they’ve rigged the whole place

My mind raced as I processed the information. We had been played, and now we were scrambling in the dark, trying to piece together what had gone wrong. My team's voices crackled over the radio, each one like a testament to the unfolding chaos. I gritted my teeth, pushing down the rising tide of frustration and anger. We couldn't afford to panic.. not now.. not when everything was on the line.

"Karim, they've rigged the whole place!" another voice shouted, this time Sergeant Mackenzie, one of my most trusted operatives. "Charges are set to blow any minute!"

My heart skipped a beat. They weren't just moving their operation.. they were trying to bury us here, along with any evidence we might find. I cast a quick glance around the dimly lit warehouse, my mind snapping into overdrive. We had to move, and fast.

"Everyone, fall back!" I ordered, my voice steady despite the chaos. "Get out of the building now! Rendezvous at the extraction point!"