Announcement (1)

After making up his mind, Julius clung tightly to the tree trunk and began to climb. Although he lacked technical skills, his physical strength was at least adequate. 

Thanks to his good physical condition, after a struggle, his body was covered in scratches, but fortunately, he was close to the height of the cliff.

At this point, he had reached a height slightly higher than the cliff and was preparing to swing on a tree branch to jump over. 

Just when it seemed everything was going well, a sudden twist occurred. A snake, over a meter long, descended onto the branch in front of him. It then lunged straight at Julius's head to attack.

However, someone who dared to aspire to become an emperor could not be an ordinary person. Although it was the first time he had encountered such a situation, he remained calm, grabbed the snake by its head, and threw it onto the cliff.

He didn't throw it randomly, he had a clear intention. In that brief moment, he had determined that the snake was non-venomous and would be his next meal, so he couldn't just discard it.

Then he swung from the branch to jump onto the cliff. Because his calculations were very precise, the jump was successful, and in the moment he landed, he rushed to grab the snake and bit it into two pieces.

His actions were decisive and swift, albeit a bit gruesome, but it was better than letting the prey escape. Food was incredibly precious now, and he couldn't let it get away.

After an exhausting struggle, he finally sat down on the ground with relief. He spat out a bit of saliva to clean his mouth, as he found the taste revolting. Then, panting, he said:

"Huff huff, I'm so tired. But where exactly is this place? Why are my phone and watch not here? It's really perplexing. But to understand what's happening, I need to survive first. This place has fewer mosquitoes, so I can be more at ease. The urgent matter now is to find a water source."

Thinking about the water source, he dug into his memory to find useful information. He thought:

"Let's see, I need to find a water source, but I currently don't have a way to filter it. Ah, that's right, I remember that there is clean water in the segments of bamboo and in coconuts. I'll have to plant more of those in the future. And since this is a tropical rainforest, I should be able to find those things."

Thus, Julius prepared to search for water but suddenly stopped, noticing something on the ground. He bent down and picked up a black ring, scrutinized it for a moment, and said:

"Is this metal? Or some kind of precious stone? Anyway, I should keep it. Right now, all kinds of resources are valuable. Anything of worth should be collected and kept."

He then put the ring on his index finger, but at that moment, he felt as if he and the ring had fused into one. He tried his best to remove the ring but couldn't, so he cursed:

"Damn it, have I encountered a ghost? Why do I feel like this ring and I have become one?"

Number One should have informed the world about this situation earlier, but he found Julius so interesting that he had been watching him until now. At this point, he said to the others:

"I've chosen that kid. Don't compete with me."

Everyone else had no objections to this but felt that he was wasting time. They said:

"Quickly inform them about the situation."

"Yes, it's just one kid. Why should we compete with you? There are over eight billion people here. There are plenty of candidates. No need to fight over one."

"That's right, hurry up and inform them so we can go choose our people too."

"Stop dawdling and get on with it."

Seeing his friends rushing him, Number One said:

"Alright, alright. Don't rush me. I'll do it, okay?"

Then he let his voice echo across the world:

"Humans, welcome to the Endless World. This is not your Earth, so don't be surprised. You can call me God, the Almighty, or something similar. I am the one who created your old world and this place. I have added the knowledge of a common language to your memories to facilitate communication. This language will be the most convenient for you to use."

Although this world isn't truly infinite, calling it "Endless" makes it sound grand. At this moment, his voice didn't sound playful but rather entirely like that of a true supreme being.

His voice made anyone who heard it immediately want to kneel, regardless of their nature. All beings had to bow before this majesty. After all, he really was like that, and so were his friends. It's just that using this voice to talk to his friends would get him scolded.

Julius looked around but saw nothing, not even in the sky. The voice seemed to come from every direction, as if the entire world was speaking to him. He murmured in astonishment:

"What on earth is happening?"

At that moment, the voice continued:

"Let me introduce you to this world. It is a world with a diameter 100 times larger than Earth, but the gravity is the same, naturally due to my intervention. In this world, all the creatures and resources from Earth at the time you lived there still exist. Extinct species, however, are not here, but there are some special monsters with terrifying powers. But don't worry for now, as I have erected a protective barrier for you. Look up at the sky."

At this moment, a blue shield, sometimes visible and sometimes not, appeared in the sky. This shield was enormous, and currently, no one knew its exact size except those who created it.

Julius also saw the shield, frowning as he thought:

"Although I'm not sure what's happening, I can determine two things. One, I am not on Earth. Two, this world is much more dangerous than Earth."

Number One's voice echoed again:

"You've already seen it, it's quite large so you don't need to worry about the scope of activities being limited. You can go outside, but monsters cannot come inside. You can use this to hunt monsters and then retreat inside as long as you have the capability."