everyone ready?

Karim POV:

The sun had already dipped below the horizon, casting the world in a deep blue twilight. Shadows stretched long across the ground, merging with the darkness that crept in from the edges of the forest surrounding the base. The air was thick with tension, the kind that only comes when something big is about to happen.

I made my way to the main building where my team was waiting.

Today, we were about to head back to base to report in, but then we got the call for our next mission. The target we had been searching for over the past few months was now in the area. There was no time to think about our injuries.. it was time to focus on the mission..

The compound was quiet, a clear difference to the chaos that had unfolded the night before. The remnants of the last mission still lingered in my mind, but there was no time to dwell on it now. We had to move forward, to prepare for what was coming next.