Perfecting the World

At this moment, everyone was designing the models of the special monsters that would appear on the planet they were adjusting. 

After all, the efficiency of the gods was very high (provided they weren't arguing, if they were, they could curse each other for tens of thousands of years without accomplishing anything). 

At this point, the entire blueprint of the abilities and appearances of the special creatures had already been added.

The number wasn't large, with each area having only six types of monsters. The rest were based on ordinary Earth creatures with some added distinctive characteristics for each area.

Mr. X was diligently modifying every detail of the planet. His capabilities were immense, and while it required numerous operations to modify a planet, it didn't pose a challenge for him.

After a while, he finally completed the planet. At this point, the creatures, environment, and game system were all finished. He said:

"Ha ha, look at my masterpiece!"

Before everyone was now a magnificent planet with a diameter a hundred times that of Earth. Obviously, humanity, when transported there, wouldn't face any gravity issues since these gods were professional rule-breakers. 

Actually, it's not really about breaking it, it's about using their strength to slightly edit the rules. Mr. X simply used his power to counteract gravity. After all, bearing the gravity of a planet didn't tire him at all.

Mrs. J clapped in praise:

"Well done, you didn't disappoint me. It's incredibly impressive. So, what do we do next?"

Mr. X said:

"It's not finished yet, we still need to speed up a bit more. It will take roughly two years before we can join."

Mrs. G joined in, saying:

"Do you need me to speed up time a hundredfold?"

Mr. X immediately refused upon hearing this. He said:

"Using your method is no different from not using it. Right now, everyone is here, and you can only accelerate my body externally, not internally. It's just two years anyway. Can't you wait?"

The others said:

"Are you kidding? Two years is less than my nap time. How can we not wait?"

"Exactly, the best thing to do now is to discuss how we're going to play."

"I think we shouldn't participate directly, it would be too unfair."

"That's right, our will and determination are at the top of the universe to get to this day. Using this against them is unfair. Not to mention we still know the planet's design."


They were pondering the most reasonable way to play. Suddenly, Mr. X came up with an idea and said:

"Do you all know about the system? Like the ones in those cultivation stories?"

The others rummaged through their memories for a bit and then nodded, saying:

"I think we know about it."

Mr. X, seeing that they were familiar with it, continued:

"Let's play the role of the system. We will each choose someone to accompany and see who ultimately becomes the lord of this planet."

Mr. W intrigued by this, said:

"You mean we'll act as advisors, supporting from behind?"

Mr. X nodded, as the system concept was similar to that.

Seeing this, Mr. W became excited. He laughed and said:

"Ha ha ha, with my strength, I can't beat you in a direct contest, but this way, I might have a chance to win."

The others chimed in:

"Hey, don't think you're the only one with a chance to win, we do too."

Mr. X seeing his friends eager to defeat him, asked:

"Is beating me that much fun?"

Everyone snorted in unison:

"Humph, don't you know who you are?"

Mr. X then acted as if he was embarrassed and said:

"Oh, stop flattering me like that. But you're right, I am the brightest light in this universe."

Mrs. G hit him lightly and said:

"Hmm, what are you pretending to do?"

Mr. X pretended to be on the verge of tears, though gods can't cry. Gods are essentially parts of the universe that can move around, so they lack such organs. They also have no fixed gender, only retaining the gender they were familiar with before becoming gods. He said:

"You praise me, and you scold me. You're truly unfair."

Mrs. J laughed and hit him lightly:

"So what? Are you going to hit me? If you want to fight, come on, I'm not afraid. My sister and I will beat you until you're scared. But no reverting to your true form, that's cheating."

Mr. X hearing this, cursed:

"Damn it, two against one, and in the same realm, you dare say that's not cheating? Hmph, I can't win, I surrender."

Mr. Q saw that this family of three had had enough of joking around, so he said:

"Alright, back to the main topic. What do we decide about the system?"

Mr. X returned to being serious, no longer pretending to be playful. He said:

"I suggest we don't use names or titles. Let's use numbers instead. Since I came up with the idea, I'll be number one."

Everyone was taken aback but quickly understood Mr. X's intention to flaunt. However, out of respect and acknowledging that he did have the right to be number one, they only snorted:

"Hmph, you do deserve it, so keep number one. The rest will be random."

And so, they continued playing the random number game. At this point, Mr. X said:

"To make the game fair, we shouldn't give rewards or teach scientific and technical knowledge. Advisors can only help with guidance or casual conversation. Anyone who breaks the rules will automatically lose."

No sooner had he finished speaking than seventeen pairs of eyes stared directly at him. This made him a bit embarrassed. He chuckled and said:

"Heh heh, am I that untrustworthy?"

Everyone nodded and said:

"Exactly. Anyone who knows you knows that if you find something interesting, you'll do it."

Mr. X realized this wasn't good and could only swear:

"I swear this time I won't cheat. If I break the rules, I'll be your little brother."

Hearing this, everyone became interested. Mr. W put his arm around him and said:

"As your first friend, I sincerely advise you to cheat this time."

Mr. X wanting to hit him, kicked Mr. W away and scolded:

"Damn it, don't even think about making me your little brother."

They chatted nonsense for a while longer, then wandered around to pass the time while waiting. After all, although the special monster species had been designed, they hadn't had time to develop yet, hence the need to speed things up.