i hated goodbye

Last night was sleepless after I ended the call with Karim.

I kept glancing at the clock, watching the minutes crawl by, waiting for the morning to arrive.

My mind raced with thoughts of him, our conversation playing on a loop, mingling with the anxiety of his mission and the uncertainty of our future.

The dark, quiet hours seemed endless.

When the first light of dawn finally broke through the curtains, I felt a mixture of relief and exhaustion.

Today.. I had a few tasks to complete at work I was also thinking about starting a new storyline along with previous one.

Time was scarce, and the to-do list seemed insurmountable.

There was also the matter of leaving Wisteria in just half a month, meaning I needed to discuss it with HR within next few days.

The flexibility of my job was a blessing..

I could work from anywhere in the world, and meetings could be handled online.