" Mattew twin brother" Lisa said with shock so that stone head has a twin brother

"Yeah, im mark " he said while smiling, Lisa gave him back a smile then ran before she goes late the lecture hall


Mattew just woke up from his beauty sleep. It was already 11:00. He yaughed then stood up from his bed after wearing his flippers. He entered the bathroom and brought out a comb and he started coming his hair

" Beautiful" he said then smelt his breath. It was smelling somehow bad so he took his brush and tooth paste then started brushing his teeth. After that he used mouth wash to cleanse it

" Maids " he called and they came with his shower

He stripped himself and entered the warm shower

" Ahhhhh" he moaned in pleasure as the water ran down his skin


Mattew entered the school looking like the prince he is. The first place he went was the scholars centre

As soon as he entered he saw someone sleeping in the chair so he came to the person and punched the person.

" Oh I'm sorry" it was actually a scholarship student that was sleeping here

" I heard someone named mattew called me here " the person said and mattew smirk. It was actually a girl

" Strip before I count to 5 " mattew said and brought out a stick

She started removing her clothes and she was now naked

He walked up to her then bent her over and removed his belt and boxers

" Pls this is wrong " the girl said and tried to stand up but he pushed her down and started drilling her threw her ass. Her screams filled the room


Lisa came out of the main lecture hall while smiling cuz she passed the assignment. Then suddenly she got a call, she reached out to her bag and picked the call

" Hello who is this " she asked and she heard a loud voice

" Come to mas~issneun restaurant now. It's an emergency" the caller said then hanged up

" But I have two more lectures. But my job is more important" Lisa said then ordered a taxi and left


SAME DAY~ 1:15pm

Lisa reached there and payed the taxi her stash of fake money then entered the restaurant

" What happened" she said but when she saw the number of customers she knew this was an emergency

She rushed to the kitchen and wore her apron them started cooking while her colleague was collecting orders to give her, in less that 5 mins 50 orders came in and still counting. More people was just coming in the restaurant

" Order for table 12 " Lisa said and dropped it on the table then brought 5 dish at once. She dropped it on three tables then brought out drinks

She entered the kitchen to continue cooking while marga her colleague was carrying the dishes that Lisa has already cook

" Hey where is my pasta" a customer said and Lisa went there and gave her the pasta



since the lecturer refused to come for their physics practical, the students decided to have some fun. And by fun they mean bullying. Jacob was currently bullying a girl that was wearing a tatered cloth

" Pls spare me " she said in a low voice and after that she fainted

" Hey wake up. Tsk, weak ling" Jacob said then everyone started cheering

But the cheering soon died down when the lecturer entered. He called the nurse s and they immediately entered and carried the girl. Yeah, the lecturers don't care about what they do, they just care about their salary



mattew came out of the girl and the girl dropped Down on the floor. He just finished having his 8th round with her. He carried the stick and hit it on her head and she woke up.

" Take this pills" mattew said and gave her a glass of water and she immediately took due to the fear she was feeling

The pills was actually to prevent pregnancy since they didn't use protection.

He wore his trousers and his shirt then left




Lisa finished serving all the customers and she was now sweating and panting

" Wow Lisa you did it. There is your pay " the madam said andgave her a few notes. This was less than what she worked for but at least she got something

She looked at the clock and saw that the time was already 3:32pm. So she left the restaurant and started running since she wants to save the money they gave her



Lisa finally arrived in the school and the first place she went to was the last class where they do the extra classes

When she entered she saw that only three people where here. A boy that was wearing glasses, molly and another girl

" Your late. Take your seats " the teacher siad then she sat down with the need boy



Mara and Zoey could be seen smirking deviously and gave a slap to a girl

" Pls spare me " the girl said and Zoey gave her a slap

" Will you ever walk in the path that I am walking" Zoey asked but didn't get any reply so she dragged the girls hair

" Ye... Yes I .. wi... Will" she cried and Zoey left her hair

" Good" Zoey said then Mara grabbed her hair again and shoved her face in the toilet then pushed the button down and it started flushing

It stopped flushing then she pulled her head out. The poor girls face was wet with toilet water and tears

" Now get out " Mara said and she ran out as fast as her legs could carry

" The next person we will bully is Lisa, but we won't bully her. We will pay goons to beat her up and destroy her " Zoey said then started laughing, while mara followed suit
