Evelyn Bennett

The three of them were about to go out when they stopped due to a strange sound. It sounded like the footsteps of a large animal.

They glanced at each other, and then Victor said:

"Wait a moment. If it's something dangerous, we'll help her to gain her favor. That way, inviting her to join us will be easier. If it's a person, and they seem talented, we'll invite both of them to join us."

This strategist's words made a lot of sense, so they all agreed to continue waiting and observing the situation. There was another detail he didn't mention, but they all understood: the girl had noticed the approaching entity.

Not long after, from the direction opposite to them, a large man appeared. He wasn't tall, but his physique was fat. In terms of weight, he didn't compare to Victor, who had more muscles and looked more balanced.

The three of them observed the man, and Julius asked:

"Do you see any potential?"

Victor shook his head and said:

"I don't see his potential yet, but the ring on his hand has potential."

Few words, but significant meaning. Both understood that if the man didn't meet their standards to be a teammate, they would 'have a talk' to get the ring. If that 'talk' didn't go well, the outcome was predictable.

The man's eyes lit up with greed when he saw the girl. His lust surged. Furthermore, with the ring on his hand, he felt at the top of society, believing anything he wanted would be his.

His face now looked extremely despicable. He laughed and said:

"Hehe, little beauty. Do you want to have fun with me tonight? I have a ring right here."

He showed off the ring to the girl. At this moment, her face showed admiration. She said:

"My love, you are the god in my heart. Come here, let's have fun together."

Hearing this, the man's spirit soared. He hadn't eaten anything all day, but now he was overflowing with happiness. He laughed heartily:

"Ha ha ha, I'm coming, little beauty."

However, contrary to his joy, Julius and Victor felt a chill. Victor said:

"This girl is extremely dangerous."

Julius nodded in agreement. In the moment she shifted from merely paying attention to showing admiration, he immediately sensed danger.

Because it was too dark, they couldn't observe her subtle movements. If they had, it would have been even more terrifying.

The girl approached the man with an extremely cheerful expression, causing him to lower his guard. Once she was close enough, she kneed him hard in the groin.

The man clutched his privates, screaming like a pig being slaughtered. But the girl didn't stop there. She used her right hand to gouge out one of his eyes.

Next, she took a sharp stone from her clothing with her left hand and smashed it against his temple, creating a hole in his head.

Since it was her first time doing this, she wasn't sure if he was dead. So, she kept smashing his head with the stone until it was unrecognizable. The scene was extremely brutal, making the unintended audience shudder.

After the man died, the ring fell off his finger. The girl calmly put the ring on her finger as if nothing had happened, then dragged the man's body away and returned to her seat.

Despite the slight chill they felt, Victor was also very excited, thinking about the future. He envisioned this future general leading troops into battle under his strategist guidance.

The three of them nodded at each other, then simultaneously emerged from their hiding place and ran towards her.

Seeing the three of them approach, the girl frowned, then glanced at her ring, planning something.

When they stopped suddenly as they got close, she frowned again. An old man and two young men stood before her, making her unsure how to react.

Moreover, Victor had an impressive physique and two of them had rings, making her hesitant to act rashly. Reluctantly, she asked:

"What do you want?"

Victor stepped forward and answered:

"I want you."

This statement could easily be misunderstood. Want her for what? The way Victor spoke made it difficult for her to understand his intentions.

Hearing this, her face turned cold, and she sneered:

"Hmph, men are all the same. The three of you want me? Then let's see if you have the skills for that."

At that moment, a beautiful young woman suddenly appeared and shouted:

"Everyone, stop!"

Number One recognized who it was immediately. The newcomer was none other than Number Eighteen.

All eyes turned to her as she stood protectively in front of the other girl and said:

"If you want to do anything to her, you'll have to go through me first."

Except for Number One, everyone was temporarily stunned by her bold statement. However, Victor quickly noticed her unusual attire and realized the situation. He glanced at Julius, who nodded in response. They both understood that they weren't getting a new teammate this time.

The girl was clearly grateful and knew who the person was, but she didn't know about the person's strength, so she was worried that she would be harmed. So she said:

"Run away quickly, they want to target me, not you."

Victor realized she misunderstood his intentions and said:

"Hey, you've got it wrong. We're here to invite you to join our team. My name is Victor Raven, and this is Julius Kang."

Hearing this, the girl was momentarily confused but then shook her head, saying:

"My name is Evelyn Bennett. But sorry, I don't want to follow anyone. However, if you want to follow me, that's fine."

At this point, Number Eighteen added:

"You bastard, I thought you were planning something bad with these two brats."

Number One knew she was talking nonsense but still responded:

"Hmph, you know what kind of person I am. Do I look like I care about such things? Don't tarnish my image."

She replied:

"Whatever, but she is mine. You can't touch her."

Evelyn not being foolish, listened to their conversation and realized they knew each other. She said:

"If this is a misunderstanding, let's end it here. If you still want to invite me to join you, I won't agree."

Julius also understood that the chosen person would be just like him, so there was no hope of becoming his comrades. He said:

"Alright, then. Farewell."

With that, the three of them left.