Sophie chimed in, her tone light but with a knowing edge. "I think he was just in a good mood. Maybe something in the coffee this morning."

Jack grinned, shrugging nonchalantly. "Or maybe he's just getting tired... low energy and all that. You know, can't keep up with us young ones."

I couldn't help but chuckle at Jack's bravado, even as a small part of me cringed at the thought of Mr. Fletcher overhearing. "Aren't you afraid he might hear you?"

Jack waved it off, his confidence unwavering. "As if I'm scared of him. I've faced worse—remember that manuscript that almost didn't get published because the lead character wasn't 'relatable enough'? If I survived that, I can handle Fletcher."

I nodded, trying to keep my expression neutral. "But he is right behind you."