New Year

Next day was the New Year. I woke up at 8 AM, feeling the excitement of a fresh start. As the morning light filtered through the curtains, I took a moment to stretch and gather my thoughts. The first day of the year held a special kind of magic, a promise of new beginnings and endless possibilities. Determined to embrace the day to its fullest, I got up and began my morning routine.

After freshening up, I chose my best clothes: a stylish yet comfortable outfit that made me feel confident and ready for anything. I spent some extra time on my makeup, enhancing my features with a natural yet polished look. Finally, I curled my hair, the soft waves framing my face perfectly. Looking in the mirror, I felt beautiful and ready to conquer the day. A hearty breakfast followed, fueling me for the adventures ahead.

As I stepped out into the bustling streets of Wisteria City, I couldn't help but reflect on my journey. A native of Istania Country, I had come to Wisteria Country for my studies. Here, I met Harry and Iris. Harry came from the East region of Istania, while Iris came from the South. Despite our different backgrounds, Harry and I got together.

With my studies now complete, it was almost time to return to Istania. However, I still had some time left on my visa, and I intended to make the most of it by exploring every corner of this vibrant city. Today, my plan was simple yet delightful: wander through the city, visit the library to read some books, and indulge in the best food Wisteria had to offer.

As I walked around, the city was alive with New Year celebrations. The streets were teeming with people, their faces lit with joy and excitement. Families were out shopping, enjoying the festive atmosphere. Little kids ran around, their eyes wide with wonder as they spotted Santa Claus and various other festive characters. The air was filled with the sounds of laughter, chatter, and the occasional burst of music from street performers.

The decorations were mesmerizing—twinkling lights adorned every tree and lamppost, colorful banners fluttered in the breeze, and shop windows were transformed into enchanting displays. I couldn't resist capturing these vibrant scenes with my phone, each picture a memory of this special day. The city seemed to be wearing its finest attire, ready to welcome the New Year with open arms.

After a while, I made my way to a charming café that I had passed by many times but never visited. Its exterior was adorned with festive garlands and fairy lights, creating a warm and inviting ambiance. The aroma of freshly baked pastries and brewing coffee wafted through the air as I stepped inside. The café was bustling with activity, but I managed to find a cozy spot by the window.

I ordered a selection of snacks—a buttery croissant, a slice of rich chocolate cake, and a steaming cup of hot chocolate topped with whipped cream. As I savored each bite, I watched the world go by outside. People hurried past, their faces glowing with happiness. The café itself was a microcosm of the city's festive spirit, with friends laughing, couples sharing intimate moments, and individuals like me simply soaking in the atmosphere.

After my delightful snack break, I continued my journey towards the library. The path led me through some of the city's most picturesque streets, where historical buildings stood proudly beside sleek, contemporary structures. The architecture of Wisteria City was a blend of old-world charm and modern vibrancy, each street telling a different story.

The library was a magnificent building, its grand façade hinting at the treasures within. As I entered, the scent of old books and polished wood greeted me. The library was a haven of tranquility amidst the bustling city. I spent hours immersed in books, wandering through the aisles and discovering new novels. Romance books had become my favorite genre. Initially, I wasn't much of a reader, but as they say, if you don't like to read, it means you haven't met your favorite book yet. For me, it was one of romance novel that changed everything.

The story of my favorite book was deeply relatable. It wasn't just the plot that drew me in, but the way the male lead treated and loved the female lead throughout the story, no matter what the situation was. This unwavering devotion and the emotional depth of their relationship resonated with me on a profound level. It was through these stories that I discovered a love for reading, finding comfort and inspiration in the tales of love, resilience, and hope.

In one corner of the library, I found a comfortable reading nook with large windows that offered a stunning view of the city. Settling into an armchair, I lost myself in the pages of a captivating novel. Time seemed to stand still as I journeyed through different worlds and eras, each book a portal to another adventure. The quiet ambiance, interrupted only by the soft rustling of pages, was a perfect contrast to the lively streets outside.

As the afternoon turned into evening, I reluctantly closed my book and prepared to leave. My stomach reminded me that it was time for the next part of my plan: indulging in some of the best food Wisteria City had to offer. I had heard of a popular restaurant known for its delicious local cuisine, and I decided to head there for dinner.

The restaurant was located in a bustling part of the city, and as I approached, I could see that it was already crowded with diners. The warm glow of the interior, coupled with the mouthwatering aroma wafting through the air, made my anticipation grow. After a short wait, I was seated at a cozy table and handed a menu filled with tantalizing options.

I decided to start with a bowl of hot, savory soup that was perfect for the chilly evening. This was followed by a main course of succulent roasted mushrooms served with an assortment of seasonal vegetables and flavorful sauces. Each bite was a celebration of taste, and I savored every moment of the meal. For dessert, I chose a classic Wisterian pastry that melted in my mouth, leaving a sweet, lingering taste.

Feeling satisfied and content, I left the restaurant and continued my exploration of the city. The streets were even more enchanting at night, with the lights casting a magical glow over everything. The festive decorations seemed to sparkle more brightly, and the air was filled with a sense of celebration.

As I walked, I came across a small park where a crowd had gathered. Curious, I joined them and discovered that a local band was performing. The music was lively and infectious, and soon, people began to dance. The joy was palpable, and I couldn't help but join in, laughing and twirling with strangers who felt like friends.

In the midst of all this, I caught the eye of a man I had met at a party two days ago. He was a tall, striking figure, and he looked at me with a friendly recognition before making his way over.

"Hi Kristen, how are you?" he greeted me with a warm smile.

I looked down at my sneakers, feeling momentarily self-conscious about my height. Standing at 5'3", I was used to looking up at people, but next to him, I felt particularly petite. He was easily over six feet tall, and his presence was both comforting and slightly intimidating.

"Hello, I'm good, how are you?" I replied, returning his smile.

"Good," he said, pausing before continuing. "What are you doing here?"

I glanced around at the bustling park, the festive decorations, and the happy crowd. "Enjoying New Year," I said simply, still feeling the warmth of the festive atmosphere around us.

"Yeah, happy New Year," he responded, his smile widening.

"Happy New Year," I echoed, feeling a sense of joy.

We stood there for a moment, both of us soaking in the festive atmosphere. The band continued to play lively tunes, and people around us were dancing and celebrating. The park was alive with laughter and music, the perfect backdrop for this unexpected reunion.

"So, are you here with friends?" he asked, his tone casual but genuinely interested.

"No, I decided to explore the city on my own today," I replied. "I wanted to have a good time on new year."

"That sounds great," he said, nodding appreciatively. "I did the same thing when I first got here. There's so much to see and do."

"Exactly," I agreed. "I visited the library earlier, and now I'm just enjoying the festivities."

He chuckled. "The library, huh? You don't hear that often. What did you read?"

I felt a smile tug at my lips. "I love romance novels. I found a cozy corner and spent a few hours lost in a book."

"Romance novels," he repeated, his eyes lighting up with curiosity. "Any favorites?"

"There's one in particular," I began, feeling a warm blush spread across my cheeks.

"Sounds like a good read," he said thoughtfully.

"Sounds like a good read," he said thoughtfully.

I nodded. "It is."

We started to walk together down the lively street, the festive New Year's atmosphere wrapping around us like a warm blanket. The streets were still buzzing with activity, and the twinkling lights created a magical ambiance. There was something liberating about walking with a stranger in this celebratory crowd, someone who didn't know me well enough to judge me.

Gathering my courage, I decided to ask him for advice on something that had been weighing on my mind for a while. "I need a suggestion," I said, my voice hesitant.