively peaceful. The cooperation and development among humans are not bad, though it still falls far short of where we once lived."

Mrs. G remarked:

"Hmm, humanity where we lived, after billions of years of development, is now extremely tranquil. Lifespan can be extended as much as desired, whether one strives or not, just do whatever you like. Their science and technology have reached their peak, so even trying hard won't make much difference. And no new gods have been born over billions of years."

Mr. F added:

"Not having new gods born is normal. After all, this isn't that era anymore. Now, all species are no longer threatened by those beings. Unless they occasionally stir up trouble and fight, there basically aren't big enough issues that require a god's intervention. 

Moreover, being a god is quite taxing, much more pleasant to be an immortal mortal. You don't have to bear responsibilities or endure torments like gods do. I was a god once, so I know well, but now that I'm retired, I feel like I'm lacking things to do. Hey, X, create some powerful beings for me to fight with, to alleviate my boredom."

Mr. X replied:

"Are you asking for a beating? I'm pretty sure I'm strong enough to give you a good thrashing."

Mr. F shook his head vigorously and said:

"Consider that I said nothing. I'm not the type who likes getting beaten. I got enough of that in the past, even 'died' twice. I don't need any more of that now."