respect privacy

A week had passed, and I hadn't heard from either Karim or Harry.

Yet, amidst the turmoil, a sense of relief began to emerge. I started to envision a future where I could focus on my career and personal goals without the constraints of a relationship that no longer felt right. It was a journey of self-discovery and independence that I knew would be challenging but ultimately fulfilling.

I spent most of my time at home, dividing my hours between reading books, scrolling through social media, and cooking. I found solace in these activities, hoping that Harry had given up on me. As for Karim, we were practically strangers, so his silence didn't affect me much.

Today, I decided it was time to shift my focus and start preparing for the finance exam for the job I aimed to get after returning to my country. With this newfound determination, I made my way to the library. As I walked, I called my friend Shaan.

Shaan and I had become friends because of our shared interest in a particular subject. He was shorter than me in height but three years older. Our age difference had never mattered; we bonded over our intellectual conversations and mutual support in our academic pursuits.

As I dialed Shaan's number, I felt a sense of relief. Talking to him always provided clarity and encouragement. The phone rang a few times before he picked up, his familiar voice instantly putting me at ease.

"Hey, Shaan! It's been a while," I said, trying to sound cheerful.

"Hey! Yeah, it's been too long. How have you been?" he replied warmly.

"I'm good, thanks," I replied. "I was actually just heading to the library to study. Are you interested in joining?"

There was a brief pause on the other end before Shaan responded, his voice thoughtful. "You know, I haven't been to the library in ages. It sounds like a great idea.

A smile spread across my face at his enthusiastic response. "Meet you there in about 20 minutes?"

"Sounds perfect," Shaan agreed. "I'll see you soon."

With plans solidified, I hung up the phone and continued on my way to the library.

Shaan and I had always enjoyed studying together, bouncing ideas off each other and sharing resources. His company would undoubtedly make my study session more productive and enjoyable.

Arriving at the library, I found a quiet corner and settled down with my books and laptop, eagerly anticipating Shaan's arrival. The familiar surroundings of the library, with its rows of books and studious atmosphere, added to my eagerness to dive into my studies.

Minutes later, Shaan arrived, a stack of books under his arm and a smile on his face. We exchanged greetings and settled in, ready to make the most of our study session.

As we unpacked our books and laptops, we discussed our respective study plans. I was preparing for an upcoming finance exam, aiming to secure a job in the financial sector upon my return to my home country. Shaan, on the other hand, was delving into advanced topics in economics, exploring theories that fascinated him and would likely influence his future academic pursuits.

Our study styles were complementary yet distinct. I preferred to start by outlining key concepts and creating structured notes, a method that helped me organize my thoughts and retain information more effectively. Shaan, on the contrary, was more inclined towards deep dives into specific research papers and academic journals, extracting nuanced details and cross-referencing multiple sources to deepen his understanding.

Throughout our session, we engaged in lively discussions, sharing insights and debating interpretations of complex theories. Shaan's analytical approach often challenged my perspectives, prompting me to reconsider and refine my own arguments. Conversely, my structured approach helped him distill broad theories into concise frameworks that clarified his understanding.

Occasionally, we took short breaks to stretch our legs and recharge our minds. During these moments, we would grab a coffee from the library café, discussing our progress and exchanging recommendations for additional reading materials. These breaks not only refreshed us physically but also provided opportunities for informal brainstorming sessions that enriched our study experience.

As the hours passed in the library, Shaan and I delved deeply into our respective topics, making significant progress.

The quiet hum of focused study surrounded us, punctuated by occasional murmurs as we discussed intricate theories and shared insights.

Feeling a sense of accomplishment and gratitude for Shaan's invaluable support, I turned to him and said, "Thanks for today, Shaan. It was incredibly helpful."

He nodded with a smile, his eyes reflecting the satisfaction of productive study. "You're welcome. It helped me too. It's always beneficial to study together."

Curious about Shaan's upcoming academic challenges, I asked, "When is your exam coming up?"

"It's next month," Shaan replied, adjusting his glasses thoughtfully.

I smiled warmly. "Good luck in advance. I'm sure you'll do great."

"Thanks," he said appreciatively, his focus returning to organizing his notes.

As we packed our books and prepared to part ways, I glanced at my phone, noticing a new message from Karim: "Shall we meet at the cafe for tea?"

Considering the invitation, I eventually agreed, replying, "Sure."

Karim responded promptly, "See you in ten minutes."

The cafe he suggested was conveniently located just around the corner, and it took me a quick five-minute walk to arrive. I chose a seat near the window, drawn as always to the tranquil view outside. The soft light of late afternoon bathed the surroundings in a warm glow, enhancing the peaceful ambiance.

Within moments, Karim entered the cafe. He wore a crisp white shirt paired with black pants, exuding a professional yet approachable aura. I waved to catch his attention, calling out, "Hi, over here!"

"Hey," Karim greeted warmly, his voice calm and composed. "It's good to see you."

"You too," I replied, feeling a slight nervousness tempered by curiosity about why he had reached out after our prolonged silence.

Karim smiled warmly as he took the seat opposite mine, his presence stirring a mix of emotions within me—curiosity, uncertainty, and an odd sensation akin to sitting next to a military officer, despite knowing his civilian attire.

His question caught me off guard. "Did you break up?"

I paused, momentarily taken aback by his directness. Did he really bring me here to discuss this? Collecting my thoughts, I replied slowly, "Well, I don't know, to be honest."

Karim seemed surprised by my response. "Huh? What does that mean?"

Looking out of the window, I sighed softly before explaining, "I asked for a breakup, but he didn't agree. We haven't spoken in a week, so... I'm not sure where we stand now."

"I see," Karim nodded thoughtfully. "Just avoid him for a while. He'll understand eventually."

"Hopefully," I murmured, unsure if it could be that simple.

Changing the subject, I looked at Karim and remarked, "You know, I still can't quite believe you're an army officer."

Karim chuckled. "Well, I am."

He then pulled out his phone and showed me a picture. Curious and instinctively skeptical, I quickly scanned the image. Within moments, my research skills kicked in, and I confirmed my suspicions. With a playful smile, I teased, "This picture is from the Air Force museum, isn't it?"

Karim looked genuinely surprised. "How did you know?"

"Magic," I joked, but his curiosity persisted.

"Come on, tell me," he insisted.

I shook my head, still smiling mischievously. "Nope."

Persistence won out, and I finally relented. "Okay, fine. I'm just good at research. I scanned the logo and found the information."

Karim nodded, impressed. "You're smart."

"Indeed I am," I replied playfully.

He chuckled, and I continued with a mock serious tone, "I should've been in the FBI, don't you think?"

"If you say so," Karim agreed with a grin.

"Hey, if you know anyone there, put in a good word for me," I joked.

"Sure," Karim replied with a wink, playing along with the lighthearted banter.

As our conversation flowed comfortably, I decided to delve deeper into getting to know Karim better, curious about his background and eager to share a bit about mine.

"So, tell me about your family," I asked, genuinely interested in learning more about Karim's life beyond our current encounter.

He smiled warmly, his eyes reflecting a hint of nostalgia. "Well, I have two brothers and a sister. My parents are both retired now, living in Lorendale city in the northwest region."

Nodding thoughtfully, I pictured the serene landscapes and vibrant culture that might characterize Lorendale. "That sounds lovely. Lorendale must be a beautiful place."

"It really is," Karim confirmed with a fond smile, clearly cherishing his hometown.

Feeling a sense of camaraderie in our exchange, Karim returned the inquiry, turning the conversation towards my own family. Aware of the need for discretion, I opted to share only a brief detail. "I'm the only daughter of my parents, from the north region."

Karim nodded understandingly, respecting my choice to maintain privacy. "That's okay. I respect your boundaries."

His considerate response put me at ease, allowing our conversation to flow naturally without any pressure to disclose more than I was comfortable with. The cafe ambiance provided a relaxed backdrop to our discussion, filled with the comforting hum of patrons chatting and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee.

As our tea grew cold and we neared the end of our meeting, I found myself appreciating the genuine connection we had fostered in such a short time. Karim's openness about his family and his respectful approach to my privacy spoke volumes about his character.