The Number One System

After talking about the grand prize, Number One mentioned the small gifts. After all, he should help humanity a bit to increase their chances of survival. He said:

"A note: even if you cut off a finger has a ring, it will instantly regenerate. So you cannot hinder someone from using magic in that way. Moreover, if anyone loses a finger, equipping a ring will restore that finger.

To further enhance humanity's survival chances, I have scattered a hundred thousand rings, randomly ranging from levels 0-9, across the area within the protective barrier.

Rest assured, no two rings will be in the same place or too close to each other. Finding one depends on everyone's luck. A reminder: you cannot view someone else's status unless they actively show it to you. With that necessary information provided, I wish you all a successful journey."

After the sound disappeared, everyone went crazy searching around. This was their chance to change their lives. In a society where everyone had nothing left, the one who possessed a ring would have the opportunity to achieve a high status.

However, not everyone was pleased about coming to this world, many were cursing God in their hearts. Number One, of course, knew this because he could read the thoughts of the beings within his body. His voice echoed once more:

"I see many of you are still complaining, so listen up. First, the fact that you exist in this world, even for just a second, is already a blessing. Each of you currently holds no significant meaning to the universe. A powerful entity accidentally sneezing could annihilate humankind.

Second, rich people must have knowledge and talent in a certain field. Now, although you do not have any assets, you still have knowledge, which is your advantage over others. If you cannot utilize it, then you are useless.

Third, what difference does it make between the old and children? Do you think living is easy? You have lived in peace for many years and have forgotten that in nature, resources are limited. To survive every second, you must constantly fight. I do not prohibit you from having compassion, but to show compassion, you must have strength first. Otherwise, you are just seeking death.

Fourth, humanity has many who are dissatisfied with the government, dissatisfied with society, feeling that this world is too unfair. So, I give them a chance to compete fairly. Now everyone is equal, holding nothing in their hands. As for knowledge, I will not take it away because it is not material. I give them the fair competition they have dreamed of."

The voice disappeared once more, but those who had been complaining no longer had the time to worry about such things. Now, they were focused on finding the magical rings that could change their lives as soon as possible.

At this moment, Julius also began experimenting with the ring's abilities.

< Absorb Matter>

He felt his body being drained of energy, and a small black sphere, the size of a marble, appeared above his right hand. However, the sphere had no gravitational pull or any other effect. He thought:

"Huh? Why do I feel like it's a bit wrong? A black hole shouldn't be this weak, and where's its terrifying gravitational pull? Could it be that the name was just meant to sound cool?"

He reopened his status to examine it more closely and noticed a note on the equipment:

"Only for gaining experience points, cannot be used for attack, and cannot absorb living creatures."

He finally understood why this thing didn't resemble a black hole at all. He sighed:

"Haiz, so it's just for leveling up and has no offensive power. If that's the case, it's understandable why it doesn't act like a black hole. But how do I use this? It seems like I can control it to move elsewhere."

He tried controlling the black sphere with his mind, making it move back and forth before letting it descend to the ground. As soon as it touched the ground, the soil and rocks were quickly absorbed, and notifications sounded in his mind:

[+ 0.1 exp]

[+ 0.1 exp]

[+ 0.1 exp]

Julius finally understood how to use the ring and laughed:

"Ha ha ha, the speed isn't too slow. In just over an hour, I can gain 10 exp. If that's the case, survival won't be an issue anymore. Now, I should gather more people. If I want to establish a kingdom, I need people. Otherwise, I'll look like an idiot."

He then looked at the snake and thought:

"I shouldn't eat this. I'll keep it to win people's favor. After all, when starving, a snake is the best meal one can have. Earning goodwill shouldn't be a problem."

With that in mind, he carried the snake and prepared to enter the forest ahead to find people to join him.

Suddenly, a voice echoed in his head:

[The Number One System wants to connect with you.]

Julius's expression was one of utter surprise. He thought:

"Isn't this just like what I've seen in movies and novels? The Number One System? Sounds like something good. Maybe I should agree."

But before he could say anything, another voice rang out:

[Connection successful. Did you think you had a choice? :))]

[If you want to talk to me, just think it.]

Julius's face darkened. He felt that this system was not trustworthy at all. However, he is not the type of hot-tempered teenager, he still calmly said: He remained calm and said:

[Number One System, what exactly are you?]

A proud voice echoed in his mind:

[You're too kind, too kind. Of course, I know I'm number one.]

Julius took a deep breath, feeling that this system was deliberately trying to irritate him. Still, he calmly asked:

[Be serious, what are your functions?]

[To chat with you.]

At this point, Julius truly felt that the system was here to mess with him, not to help. However, he maintained his composure to gather more information:

[Then why did you choose me?]

[Because you fit my preferences perfectly, so I decided to accompany you.]

Although annoyed, Julius kept his cool and thought. He felt that this system was not simple. He said:

[What makes me worthy of your attention?]

[Many things, from your behavior and ambitions to your thoughts. That's why you became my chosen candidate.]

Julius was startled to learn that the system could read his thoughts. He frowned and asked:

[Are you a god?]