Explanations for realms and other stuff

Qi Cultivation

Mortal: At the beginning of their journey, a person is simply a Mortal. Mortals have minimal traces of Qi, the life force energy in their bodies, and are typically considered cannon fodder in the grand scheme of the cultivation world. They possess no special abilities or enhanced strength, making them vulnerable and ordinary compared to higher realms.

Spiritual Sea Realm: As cultivators advance, they may create a Spiritual Sea within their body, entering the Spiritual Sea Realm. This internal sea can vary in location; some place it in their abdomen, others in their heart, while geniuses might use their entire body as a spiritual sea. The size of a Spiritual Sea usually starts small, akin to a large pond, and growing it further becomes significantly harder after its initial creation. This realm marks the cultivator's first substantial step toward harnessing Qi effectively.

Spiritual Palace Realm: Further progression leads to the condensation of a Spiritual Palace above the Spiritual Sea, elevating the cultivator to the Spiritual Palace Realm. This palace is not just a symbol of power but a practical tool for wielding elements and refining beasts into familiars. Once formed, the Spiritual Palace cannot be enhanced unless a Quasi-God intervenes. This realm allows cultivators to command greater control over their Qi and spiritual abilities.

Spiritual Power: In the Spiritual Power realm, cultivators can condense their Qi into a clone of themselves known as a "Power." Typically, this clone possesses strength equivalent to one realm below the original body. However, some geniuses can create a Power that matches their own strength. Powers usually reside in the Spiritual Palace but can be sent on tasks far away from the main body, extending the cultivator's reach and influence.

Spiritual Great Power: Those who reach the Spiritual Great Power realm infuse their Power with various treasures, granting it a physical form and potentially greater strength than the original body. These Great Powers can switch between ethereal and physical states at will and even alter their appearance, including gender. This flexibility has led some cultivators to engage in dual cultivation with their own Great Power, effectively doubling their cultivation speed. When two Spiritual Great Power cultivators, one male and one female, and their Great Powers cultivate together, they achieve quadruple cultivation, dramatically increasing efficiency, with the most divine geniuses experiencing up to a thousandfold speed increase.

Sacred Lord: Sacred Lords refine their Spiritual Sea into Sacred Qi, choosing between three paths. The divine path prioritizes defense, creating Divine Lord Qi. The demonic path focuses on attack, resulting in Demonic Lord Qi. The rarest and most challenging path is a combination of both, producing Div'mon Lord Qi, which elevates a Sacred Lord's combat abilities to potentially defeat a Sacred Emperor. This realm signifies a major purification and transformation of the cultivator's Qi.

Sacred Emperor: Upon perfecting their Sacred Qi into Emperor Qi, cultivators become Sacred Emperors. This stage requires the unification of all elements and the formation of the Emperor Throne in the Spiritual Palace. The Emperor Throne allows Sacred Emperors to moderately bend the natural laws of the Lower worlds, enabling feats like void travel, dispersing heavenly tribulations, and creating localized laws such as increased gravity. They harness either Divine Emperor Qi, Demonic Emperor Qi, or the rare Div'mon Emperor Qi.

Sacred Sovereign: The path to becoming a Sacred Sovereign involves enhancing Emperor Qi into Sovereign Qi through an extremely rare plant known as the "Extreme Sovereign's Tear," which appears in the Lower Realm only once every 10,000 years. Refining this plant within the Spiritual Sea triggers a storm that rains down Sovereign Tears, creating Sovereign Qi and infusing the sea with tempering Sovereign Thunder. Over a period of ten to a hundred years, this process naturally ascends the cultivator to the Quasi-God realm. Their Great Power, placed in the storm's center, evolves into one of three forms: Divine Sovereign Power, Demonic Sovereign Power, or Div'mon Sovereign Power, each capable of annihilating a Lower Realm unless opposed by a Quasi-God.

Quasi-God: Quasi-Gods temper their Sovereign Qi with Sovereign Thunder, creating Heavenly Qi. This transformation also turns their Spiritual Palace into an incomplete Heavenly Palace and their Emperor Throne into an incomplete Heavenly Emperor Throne. Quasi-Gods can operate without regard to the Lower Realms' heavenly dao but must be cautious, as excessive disruption can provoke the heavenly dao of the God Realm to disintegrate them and their Power, preventing any possibility of reincarnation. This realm represents the peak of cultivation in the Lower Realms and the gateway to the divine ascension beyond.