If you treat her poorly, I will break your legs

In the tranquil courtyard of the Shen family manor, Shen Wu was hard at work, his body moving rhythmically as he performed push-ups on the smooth stone ground. The courtyard was bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun, its warm light casting long shadows across the meticulously maintained garden. Shen's muscles strained and flexed with each push-up, his determination evident in every movement.

Out of the corner of his eye, Shen caught a flicker of motion. He wasn't startled when his grandfather, Shen Ming, appeared out of nowhere, his presence as imposing as ever. The old man's long silver hair gleamed in the fading light, and his eyes sparkled with a mixture of amusement and approval.

"Are you ready to learn how to cultivate your body?" Shen Ming asked, his voice carrying the weight of centuries of wisdom and experience.

Shen pushed himself off the ground, standing tall despite the sweat pouring down his face. "Yeah, I'm ready," he replied, his voice steady and filled with resolve.

A knowing smile tugged at the corners of Shen Ming's lips. "Good," he said simply. "Try to get through this."

Before Shen could process his grandfather's words, an immense, crushing pressure enveloped him, driving him to the cold, hard ground. It was unlike anything he had ever experienced before. The weight bore down on him like a mountain, each breath a struggle, his bones groaning under the strain.

Gritting his teeth, Shen felt blood trickle from the corners of his mouth, his ears, and his eyes. Every fiber of his being screamed in agony, but he refused to give in. Placing his hands a foot apart on the floor, he forced himself into a push-up position. His muscles quivered, his bones cracked and felt on the verge of snapping, but he began to push up.

With each agonizing push-up, Shen's body underwent a brutal transformation. His bones cracked and reformed, his tendons snapped and then re-knitted, his muscles tore and regenerated. The pain was beyond anything he had imagined, but he could feel his body growing stronger, more resilient with each excruciating movement.

Amid the torrent of pain, Shen heard his grandfather's voice, calm and almost casual. "This is the fastest way to cultivate your body," Shen Ming explained. "I didn't expect you to understand that training under my pressure would lead to such rapid progress. Oh, and also, you can't stop now, because if you do, you'll become a cripple for life, or worse, die."

Shen managed a grimace that might have been a smile. "You could have told me this before," he thought to himself, gritting his teeth against the next wave of pain.

Summoning every ounce of willpower, Shen pushed himself off the ground and slowly transitioned to squats. His legs shook with the effort, and he felt his thigh muscles explode in a burst of agony. Yet, as quickly as they tore apart, they began to heal, the constant cycle of destruction and regeneration driven by his grandfather's relentless Qi pressure. Each time his body was injured and healed, he emerged slightly stronger than before.

The courtyard seemed to blur around him as he pushed through the pain, his mind narrowing its focus to the task at hand. Each squat was a battle, but he refused to falter. He could feel his grandfather's presence like a beacon, a reminder of what he was fighting for. The knowledge that this pain was forging him into something stronger, something greater, kept him going.

Minutes stretched into what felt like hours as Shen continued his grueling training. His body was a battlefield, each muscle and bone fighting to adapt and grow stronger under the relentless assault. His breaths came in ragged gasps, his vision blurred with sweat and pain, but he kept going, driven by a fierce determination to succeed.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the crushing pressure began to ease. Shen collapsed to the ground, his body trembling with exhaustion but alive with a newfound strength. He lay there for a moment, gasping for breath, his mind reeling from the intensity of the experience.

Shen Ming's voice cut through the haze of pain and exhaustion. "Well done, Shen," he said, his tone tinged with a rare note of pride. "You have the heart of a true warrior. Remember this pain, and know that it is the fire that will forge you into something extraordinary."

Shen managed a nod, his body too drained to do much else. He had survived his first true test under his grandfather's tutelage, and he could feel the difference in every fiber of his being. The path ahead would be long and filled with challenges, but Shen knew he had taken the first step towards becoming the cultivator he aspired to be.

As the pressure lifted, Shen's grandfather approached him, offering a hand to help him up. "Come, let's rest for a bit," Shen Ming said, his voice gentle now. "You have done well, but this is just the beginning. There is much more to learn."

With his grandfather's support, Shen slowly got to his feet, his body aching but his spirit unbroken. As they walked towards the serene koi pond, Shen felt a renewed.

Shen Wu and his grandfather, Shen Ming, walked in tranquil silence over a small arched bridge that spanned the shimmering koi pond. The bridge led to a beautifully crafted gazebo nestled in the heart of the pond, surrounded by lotus flowers and the gentle ripples of the water. The gazebo's wooden structure was aged with time, yet it exuded a timeless elegance, its roof adorned with intricate carvings of mythical creatures.

As they entered the gazebo, Shen's grandfather gestured towards the table at its center. "Please, sit," Shen Ming said, his voice carrying the weight of generations.

Shen took his seat at the old table, its surface polished smooth by years of use. His grandfather sat across from him, a serene expression on his face. Shen, still feeling the aftermath of his intense training session, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth with the back of his hand. The sight of his own resilience brought a faint smile to his lips.

"Congratulations on completing bone training, tendon training, and muscle training," Shen Ming said, his voice filled with a rare warmth. He poured tea from a steaming clay teapot into a pair of cups, the aroma of freshly brewed tea filling the air.

Shen accepted his cup gratefully, taking a cautious sip of the hot liquid. The tea was earthy and soothing, its warmth spreading through him, easing the residual pain from his training. He set the cup down and looked at his grandfather with a mixture of surprise and satisfaction. "I thought I'd have to do that for weeks, but we're already done," he said, a note of amazement in his voice.

His grandfather chuckled softly. "Your progress is impressive," he acknowledged. "But don't be too happy just yet. This was merely the easiest part. To reach the Gate of Opening, you'll need to temper your body through real battles or shadow battles. The true test lies ahead."

Shen nodded, absorbing his grandfather's words. He glanced down at his hands, flexing them experimentally. His muscles felt stronger and more flexible than ever before, his physique honed to a level that surpassed even his previous life's achievements.

"And one good thing," Shen Ming continued, "is that your body is now strong enough to withstand Qi. You can begin to open your Spiritual Sea."

Shen's eyes lit up with excitement at the prospect. He took another sip of his tea, savoring its rich flavor. "How about we start the next phase tomorrow?" he suggested, eager yet mindful of the need to pace himself.

"That sounds reasonable," Shen Ming agreed, his tone approving. "Rest is as crucial as training. But before that," he added with a teasing glint in his eye, "when did you get someone pregnant?"

Shen nearly choked on his tea, coughing and sputtering as he looked at his grandfather in shock. "Huh?" he managed to exclaim, his eyes wide with disbelief.

His grandfather's expression remained serious, though his eyes twinkled with amusement. "Well, you brought a child home," he explained. "And your mother mentioned how gentle you were with her, which is unlike you. I was beginning to wonder if you had a hidden relationship."

Shen let out a long sigh, rubbing his temples. "No, Grandfather," he began, a hint of exasperation in his voice. He recounted the day's events, explaining how he had found little Ling being bullied and decided to bring her home.

Shen Ming listened intently, nodding as Shen spoke. When Shen finished, his grandfather's expression softened. "I see," he said thoughtfully. "You see something of yourself in her. That's a noble reason."

Shen nodded, a sense of relief washing over him. "Yes, Grandfather. I want to give her a chance at a better life."

Shen Ming leaned back in his chair, his gaze thoughtful. "Alright then," he said finally. "You can adopt the child. But know this: if you treat her poorly, I will break your legs."

Shen couldn't help but laugh, despite the gravity of his grandfather's words. "Nothing I haven't experienced before, then," he replied, a twinkle of humor in his eyes.

His grandfather chuckled in return, the sound deep and resonant. "Indeed. Now, let's finish our tea. Tomorrow, we begin the next stage of your training."

They sat in companionable silence, sipping their tea as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the courtyard in hues of gold and crimson. The koi swam lazily beneath the bridge, their scales catching the last light of day, while the lotus flowers gently swayed in the evening breeze.