Victor Raven

Julius walked straight ahead, having no specific destination in mind. After all, he wasn't hungry nor would he get thirsty. So he could walk without any worries.

At this moment, he truly appreciated what a level 9 ring could bring him. He said:

[Hey, this level 9 item is really convenient.]

Number One snorted:

[Hmph, are you talking nonsense? It's only inferior to the Lord-level ring. Of course, it's strong and much rare.]

Julius, having nothing to do at the moment, asked a question he was curious about:

[What are the probabilities for the one hundred thousand rings?]

Number One answered:

[40% level 0, 25% level 1, 15% level 2, 8% level 3, 6% level 4, 3% level 5, 1.5% level 6, 1% level 7, 0.45% level 8, 0.05% level 9.]

Julius was extremely surprised by his luck and laughed as he said:

[Ha ha, I didn't expect my luck to be this good. By the way, you gods are hard to understand. Do you have emotions, or are you emotionless? I'm sure this matter will cause many deaths, but you don't seem to have any concern.]

Number One, seeing his confusion, explained:

[All of you are within my body and are a part of me, so in a way, I'm playing with myself. And what you're talking about is human nature. Using human reasoning to judge gods is quite foolish, isn't it?]

Hearing this explanation, Julius laughed:

[Ha ha ha, it seems I've accidentally discovered a great secret. But it doesn't really matter, as you said, being able to exist in this world even for a second is already a blessing. If I still have a chance to live, why not strive to do what I feel is most meaningful? And the fact that I'm just a small part of a god is nothing to be disappointed about. Honestly, I should thank you, because without you, I wouldn't exist.]

Number One felt that Julius's answer was very much to his liking, so he said:

[If given a chance, would you like to see the universe beyond me?]

Julius thought for a moment, then shook his head and said:

[Not really necessary. After all, this world is big enough, and there are enough people to compete with me. That is interesting enough for me, and there's no need for anything more grand.]

Number One thought to himself:

"If this guy was born in the outer world, in my era, he might have gone quite far. But he could never reach our level because his ultimate goal is just to be an eternal emperor."

After a moment of thought, Number One said:

[So, let me summarize the outer world for you. It's not much different from the world within my body, just much larger, with many more races.]

Hearing this brief description, Julius replied:

[Then there's no need for me to go there. What I want to do is in this world. Moreover, being an eternal emperor will give me endless tasks. Why would I need to go to that world?]

Number One laughed and said:

[Ha ha ha, that's one of the reasons I chose you. You know exactly what you want and you only want precisely that. Even if I gave you something grander, you wouldn't care.]

Julius simply smiled and responded:

[I'll show you that choosing me was not a mistake. You will definitely not lose to them.]

[Good, then I'm counting on you. It's best if you win, but a draw is also acceptable.]

By now, they had walked for a while without seeing anyone. Perhaps by some coincidence, the direction Julius was heading was also the direction the people ahead of him were going.

After walking a bit further, a young man appeared before him. The young man had golden hair and eyes, exuding a noble aura. Julius assessed him briefly:

"Muscular body, not an ordinary aura. If he were a teammate, he would definitely be a great treasure."

The young man also noticed the black-haired youth in front of him and thought:

"Hm, is he assessing me? Interesting, I wonder what he plans to do next. His physique isn't bad. Moreover, he doesn't look tired, so he's quite good at survival. Traveling with him wouldn't be a burden. If I'm lucky, he might be the one I'm looking for."

Two handsome young men gazing at each other intensely—this scene could easily be misunderstood.

Julius decided to speak first:

"My name is Julius Kang, pleased to meet you. Are you hungry?"

Being asked this out of the blue, the young man was momentarily stunned, then replied:

"My name is Victor Raven, pleased to meet you. I'm not hungry, but having some food would be good."

"My name is Victor Raven, pleased to meet you. I'm not hungry, but having some food would be good."

"If you like, this snake is yours."

Victor glanced at the snake, determining that it wasn't a venomous species. Moreover, it lacked a head and had wounds that looked like bite marks. He thought:

"Ha ha, interesting. This must be his first time dealing with a snake, and he killed it with one bite. This guy is impressive, traveling together won't be a problem."

"Well then, thank you. Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Julius, understanding that Victor was intelligent and not easily deceived, spoke directly:

"I want you to go with me."

Victor didn't answer immediately but instead asked:

"What is your goal?"

Without hesitation, Julius replied:

"To be an eternal emperor."

He wanted Victor to understand his objective, which was to become an emperor. If he wanted Victor to accompany him, Victor needed to know his ambition.

Upon hearing this and seeing Julius's determined expression, Victor spread his arms wide and looked up to the sky. His posture exuded a special confidence as he laughed heartily:

"Ha ha ha ha, excellent. I aspire to be a great strategist, and you want to be an eternal emperor. Together, we can certainly achieve great things. The world will surely have a place for us."

Both Number One and Julius were surprised to hear this. With a physique like that, it seemed more believable for him to be a general rather than a strategist. Julius said:

"Honestly, you claim to be a strategist, but your body looks like a general's."

Victor explained:

"I am a strategist with both strength and intelligence. If someone doesn't follow my strategies, I'll beat them until they do."

Number One cursed:

[Damn it, claiming to be a strategist with a body like that. I've lived for many years and have never seen anyone like this. Why don't you just be the emperor?]

Julius had the same question, but to ensure the other party was serious, he asked:

"If you have both intellect and strength, why not choose to be the emperor?"

Victor anticipated this question and replied:

"This is the ambition. Ambition, do you understand? In my eyes, being a strategist looks much cooler. It's simply my ambition. However, in modern society, even though my family has money, I couldn't find a place to fulfill my dream. Of course, the game doesn't count because that's not what I want."